
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend was awesome and it's mainly because after a grueling day of unpacking our son in his new non-air conditioned apartment in State College all day Friday, I'm blissfully in air-conditioning now that I am home sweet cool home.  I cannot remember a time where I've been so miserable because of the heat and humidity.

However, his new place does have a "breeze" and so when it's a tad cooler that will be delightful.  My RA held up beautifully and I suffered no set backs (phew!). 

Saturday after I ran a few morning errands, I did nothing except visit all of your blogs that I missed during my busy week.  I also resumed knitting and reading.  Ah, back to my boring life that I do so love.  Today, my husband made a curry dinner while I was knitting with my friends.  After I publish this post, I'll be knitting some more!

Harvard Coop bookstore which is awesome

Ikea and it's awesome too!
How was your weekend?


  1. I'm glad the move went smoothly and you're back in the cool; this weekend has been brutal. I'll be sending cooling thoughts to your son on the third floor without ac, and wish him all the best as he starts his next exciting chapter. Your socks are looking great!

  2. Ikea AND the Harvard bookstore!!!!!!! WOW~~~ now if you could have just added a yarn shop to the mix!!! Glad the move is completed. Big sigh.

  3. I love the white accent on your sock. That is PERFECT!

    Congrats to you on the good move. I hope your son is very happy in State College. It's a wonderful place, IMO.

    Have a wonderful week and happy knitting!

  4. We moved our youngest to her new college this past weekend. FGCU is lower Central Florida, gulf side. We live in Southern IN which is HIGH humidity, but I think Ft Myers gives us a run for our money. Hope you are able to keep your RA in line and enjoy your AC!

    1. wow! what a big move! I hope she likes it there :)

  5. I'm glad the move went well. Did you eat any Swedish meatballs at IKEA? My kids always enjoy their cafeteria. Let's hope this week is a little cooler. OK, a lot cooler would be wonderful!

  6. So glad that the move went well and there were no adverse effects on your RA. We had a quiet weekend, resting up after all our visitors. We now need to get the house and garden back into some kind of order.

  7. I am glad the move is over and you are back home, this weather was not perfect for moving! We made a stop to IKEA this weekend as well (but mostly we stayed where the AC was coolest!)

  8. I had a lovely weekend. We had our daughter's dog here which seems to change my pace. Lots of reading and knitting and Olympics.

  9. Glad you are home.
    My weekend was a roller coaster mix of joy and not joy. But my birthday was SUnday and it was all joy

  10. I'm glad the move went well despite the heat and humidity. I slept a lot this past weekend. I had sinus headaches since Thursday that wasn't an issue until the weekend. I tried putting off taking IB but finally took a dose Saturday evening.

  11. Helped my friend move her daughter into a shared house at Penn State many moons ago. Thinking it was a large closet when we hauled stuff in, but it was NOT a shared bedroom, so that made it OK. Hoping he enjoys his time there. The weather is breaking here, so hoping that is rippling around.

  12. I feel so bad for your son with no air-conditioning! I'm not sure my family would be able to function in the Cali heat without our air. Good luck to him with the new school year!

  13. No yarn store? :)
    Glad you are back to the things you love after the move...bookstores and Ikea sound fun. I just got a new Ikea catalog in the mail and have a feeling a visit there is in my near future. Joining you today; thanks for hosting, Karen!

  14. Love your socks! So did you make it to the Creamery?

    1. Unfortunately I am lactose intolerant so it's not high on my to do list. I bet our son will be there soon though!!

  15. Ah, a college bookstore & Ikea, what's not to love!
    I spent 9 months in Tennessee and the humidity just about killed me. Never again will I ever live in an area with high humidity, never!
    I understand your happy place ~ knitting & reading. 😊

    1. I like your goal of not living in high humidity :) PA tends to have high humidity but usually it leaves in a few weeks. yay!

  16. I am sure you know this, and I think I have said it before, BUT YOU ARE SUCH A FABULOUS MOM! Rest up. I am so impressed you are knitting two shawls at once! What a feat. And groovy socks too!

  17. So glad the move went well. Your shawls are beautiful. Keep cool and keep knitting.

  18. Sorry I got a bit behind here Karen! It looks like you have had a busy week :), but the weekend sounded perfect and restful. Here's to a quieter week?

  19. I spent some time in IKEA this past week too! I took my mother-in-law who had never been there before. Your socks are very nice!

  20. Glad all the moving is over, your weekend sounds awesome! I mostly did some reading and knitting, and on Saturday visited a zoo with some friends :)


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