Currently on the Needles

I love when I'm sitting and then the light shifts just so, sending beams across my coffee table, hinting ever so slightly of fall.  I know, I know, it's full summer but still, that moment in time - beautiful!

My knitting is new!  I started Antarktis shawl because one too many of you have showcased this pattern in your posts.  I just had to knit it.  So far, I am loving the knitting and the zen feeling that garter stitch gifts me. The yarn is hedgehog fibres twist sock and all I can say is it's wonderful!!

I started a young adult novel that I bought at a second hand book store while in Ottawa visiting my in laws.  I bought the book solely on the cover art, which is a slippery slope on judging a novel.  It's kind of a weird story but easy reading.  I'm half way through the book and it's good.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. Great photo Karen! I thought the same thing trying to take a picture this morning!

  2. I had to go look that shawl up on Ravelry. Pretty.

    When I drove across the mountain pass on the way to the coast yesterday, the leaves in the maples were already turning. It happens every year and always takes my breath away a bit.

  3. oh, gosh...looks like we did it again; new shawl AND a YA book (based on cover art). Crazy!!!

  4. The description of that book looks really intriguing - I'll have to check it out!

  5. As a teacher, I can attest that a lot of the YA fiction is strange these days. I'm okay with that as long as it gets kids reading.
    Enjoy your Antarktis. I'm itching to start a second one!

  6. I love your pretty yarn. That shawl pattern is beautiful. I really like the mug in your photo also.

  7. It did feel like a hint of fall this morning when I took the dogs out for their/our walk. Lovely photo!

  8. Pretty photo .... I love that time of day too.

    Knitting: Red, white and blue socks in the Bubblewrap pattern.

    Reading: Nothing! I finished up one book and haven't chosen another yet.

  9. I can see just a bit of that Fall light in your picture! I'm so ready for cooler weather to come :) I've found some great books via cover art-hope you enjoy this one, the cover does look great!

  10. Ooh, I have The worst case of fall fever. I can not wait for fall light! All we have right now is 4,000% humidity blurrry gray light. I'm loving the color of your Antarktis. I may have to bump that pattern up on my Ravelry que.

  11. hi,
    beautiful the colur of your shawl. also the pattern.
    i knit on a simple shawl at time.
    wish you a wonderful week,

  12. Beautiful! I have seen that shawl everywhere too! I'm reading the first Harry Potter which is just truly is so cozy and makes me long for fall. The descriptions of big fireplaces and Halloween celebrations... Make me long for my favorite season. No sign of it here though, just hot, windy wildfire days with smoke haze filtering the sunlight.

  13. I love, love the clean lines of the Antarktis. And, no are not the only one already dreaming of fall! ;) *hugs*

  14. KNitting on my forever never ending sock leftover blanket. Reading Jen Hatmakers funny book, FOr the LOVE. Laughing all the way through it

  15. love that colour! will be so pretty!!! :))))

  16. I like this blue-green color for your newest shawl. I am guilty of judging a book by its cover. I finally finished Jane Eyre. Today I will be moving onto Pride & Prejudice once I finished reading blogs.

  17. Your Antarktis in the yarn you chose will be dreamy...

  18. That book looks intriguing - I often choose by cover art too! Sometimes that's a success and sometimes it isn't.....

  19. Oh man! Hot tea, fall light, knitting and reading, what a lovely photo. I am ready for fall. Glad to have you along on the Antarktis shawl parade. It is a lovely pattern. I'm making progress on mine.

  20. I love zen knitting :) That's what I'm hoping for coming in my next project.

  21. i love that green!!!!!
    im finishing off the last arm on my knubblechen....
    and I am hoping to get the library this weekend to stock up on some books - maybe some jam making ones?? i feel the need ;) ive been spending way too much time on the computer using up all the data reading all my lovely friends blogs *cheeky-grin* - i think its time to get a real book in my hands again.

  22. Such a lovely mood created by your photo, Karen! I sometimes read YA novels that my daughter recommends, but I've not seen yours before. I bought a copy of Gone Girl while in Scotland; it's so good that even my Dan is reading it. :)

  23. Beautiful photo, capturing the light does remind me of the cooler months which I don't want to think about yet. The Summer was so late arriving this year I want to make the most of what little Summer we have left. Take care.

  24. Beautiful photo. I love that green and the light you captured. I'm busy making my first Aurora themed baby blanket, for our first baby. Hopefully it ends up looking good!.

  25. Oooooo Emerald Green. Really pretty. I want to read this crazy gymnastics book I read about now that the Olympics are coming. I think it's called, "You Will Know Me" Happy Knitting and reading!

  26. Finished a couple of projects this week and completed Stalin's Daughter; now for some fun reading!

  27. Beautiful colour yarn and a lovely pattern, I'm looking forward to seeing it knit up.

  28. What a beautiful mug! And I too love cover art, it's an opportunity to inject a little beauty into a tiny location. Happy knitting!


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