Currently on the Needles

My antarktis shawl is making some progress and boy oh boy am I loving this knit so very much.  You should knit this, wait....most of you have or you currently are!  My notes are here

I finished my book last week Lost and Found and I really didn't care for it at all.  The story started off so promising but I felt the plot was crazy weird and the characters acted out of character.  I frequently did some eye rolling as well.  Oh well, this is the first book of the year that I wasn't thrilled with the read.  So I'm okay with a so so book.

My current book is pretty good!  I am enjoying the story as it slowly unfolds.  I read his other book A Man Called Ove and thoroughly enjoyed that book.  A great story and the translation read smoothly.  So far this one might be a winner, stay tuned.

Joining Ginny


  1. The shawl is gorgeous Karen, I loooove the color!
    I haven't had mch time this sumer so I decided to put down the knitting needles until september. I'll have a few days to myself evefry week starting Aug 30th when my daughter starts school and Little Man starts part time preschool so I'm ready for a nice bit of crafting and creating. I'll have to check out those books... Always on the look out for a good read. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I love the color and the pattern of that shawl. I am one who has yet to knit even one shawl. I may try this.

  3. Love that color! I just downloaded that pattern last week. I've been too caught up in baby knitting to really work on anything for me.

  4. great colour.....i just joined a yarn of the month club and they included that shawl pattern with the yarn. (I think I already have knit it once, but I've slept since then....maybe time to do a little reknit!?) Be sure to check out the newest book by your author....Britt Marie was Here. It's a honey!!!

  5. I also love the color of your Antarktis! I had started a similar Janina Kallio pattern (Asterism) but put it aside for some reason I've forgotten. Your lovely shawl has given me reason to get it back out into the active pile!

  6. I love the rich green! It looks like a wonderful knit.

  7. Beautiful knitting and photo as usual, Karen! I just finished My Grandmother, and I will be interested to hear what your thoughts are!

  8. Ooh pretty!

    A Man Called Ove is next on my list. A friend gave me a hard copy back in April so I just might have to read a real old fashioned book with pages! Whoa.

  9. I have to concur, great color...and yes, I've seen a lot of these lately!

  10. Your shawl looks like it would be fun! I've heard this book is very good. I liked Ove, too!

  11. Stunning color for your shawl; I haven't cast that one on but have been seeing it all over the place. It must be a delight to knit like you said! Lovely!

  12. i love that green!

  13. What a beautiful color! Great choice. :)

  14. I love the color of your shawl! I have less than 100 pages to the end of The Martian, so far I'm enjoying it even more than the movie. Hopefully this new book will be better for you! -Sierra

  15. I love the colour of this shawl!

  16. Such a pretty color for a lovely shawl. The book looks interesting. I'll have to add it to my list.

  17. I too love the color you are using to make that shawl. SO rich and green . Perfect pattern match up

  18. Your shawl is lovely!!!! And I'll check out that book, sounds interesting.

  19. What an extraordinary color. Such would keep me motivated to knit.

  20. Love the color of that shawl! I wondered whether Backman's other book was worth reading. Sounds like it is! Thanks for the suggestion.

  21. That's going to be one very pretty shawl! What a great matchup for the pattern!

  22. Wondering what your best/easiest sock knitting pattern is. I made 2 pair several years ago and would like to make more this fall, but it was in a class, with help, that I did these others. And did I mention that I was in a bit of a hurry and stopped too soon so one pair is my mom's cuz her feet are shorter!>!>!

  23. I loved A Man Called Ove! Putting this one on my wishlist! :)\

  24. Ooh I'm glad you like the book, I've been considering it. Your knitting is gorgeous, as always. I love when a pattern gets a buzz around d it and you get to see lots of different versions around.


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