
Did you have a nice weekend?  Mine was jammed full of family.  Oh and lots of evil (but delicious) food.  I was lucky to spend time with my sister and see the rest of my family.  The weather was perfection!  Suddenly it seems like winter is a mere memory and summer, yes summer is whispering.

While visiting my sister I had the pleasure of hearing a northern mockingbird through out the night calling for a hot date.  I must say, he/she is quite persistent and caused a tiny bit of insomnia for everyone.

I had fun being with family and eating delicious food.  My sister is a fantastic cook and baker.  I am ready though for a marathon of salads for lunch.  A tiny weekend of extra calories is not easy for me.

The weekend is officially over and now I am tackling all the chores of returning home.  Unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and trying to find the kitchen counters after a massive drop off of 'stuff'.

me on the left and my sister on the right

me and my son

How was your weekend?


  1. Your weekend sounds wonderful

    I was full of house-hunting and a bit of quiet relaxation near the ocean. It was lovely.

  2. What a beautiful weekend you had! I'm always struck by how much you and your sister look alike, and your son is looking so grown up. I've been wishing to hear birdsong, and now I've got a very persistent nuthatch waking me up at 5:00 am in his quest for a mate. Love your little toad friend!

  3. What a nice weekend. You and your sister could pass for twins! Years and years ago when I had an apartment with some friends we had a Mockingbird who would sing all night long...every night...right outside our windows. He/she never bothered me, but my friends were going crazy!!

  4. It was a beautiful weekend in our area as well. We have actually turned on the air conditioning through the day a couple of times. Amazing! You and your sister could pass for twins (are you?) :) What a handsome young man! Hope you have a great week after all that "evil" food! LOL!

  5. Great spring time/summer's on the way photos! My weekend was spent working but the weather was excellent so no complaints here.

  6. Ours was different as we didn't sing because we'd missed the required practices, having been gone to the Midwest. As a result though we were able to attend a family brunch that we normally miss due to singing. And in the evening we had a fun dinner with our younger daughter's family. It was a nice day!

  7. It was a great weekend, with weather very much like you describe here. It seems like it's been a long time coming, for sure.
    So glad you had a great weekend.
    Wishing you a belated, but very sincere, Happy Easter!

  8. Your family is beautiful; what a blast you had with them. I had a lovely weekend of a tea date and of a relaxing day. I can only handle one event per weekend. I like my Sundays lazy and easy.

    1. And thank you for your sweet comment on my sock post. Pinterest gives me ideas and I'm lucky to have some pieces in my wardrobe I can use to style FO's.

  9. You look beautiful. Do you curl your hair ends ? Your son is a handsome one. We had a busy busy weekend. Good to see friends and family. Tired tonight. oh and we had an awesome thunder lightening display Saturday night. Awesome

  10. As my sis said yesterday, "family around the table is always a good thing." Yesterday, my husband and I had brunch with my sister and her two grown children. We had a lovely time together. The two of us also look quite alike - just like you two. What would we do without a close sister?

  11. Sounds like the perfect Easter, Karen!! LOVE the family photos. You and your sister look so much alike! We had a VERY BUSY weekend of Easter celebration. So fun. But, like you, I'm ready to clean up the diet again! Ha! blessings ~ tanna

  12. Looks and sounds like a lovely weekend - it's nice to catch up with family. Ours was quieter than usual, but I got a lot of things done, while still having time to relax, so it worked out perfectly. :-)

  13. Frodo looks very happy to see you! Love the family photos and how much alike you and your sister look and what great smiles you share with your son. Hope re-entry (and getting back to normal food) has been kind ... it's always hard for me to settle back down, even after a quick trip away.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Lovely photos

  15. What a lovely weekend. Love seeing the family pics :)

  16. What a wonderful Easter weekend you had! Ours was good as well. : ) I noticed in one of your photographs that you have a collection of tea cups; so do I! Yet another way we are alike! xo


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