Currently on the Needles

As you know, I'm knee deep in holiday knitting. I have yet to knit: two fair isle hats, a wurm hat, and a cowl by Christmas day (and maybe a pair of socks...). Yet yesterday, I set aside some time to start a lace weight shawl for myself. Many of you might think this is thwarting my self imposed goals, not so! I consider this a self care knitting project. I was quite joyful during my self indulgent hour of knitting. The amethyst shawl is the Asana Shawl and I am thrilled to be facing miles and miles of garter stitch. Who knew I'd be such a fan of this squishy stitch pattern. I am still reading Alexander Hamilton and enjoying it immensely. I'll be reading this for quite some time and I'm in this for the long haul. I started Commonwealth a few days ago. I have no opinions as of yet but so far I'm enjoying the plot. Oh hey! I'm having a giveaway hurry up to enter by Thursday midnight! What are you knittin...