Perhaps Maybe

Perhaps maybe, snow will fall this weekend.  Since I was a starry-eyed teen, I've wished for November snow especially on my birthday.  My mother would be beside herself listening to Christmas music coming from my bedroom at the start of Halloween.  She thought that was too early.  I disagreed and played my Johnny Mathis albums as loud as possible while singing along.

Perhaps maybe I will finish my super secret knitting.  I'm starting to feel the crafting ennui in the project but I'm ignoring that feeling and pressing along.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I am so very very close!  Once I finish, I can cast on something for myself.

Perhaps maybe this photo of Frodo with his wee tongue sticking out is the sweetest ever.  He hates to be photographed.  Camera shy?  You know who else is camera shy?  Those deer that are in my yard, they scamper away every time I see them.  I know and you know, I will get that photo shot, I always do.

Perhaps maybe I will continue my news reading diet.  I found my mind was cleared of doubt and worry by not reading every blessed article that was on my phone.  Such simple things really and yet they are far-reaching and pack a powerful punch of lightheartedness.

Perhaps maybe I'll stick to my self-imposed reading schedule.  I'm thoroughly enjoying my history book (Alexander Hamilton by Chernow).  This year, I read more non fiction and found that I'm liking the gained knowledge.  We should never stop learning. My grandfather was a strong believer in self education throughout life, he read many books and his ultimate goal was completely the New York Times puzzle in INK without the dictionary.  I am in awe......I'm still a pencil user!

I suggest you take a class, read something outside your genre or try a new craft.  Stepping outside comfort zones leads to loving your comfort zones all the more.

Perhaps maybe as I savor being with my whole family next week, I'll remember to take lots of photos to permanently document our gathering.  Perhaps maybe, I'll just be in the moment and set the camera aside.  Let's hope I do a little of both.

I'm getting excited about seeing everyone all together in one place!

Perhaps maybe you'll let me know what is on your mind.  I'd love to know!


  1. I was a little surprised by snow in the forecast, but since it is just flurries, I'll be hoping it happens on your birthday! I'm thinking about knitting, hoping the grocery store isn't too crowded today and that I remember everything, and my upcoming visit to my favorite garden store for a few new indoor plants and maybe a Christmas gift or two. I'm also thinking about everyone in your family being together in the same place; that is the best and I'm excited for you!

    1. I keep remembering lots of stuff and think I should write it down....then I forget! Today was my write it down day!!

  2. Oh, your dog is so cute! And snow! I love snow, but we don't get much of it here.
    Finding balance between documenting and just living the good times is always a challenge, but I do hope you'll enjoy the gathering.

    On my mind? The characters in my new manuscript that are not cooperating at all (I can't figure out what their story is and it's driving me crazy - you probably think I already am because of this silly unprofressional confession), the house projects that we may end up doing this weekend (more walls coming down I think), the regular housekeeping that's mostly on hold because of the above, the family "Sinterklaasavond" we're hosting on December 3rd (got to make some lists, buy gifts, etc.)...
    Oh, and perhaps maybe I'll just let go off all this and enjoy a weekend of knitting, resting and hibernating ;-)
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    1. I hope your characters shape up so you can continue with your writings :)

  3. I am excited for you having you little family all together Karen, I can't think of anything better.
    On my mind once again Dad has got confused over his medication and I am having to sort it all out, as well as all the medical appointments for next month for both my parents and husband I am going to need help.

    1. I hope all the appointments go well with you! Take a good book and some crafting :)

  4. We had a little snow and a lot of cold. I hope you get your wish. You know I love seeing Frodo. Thank you.

    1. Then you had the perfect weather day :) If Frodo could give you a hug he would!!

  5. I grew up in upstate NY and we had snow for Thanksgiving many times. My dad & grandfather used to take us for a walk in nearby woods before Thanksgiving dinner and most years we bundled up and walked through snow. We don't get much snow at all in Illinois. Wishing you have a wonderful time with your family!

    1. That is a delightful memory! I love this time of year :)

  6. A fun and sweet post, Karen. I love all of those little layers in Frodo's fur. We've been talking about getting a dog. The husband has to decide if this is really a good fit for our sized house and family by his 2017 August birthday.

    1. Oh I can't wait to see if and when you get a pup! They are a lot of work the first two years :) if you get a "high energy" dog then it's like five years...but the work is worth it to me.

  7. On my mind...snow, and snuggling in at home for a quiet and calm weekend. You can bet there will be reading, knitting, movie watching with my little man and many cups of tea. Have a wonderful weekend Karen.

  8. We have a bit of snow in the forecast, but it seems so unlikely - especially since it is in the 70's here today! I love your photos, as usual. I love that late fall look!

    1. I bet you did get that snow according to my sister!!

  9. All of sudden here the winds are howling. The lake was angry looking but two wind surfers were absolutely flying across the waves having a blast. Right now, I'm in front of the fire, with a big warm cat snuggling me, a full belly and the promise of knitting socks tonight....

  10. And in blew November. Earlier in the week, temps in the mid seventies, today 40 degrees and wind blowing a gale. Wishing you a wonderful time with your family.

    1. isn't it fantastic!!?? I love fall and winter.

  11. Loved your photos, Karen. No snow here; it's just colder and threatening to rain some more.

    1. boo to the rain! MY hair looks a mess in rain.


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