Young at Heart

nearing the middle point of the body shaping

Today is another rainy dreary day.  Oh for a bit of sunshine - that would be lovely!  The benefits of a rainy day numerous.  First of all, my bathrooms will be clean by lunchtime and I'll have the afternoon to knit and read and listen to some podcasts.  Today will be a good day and I'll have some sunshine in my heart.

I'm on the last dish wash cloth!  Focusing on knitting these quick projects has thrilled me to no end.  I think I knit two a day?  Maybe.  So I'm a bit sad that I'm on the last one but it's time to focus on that sweater in the above photo.  I want to get back to squishy wool.  Cotton is not forgiving in the hands, at least for me.

cluck cluck

I've been steadily learning my computer and overall the amount of information to digest has been fine.  Whenever I hit a snag, I'm like a deer in headlights.  "oh no! What should I do?"  I have yet to figure out how to get this computer to communicate with the printer.  I'm telling you now, it isn't going to happen.  I've googled and exhausted the internet.  I'll have to go old school and use a flash drive...

My printer is over seven years old so maybe I need to upgrade?  Perhaps.  We will see.

my favorite aunt stitched this!

My other learning curve is doing some part time babysitting for a friend who needs child care in their home until the summer.  I'm caring for a one year old for merely 7 hours a week (two mornings).  I forgot SO MUCH when it comes to little ones.  And I forgot all the guesswork involved anticipating a little one's needs.  Does she want food, is she tired or the worst thought ever - does she like me???After I'm home, I need a nap like a one year old from all my overthinking.

When we stop learning we stop growing.  Learning keeps us young at heart.  Have you learned something new?

red bowl from my step mom and the heart bowl from my sister :)


  1. Yes to learning something new! And I share that fatigue of caring for tiny people. I am surprised at how much I have forgotten about being with babies but a little nap is very helpful!

  2. We had trouble with my computer/printer communication. I'm sure you've checked this, but if you didn't .....make sure they are both on the same internet network. Our provider gives us two options (which you will see on you wifi set up page). Our printer picked one by default and the computer was set on the other one. So, they wouldn't communicate with each other.

    The dishcloths are a beautiful color.

    So, you watch podcasts too. Any favorites you'd like to share with me? I'm always looking for new-to-me podcasts.

    1. hmmm, I do have 5g and regular so I need to check into that.

  3. Learning, growing, and adapting are key, and I think you do all of them so well! I used to wish that babies came with instruction manuals, but it sounds like they still haven't fixed that part of caring for a child. A good nap is restorative for almost anyone, whether they are one or older than that. Enjoy your naps and weekend!

  4. Yay for learning new things. My new learning curve has been using this laptop to the point that I actually feel comfortable with it. I've used a desktop for the last 20+ years so it has been an adjustment, but I'm starting to not be afraid of it. :) My other new learning experience was making cold process soap for the first time. When I was finished I was like, "So why have I been afraid of trying this???" Karen, I really like the containers that you have your plants in. They make such a nice display. That is something else that I'm not be afraid to spend a little more money and get the pots that I really really like instead of settling for something less expensive...less attractive. :) I love that bowl that your stepmother gave you. It looks like a piece of hand blown glass. Is it? Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Have you downloaded the printer driver for your model from the manufacturer?

    1. Oh, is the computer a laptop? Could you just plug it into the printer when you want to print things?

    2. I've downloaded and installed the drivers, the laptop (mac) says the printer isn't connected. Any yes! I could plug in the computer but where's the fun in that (ha ha ha!).

  6. I've got nothing for computer help. I'm the "ID 10 T" person they talk about as far as that goes.

    I love learning things - though admittedly, more when *I* want to than when I have to!

  7. Yay for learning new things. And yay for young ones, but the do tire you out. Napping is one of my favorite things to do - lol (and no little ones in my world at the moment...I just tire myself out in other ways). Good luck with the printer. I can't help - mine hasn't worked for a year now!

  8. I let Fireman handle this stuff. Then when he reaches THAT point, I call the number and talk to a sales or rep. I'm the phone call person. He's the read the directions one

  9. yes, lots to learn in life! I can struggle with overthinking too! God give you mercy and strength!

  10. I certainly hope I feel there is always something to learn! Good luck with the printer but you may be correct...10 years is a long time in the tech world!

  11. Oh boy, taking care of a one year old? You are adventurous. I'd be like, when is naptime? I love your little bowls; they're so cute. My husband takes care of the computer issues here. If I'm having trouble with something, I tend to reboot.

  12. As someone wrote above, I hope I always feel like there are new things to learn. Sometimes I do wonder why I have to relearn some things more than once though. Enjoy the sweater, it is coming right along.

  13. Little People will wear you out. LOL! In a good way, but still, a nap would be nice. ;) I think when we stop learning, we stop living. It does seem to take more effort these days. LOL! Have a wonderful weekend, Karen! blessings ~ tanna
    ps love your pile of happy cloths.

  14. the sun is shining brightly here - amazing how much of an attitude adjustment blue skies and sunshine can make (hope you get some your way really soon!) and you know I can totally relate to how tired caring for a little one is - of course she likes you!! (and don't forget, she probably gets TWO naps a day and a really good night's sleep :)

  15. Karen, what a lovely post, just what I needed today. I especially loved the saying on the sampler, it is so important to remember. Yes, I wonder if the problem you are having is with the printer and not your computer. I have a mac as well and I found it very easy to pair with the printer, so I bet that is the issue. Boy, I admire you for taking on caring for a one year old! Yes, it is a learning curve for sure!

  16. Oh my gosh! Those chickens are adorable! I feel for you with the computer issues. We had to buy a new printer & it won't talk to our old computers. So now, we have to put everything on a flash drive then wait for our daughter to get home from school to use her computer to print.

  17. I feel as though I am constantly learning new things and hope to never stop. You had me laughing with the baby...does she even like you, how could she not.
    I wish I could knit some dishcloths as yours have me green with envy. Unfortunately I lack the patience to knit with cotton as it hurts my hands as well.
    Enjoy all the new things, Karen!

  18. So enjoyed catching up with you today! :)

  19. Good to catch up with you. Love your two little bowls, such sweet gifts.


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