Young at Heart

nearing the middle point of the body shaping Today is another rainy dreary day. Oh for a bit of sunshine - that would be lovely! The benefits of a rainy day numerous. First of all, my bathrooms will be clean by lunchtime and I'll have the afternoon to knit and read and listen to some podcasts. Today will be a good day and I'll have some sunshine in my heart. I'm on the last dish wash cloth! Focusing on knitting these quick projects has thrilled me to no end. I think I knit two a day? Maybe. So I'm a bit sad that I'm on the last one but it's time to focus on that sweater in the above photo. I want to get back to squishy wool. Cotton is not forgiving in the hands, at least for me. cluck cluck I've been steadily learning my computer and overall the amount of information to digest has been fine. Whenever I hit a snag, I'm like a deer in headlights. "oh no! What should I do?" I have yet to figure o...