Returning Home

When I'm outside focused on the changes I see daily in my little world, I feel a sense of peace that is missing in the Spring and Summer seasons.  I love Fall.  I love the massive color changes as the trees turn and drop their leaves.  I love the cool breezes and the tree frogs that become quieter each day.  I capture some nice photos with the light shifting and angling against the woods and on the grass.  

After a brief warm up we are facing some cooler days.  I'm ready!  Are you?

This week I managed to make up for lost time in my chores from being out of town.  I'm caught up with laundry and I managed to cook dinner every single day to erase the eating out every single day while in Canada.  Returning home and being home is what I love best.  I am a wannabe traveler and I can fake it but deep down inside, I'm craving my home, my simple pleasures.

I've been reflecting on how no matter what there is something to fret over in life if you let it in.  I also have been thinking of how I manage those frets.  First and foremost, I knit!  I am sure many of you are crafters of some sort if you read my blog.  I love how my knitting helps with anxiety and creating a calm sense of peace.

I'm not perfect and I dabble in worry.  But each and every morning, I wake and I map out how I want to have my day to be.  I write what I want to accomplish and I write daily in a journal my thoughts and my reflections.  All of these morning habits help me focus on my intentions for the day.

Do I adhere to them all the time?  Nope.  Each morning is a brand new day, as my husband says "a do over".  I have a clean slate.  That clean slate gives me permission to be a better me and spend my time wisely. I might get lost along the way but then another morning occurs and another and another.  I get this opportunity to improve and hone my intentions.

I've mentioned before that I keep a gratitude list each day and writing what I am thankful for helps me think positively.  Life is good!

My gratitude list:  -gentle fall breezes -walking with my husband and Frodo daily - hot coffee in the morning before dawn - new pens and new journals - phone calls from the kids - starting a new knitting project! - the kindness of others -

What is your gratitude list?


  1. A lovely, uplifting post Karen. Today I am grateful for time on my mat this morning grounding and centering myself, for the laughter of kiddos in my home right now, for rainy days and hunkering down inside, for fall and all it's beauty, for hot cups of tea, and for a roof over my head, food on my table, and really not too much to worry about in comparison to others in this world.

    Have the most beautiful weekend.

  2. Such a beautiful post Karen so uplifting. Today I am so grateful to still have my parents, it is my dear Dads birthday and I am so grateful that I was able to spend the morning with him and celebrate this special day. I am always grateful for the love of my family.

  3. Such a thoughtful, reflective post. I am most grateful to be healthy and to be able to live the life I have of being able to stay home and keep on top of my girls and to have them, my husband, my true family, and true friends around me.

  4. Today I am grateful for Friday, and rain, and having a place to be out of the rain, and knitting. I am always grateful for knitting. A beautiful look into your daily life that is moving and filled with great reminders, especially that every day is a "do over". That tender reminder is one that seems easy to incorporate, but in actuality can be quite daunting if you are stuck on all that you did not complete the day before. Thank you for this post, Karen. It is much needed and greatly appreciated!

  5. Grateful for peace and quiet, autumn leaves, a warm house, long conversations with my children, walks on foggy mornings, cuddles with my cat, lots of books to read, and watercolours to play with. Lovely post Karen, have a wonderful weekend x

  6. I love that you love your home so much Karen. I feel the same about mine. The simple life is good. Wishing you a lovely weekend xx

  7. On my list are that first cuppa coffee, the beautiful colors of the trees, some lovely yarns, and a morning to connect with some great folks at work. I too try to hold plans and intentions loosely.

  8. Great post, Karen. I'm grateful for each and every day as well as family and friends.

  9. Grateful for blogposts such as this, fall colours & oodours, lovely loving parents, sudden sunshine on a misty day, knitting, writing a postcard, when I feel calm after a wave of anxiety.....

    1. Fall is the best and I do also appreciate the calm after a worry!!

  10. What a beautiful post ~ very inspiring for me ~ thanks and hope you have a great week

    1. Thank you!! I hope your week is just as joyful :)


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