
I'm sitting here with a cup of hot green tea in my favorite mug savoring this weekend.  The past two days was fabulous.  The weather was beautiful and even though the humidity was more than I like and my RA flared a wee bit, I still loved every minute.

On Saturday we went to some town festivals.  One was an arts festival where all sorts of artists sold their wares.  I was inspired to branch out of my knitting and dabble in drawing and painting.  I am envious of their skills!  My favorite is pottery....gah.  I didn't buy anything this year but I do drool over the bowls and mugs and more mugs.  My cupboard is busting from the amount of mugs I own..

I can never pass up a good bathroom tile floor :)
 My husband and I shared a portobello mushroom wrap and some fries.  Sharing lets you eat lots of flavors for half the calories.  I've made the wrap at home a few times but it tastes much better when someone else makes it.  I wonder why?

Today I babied myself to recover from the RA flare.  I knew the flare was caused by humidity so being in my climate control home did wonders.  I feel absolutely fine today and I'm ready to tackle whatever tomorrow brings.

UPDATE:  I did figure out the computer issue, I upgraded the operating system which changed how I was resizing my photos for my blog.  After hours of being frustrated,  I discovered a new method (thank you google).

How was your weekend?


  1. It was very similar to yours. I had a flair-up of my arthritis and IBS this weekend. Today is MUCH better.

    We also went to a makers' market. I *almost* purchased another bowl to use as a yarn bowl, but I didn't NEED it and good sense prevailed. I only have so much room in this teeny tiny apartment.

    I agree with you on the food too ......I could make it, but it's so much better when someone else does it. LOL

  2. Oh Your market looks fun! Sorry about the R.A. It rained all weekend. Fireman and I went to the movies. Saw the Zookeepers Wife. OMG. Best movie I've seen in a long long time.

  3. We had totally different weather here: cold and rainy. Saturday I went shopping with a friend. Today was the opening for my Jewish art group. Now I need a day to recover!

  4. So glad you are feeling better!! Lovin' your knits! We had storms and a cold front. There were terrible tornadoes about 30 miles west of us. So sad for those folks. So quickly life can change.
    I can relate to food tasting better if we don't have to prepare it. LOL! Stay well. blessings ~ tanna

  5. What lovely knitting in this post. I'm glad you were able to get out and about despite that small flare up. The portobello wrap sounds yummy. Me and the husband hardly share; his appetite is twice the size of mine. We usually trade bites.

  6. Like others we had all kinds of rain and cold weather. I covered a few plants last night. I managed a walk yesterday - in my winter parka for heaven's sake - but today I stayed in and sewed up a storm on my Grandson's quilt. I am finally making some progress. I like the look of that purple shawl. I have been looking at purple yarn lately - you know - branching out from blue.

  7. Sorry about your flare. We have had so much rain this year I might be growing moss. My week d was good but a bit busier than I would have liked. Hope the humidity calms down for you.

  8. Our weekend was a complete wash out. we got 9 inches of rain! But that's ok. We needed the down time and time to just be together without having to get something done. I did some knitting, some cleaning, and after the rain stopped yesterday, some shopping. All in all it was a good weekend. Love those knitting projects you have going! I'm glad your flare up is in control and you know just what triggers it. :) Hope you have a wonderful week!

  9. I'm sorry to hear about the flare over the weekend, but am so glad that after being back home out of the humidity that was around you on Saturday at the festival you are feeling fine!

    I love pottery also! But my cupboards have the same problem as yours...lots of mugs! :)

    Our weekend was good...auction on Friday night...shared that time with friends (one of whom I met through blogging) ...Saturday was dinner out and a trip to Lowe's to pick out paint and supplies to redo the kitchen! YAY! Sunday was church and resting!

  10. I hope you are recovering from your RA flare! We had torrential rains and bad storms all weekend but it didn't stop us from throwing a wonderful retirement party for our Pastoral Associate on Sunday afternoon.

  11. I love how beautiful everything looks when you share your photos, even bathroom floors! I'm glad your RA flare has eased and hope your week (and the month of May) is off to a good start.

  12. oh I'm so glad you're feeling better today - the climate here would be awful for you... (it is, however, good for keeping dry skin at bay and "encouraging" curly hair to do all sorts of crazy things!) love the glimpses of life beyond the knitting in your lap !

  13. Sounds like a fun weekend apart from the flare up. Sadly Gerard has had a flare up too but I think that is because we are doing too much. We need to slow down.

  14. Things almost always taste better when someone else makes them.
    Good to hear you are feeling better
    My allergies have been flaring up..

  15. I am so glad that you had a good weekend in spite of the RA flare-up. It was a nice weekend here too, but we are in for some sub-freezing weather this week. Not at all unusual for this area. This weather is the perfect weather for town festivals. Our farmer's markets will begin soon, and I look so forward to those.

    Glad you got your computer "stuff" figured out. I'm great with computers when they work, but when they don't...
    We won't even go there!
    Have a great week!

  16. Very happy to hear you're feeling better today and I hope your week is relaxing and beautiful!! We had a chilly weekend, but this week is looking warm and sunny!

  17. I love tile floors too! Except until I think about all the work they need to stay looking clean and shiny! Can't wait to see your purple shawl!!!

  18. I'm glad you took care of yourself. It sounds like a lovely weekend where you were able to find some balance. I had a good weekend. I would've liked a little more balance, but I think it was pretty good. Family, knitting, friends, errands :)


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