
I'm sitting here with a cup of hot green tea in my favorite mug savoring this weekend. The past two days was fabulous. The weather was beautiful and even though the humidity was more than I like and my RA flared a wee bit, I still loved every minute. On Saturday we went to some town festivals. One was an arts festival where all sorts of artists sold their wares. I was inspired to branch out of my knitting and dabble in drawing and painting. I am envious of their skills! My favorite is pottery....gah. I didn't buy anything this year but I do drool over the bowls and mugs and more mugs. My cupboard is busting from the amount of mugs I own.. I can never pass up a good bathroom tile floor :) My husband and I shared a portobello mushroom wrap and some fries. Sharing lets you eat lots of flavors for half the calories. I've made the wrap at home a few times but it tastes much better when someone else makes it. ...