
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

We had the best weather ever over the weekend.  Blue skies, warm air-- I loved it!  I had my first walk of not wearing a hat or mitts or a scarf.  I felt free and easy - unfettered in my fleece jacket.
My confession is that I do like the signs of spring.  My love of winter will never waiver, but spring has some awesome moments in my life.

My husband and I had dinner at a chinese restaurant laughing over our fortunes.  Mine spoke truth!

Saturday we tackled some pesky household duties.  I bought some new furniture knobs to replace one I broke on our bedroom set (very old, bought by my parent's in 1961).  Now I'm trying to be gentle as I yank open drawers..

My husband started to work on the kid's bathroom again.  He redid the bathroom last April but during the holidays we discovered a water stain on the ceiling.  When he went up in the attic he accidentally stepped on the drywall of the ceiling (doh!!) so he's re-taping and re-mudding the ceiling.  Also we had a roofer come and fix the minor leak.

We walked every day, had grilled chicken and simple salads for dinner.  

How was your weekend?


  1. I had a lovely weekend with family, always a joy to see Grandchildren. There are signs of Spring all around here too, wonderful.

  2. Great fortune! So true. Glad you had such a lovely weekend. The temps around here cooperated as well. It was glorious!

  3. Your weekend sounds wonderful, Karen. I loved your fortune...it is good advice for both of us, eh? Grilled chicken and simple salads for dinner sounds wonderful! I love a good salad.

    Love it that you are now feeling "at home" on Saturday evening Mass. :)


  4. on the road again.....for us. looking forward to some nice quiet down time in the future....I'm going to try to make my next weekend look just like this past weekend was for you!!!!

  5. Household tasks are pesky, and I especially dislike suspicious leaks. Glad you got them taken care of and could enjoy that incredible spring weekend (in February)!

  6. I'm glad your house doesn't have major problems and that they're fixable. Our palm tree by teh garage is shedding dead branches. I worked up a light sweat transporting them to our yard's alley for the gardener to cut up when he comes. The husband is looking into pruners but they seem busy with storm weather on the horizon. Still waiting for the estimates. Love seeing Frodo and the texture of his fur. I follow a few Wire Fox terrier accounts on IG. They make me smile every time. I'll look for miniature Schnauzer ones too. There's the timer. Time to make tea.

  7. My weekend was good thanks, a nice walk yesterday blew away the cobwebs! Your weekend sounds like it was a lovely one too. The signs of spring are welcome. I love winter, but I am always ready for the change of season. Love your new header, Karen. Have a great week xx

  8. The weather certainly has given me a case of spring fever! There has been lots of walking here and even some closet clean outs which netted 3 bags of things to be donated!

  9. We had the same weather...so amazing!!! It was perfect for cleaning out the chicken coop and the inside of the car ;)

    Have a great week Karen.

  10. We had a lovely warm weekend. I walked one day in jeans and short sleeved T - hard to believe it is February in Nebraska. Otherwise it was quiet, we went to church, my husband washed the cars, and I went to a gentle yoga class late on Sunday - some knitting, some reading in between. OH and Face time with the grands. I do miss them.

  11. A lovely warm weekend wth my family! IM sad now it is over. I even got a tiny bit of color outside on Sunday over a long walk. we met 3 puppies this weekend. Puppytime is here. We met a german shep, a lab and a mix mutt. Lots of knitting too

  12. My weekend was spent inside, helping dad clean out his apartment for an upcoming move. But the outdoor option was wet and grey so it was a good choice!

  13. I'm not going to ruin the good vibe of your weekend complaining about ours. LOL!! ;) blessings ~ tanna


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