
can you see them?
 Oh these January days are blissful.  I'm noticing the bits of daylight added each and every day, knowing soon that the after dinner walks are beckoning - can't wait.

Yesterday, I was sidetracked by my aging computer.  I decided that the photos on my computer that are backed up to an external hard drive were not safe enough.  So I burned some photos onto CDs and then saved them onto a huge flash drive.  I feel good I've got three safe places.  Of course, there are some on the cloud but that doesn't feel secure enough for me..

Anyways, I love my new camera lens (50mm) and I see the world differently.  The creativity spark is most welcome when I walk around the yard.  Good old Frodo, he loves the walk as well.  We walk, we stop, I snap a photo and he looks at me wondering when we can keep on walking.

I'm nearing an entire week of no company. Instead of focusing on my projects I've been cleaning and tidying my house.  I haven't started my sewing project nor have I read much of Alexander Hamilton. Each morning I write out my daily goals and I end up doing "stuff" not written on my list.

Oh January you are refreshing!


  1. Well, that's okay. We don't have to stick to a list. Unless the list says -- do what you want. Then you should stick to the list.

  2. So, good to hear you are enjoying your days, dear Karen! Your photos are beautiful and so soothing!

  3. Really beautiful pictures. Using a good camera is one way to be more mindful of what we see. Lists are good as starting points!

  4. I did a major cleaning of the house this past weekend, Karen. It's still thanking me! : ) I am notorious for putting things on my to do list and then never looking at the list. I really need to become more disciplined about that!

  5. Always a pleasure to visit. Your photos are a delight, a good camera is on my list of wants. Maybe when we have moved and are settled...

  6. Even if you're doing things not on your list, your days sound busy, productive, and filled with things you enjoy. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos so we can see the world differently also!

  7. Stunning photos that somehow make January look beautiful, nicely done Karen!

  8. Well, ho dang! You take "Back Up" to a whole 'nother level. Which reminds me...I need to upload my files to Dropbox.

  9. Girl, you are the Queen of Back Up! I have mine in iCloud... and that's it. Probably should do something about that! LOVE your photos with that 50mm lens! Glad you and Frodo are enjoying photo ops! blessings and hugs ~ tanna
    ps I'm counting the extra minutes every day, too. ;)

  10. I love your positive spirit, and it sounds like you are accomplishing LOTS even if they're things not on your goals list. ♥

  11. Backing up is super important - even better is actually printing the photos off - this is a big summer project for me and also writing the stories that go with the photos. I've such a backlog, but it has been too hot for me outside, so it is getting done. Yay. Love your pics!

  12. I worry about my photos too, I don't think you can be too safe with them can you.

  13. I'm so jealous of your photographic skills. And thank you for the back up reminder. I desperately need to do that.

  14. Great photos. I too have just noticed the afternoon sun a bit bolder at 3 than it was days ago. It helps the sun is shining. I went outside and stood at the bird feeder, again, with sunflower seeds in hand...for. a . long. time.
    My fingers were freezing. A chickadee or two came very very close. Examined my hand. The seeds.....and then flew away. I'm getting closer though.

  15. Photo storage is one of those tasks I try not to think about. Sounds like you did some good work.

  16. It is rather easy to get sidetracked when there is that much beauty around! Well done on finding another backup so that these stunning photos will never be lost.

  17. Nice photos, Karen! Those deer really blend in, don't they? Our days are slowly getting longer. Sunrise today 4 minutes before 8 and sunset at 4:45 ~ our days were even shorter at the end of December. Lists are fine, but not following them is OK, too! Enjoy the long weekend!


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