
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

mornings starting right with writing and reflection

Did you have a wonderful weekend?  I hope so!  I find the weekends hold such slow moving minutes, the more I age the faster time flies by but weekends, well they go a little bit slower.  Yesterday I was computer/internet free (I know!  I'm shocked..) and I enjoyed lots of podcasts and knitting.  I also escaped to Mars via  The Martian novel that I'm reading.

I've decided to quit judging books based on genre.  Well I hope I quit because this book is a compelling read and I'm not into science or surviving on Mars.  If I stretch my brain, I'm an apocalypse catastrophe believer, especially an epidemic... good good stuff, totally believable.  I wonder how many books I pass by because I'm "not into them".

Today my son left to go back up to his Boston apartment for a mere three weeks. After That the big epic move to Penn State University will commence and we are helping, it's what parents do.

I have reclaimed the coffee table, the kitchen counter and the laundry is almost done.  The house is eerily quiet but kind of in a good way, the two of us alone kind of way.  This is the new normal and I like it.

the origami that my son did while here....quite the collection!


  1. Your son is quite talented at origami. The dragon and squirrel are so cute!

    Did you make the bunny and her sweater? Too cute!

  2. I have had a lovely weekend, trying to savor a slower pace

  3. Another 'near miss'...we're going to be in Boston (to and from the Cape) next week. Drat. (I really liked the Martian movie....and was totally convinced I'd hate it. Go figure!)

  4. You are right - sometimes quiet is nice. Quiet weekend here too - a (five year old) T-ball game Saturday a.m., a trip to a small local ice cream drive-in for a cone on Saturday p.m., church this a.m. with a gentle yoga class late this afternoon, knitting this evening. Life is good.

  5. His X-wing fighter is awesome and that winged dragon is cool too.

  6. My DH and also his brother are Penn State graduates. When you go there, be sure to go to the Creamery for ice cream! We went east of the mts. looking for sunshine and warm temps and found both. We also found an interesting Sacawajea Museum at the confluence of the Snake and Columbia rivers.

  7. You are a good mom. My parents have never helped me move.

  8. I am glad the days of helping the girls move whilst going through University are over, I don't think we would manage it these days. A quiet weekend here too, enjoying each others company.

  9. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed reading The Martian; I loved how he never gave up. Your son's origami is great! I especially like the dragon and the snail. Can that rose be origami? It's beautiful!
    My weekend: http://highlyreasonable.blogspot.com/2016/07/a-weekend-in-pictures.html

  10. My weekends seem to go by way too fast, especially during the summer. I do enjoy them though. We didn't do anything fancy this past weekend so it was nice and relaxing. Lots of reading and fiber activities!

  11. Beautiful photos, Karen. It was a really lovely weekend here. I am glad yours was beautiful too! XO

  12. That origami is spectacular! I love reading a wide variety of books-some of my favorite ones are things that I don't normally think of as what I'm into :)

  13. Oh orgigami praise!!! Im waiting for Tell the WOlves I'm home on cd to listen to while I knit

  14. Such a nice weekend, Karen. I love your son's origami! Here is a post on my weekend: https://gracednotes.com/2016/07/18/58-candles/

  15. I'm glad you had a good weekend. I liked watching it evolve on Instagram. hehe.

    I struggled to find pace this weekend. I wanted to "to do." But I needed to rest. It all came together in balance on Sunday I think.

  16. Sounds like a great weekend Karen. Weekend here was good too, although as always, never long enough :)

  17. Sounds like a perfect weekend. We're musicians in a band that performs every weekend, but on weekend days we take time to get quiet, enjoy a long, leisurely breakfast including time to laze around and read, and then an adventure. Thank heavens for weekends!

  18. The days and weeks seem to be flying don't they. I can't decide if that is a good thing or not! It sounds like your weekend was good n slow just the sort you need after a full and busy week.

  19. Oh,origami! I love them! I know how to make some but I need to get some paper in different colours to make some for my desk! Oh thank you and your son for reminding me those times :-D

  20. I spent a lovely weekend knitting


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