
Weekends are for memory making, relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days. If you would like, please share your weekend moments in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend? My weekend started great! Our son came home for a weekend visit and I promptly quickly whipped up a pumpkin pie and chocolate chip cookies. We had a nice Friday relaxing and talking. On Saturday after a family walk, we headed out for a lunch at a favorite bagel shop. Once home we chilled out reading, occasionally talking and being together. Today was mostly kind of crappy, I had never ending computer problems from a Windows update (I'm shaking my fist and growling at Microsoft!). So after whining and complaining, my husband fixed the usb ports that were not working while I went to my knitting group. I now have residual anger. You know the kind where you are simmering and trying to let it go....