
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Oh my, if you were here right now,  I'd lament over and over again about the technical difficulties I'm having today in writing and publishing this post.  I'm weary!  My photo editor (paint shop pro) is not working and later I have to uninstall and reinstall the program.  

So I guess this iphone photo will have to do instead of the lovely photos I took today with the big camera.  You'll have to use your imagination today in this post.

This weekend, we went car shopping since we are lending/giving one of our two cars to our son.  Now I bet you can guess how exciting I find this....not.  I hate to car shop, it's ultra boring and I weary of the sales pitches.  

My husband and I make a great team and we shopped all day Friday and made a decision yesterday (Honda Civic!).  Phew.  Cross that off my list in my new planner :)

Today after church, my knitting friends came over.  We knit (knitted), we talked, we caught up with each other.  I loved it so (that is one of the photos I wanted to share...).  

There has been:

:: salads :: big and little salads :: a lovely brownie from a knitting friend :: slow and easy knitting ::  a heat wave that was supposed to be over FOUR days ago :: Frodo finally recovering from the fly incident :: a clean kitchen :: 

How was your weekend?


  1. I hate car shopping too .......why all the games. Honda is a great car. I had my CR-V for almost 10 years. When I traded it in for my Subaru, it was still running great!

  2. It's cooling down. I appreciate the 80's after suffering through 90's and 100's. Honda Civics are so reliable. How fun to get a new ride. Yesterday we had some nice ohana time and today, my body is tired from our 4.58 mi run.

  3. We got our car through Costco; no games, it was great! Church today to sing in summer choir, and played with the GK yesterday. Also finished Stalin's Daughter (very interesting) and worked in the garden. A nice weekend!

  4. This weekend my daughter was home for the weekend. We hadn't seen here since May. We dodged the rain and went to a local arboretum, BBQ'd and also went out to dinner. It was so nice to see her for a little while. Hope you enjoy your new car and can figure out your computer glitches.

  5. yay! car buying is a big deal! sounds like you had a good weekend and a great Sunday! Church, knitting group + brownie. ! :)

  6. Hat is the absolute worst part of blogging. Free I use Adobe Lightroom and lve it.

    1. Uh, so I can't type apparently. Was supposed to say: THAT is the absolute worst... FOR REAL PHOTOS, I use Adobe Lightoom and LOVE it.

    2. I knew what you meant! I agree the very very worst :)

  7. I am not a fan of car shopping either but I do like the sound of the knitting group especially as it involved brownies.

  8. Yay for deciding on a new car, at least the car shopping is over with now :) I went to my family for a birthday party and actually ran a 5k fun run on Friday evening, it was a good weekend!

  9. since we've had sideway rain, strong winds and hail and cold for weeks literally, I sat by the fire and knitted, worked on university work and read 2 books and re-started Harry Potter!

  10. Yay to successful car shopping! Good choice. I love spending time with knitting friends! I have two clean bathrooms and a clean closet, plus I saw a concert! It was a grand day.

  11. So sorry about your editing program troubles, but glad you had such a fun Sunday! I'm joining in this morning with an actual blog post -- yay!!

  12. Yay to successfully navigating the car buying experience! It was a full weekend here - but I did manage to squeeze in some knitting time with a friend!

  13. Nothing is more frustrating than computer issues!
    Lovely knits, though, and knitting with friends is twice as nice.
    I had a lovely weekend that included Shabbat dinner with friends, Torah study, biking with friends, and celebrating my FIL's 88th birthday!

  14. My mother just got a Honda Civic after giving her old car to my sister! Glad that you managed to find something, car shopping can be such a bummer.

  15. I love the stripes...!
    and the photos are lovely.... ;)
    ive been recovering from an ugly flu bug - which of course had be couch bound. im really not a bed bound kind of person. being couch bound is much better!

  16. Your iphone photo is just fine...hope the technical difficulties are soon over. Your weekend sounds lovely, apart from the car shopping, that wouldn't be high on my list either, but at least you made a decision.

    My weekend was quiet, settling back in at home and liking it. I am never unhappy to return, as I love our home. I am having an extra day off work today, back tomorrow, but that is life!

    Have a wonderful week, dear Karen xx

  17. Love the colors of your sock yarn! My weekend is actually Friday/Saturday, so this weekend we ended up at the beach for the day and visited a semi-local yarn store! Bought some linen yarn to start a top in, I've never knit with linen before so this will be an adventures! --Sierra

  18. Great choice. I LOVE our Honda civic , Rhonda. Rhonda is 18 years old now. She runs like a top.
    Stick shift. No rust. Glad you got to knit with friends.

  19. I've never been car shopping before but I can see how boring and stressful it can be. My weekend had sea, knitting, heat,dog hugs,figs and feeling a bit envious/happy about friends sending me photos of their holidays.

  20. So happy you found a new car without too much trouble. I am not big on car shopping either. Loving the yarns in your photo...such great colours. Hope you had a great Monday Karen.

  21. It's frustrating when technology doesn't work isn't it. So glad you found a new car without too much bother, it isn't my favourite activity either. Hope you have a lovely week.


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