
Happy Memorial Day!  Today we had lots of chicken and vegetables on the grill and it was fabulous.  There was corn on the cob too - that is what makes it a summertime celebration.  My friend came over earlier in the afternoon and we sat and knit outside by the pool while Frodo tried his best to put his frisbee into the pool.

Oh yeah, hey - the pool liner did have a leak and some young pool guy donned on a wet suit, went into our pool that is about 50 degrees and fixed it for us.  Now to put in six inches of water...slowly since we have well water.  We run the water hose for one hour three times a day.

Yesterday, my husband and I went to garage sales, driving on back roads we've never been on.  I saw some beautiful houses, lovely gardens and enjoyed being out in the fresh air.  I found tons of yarn at one house for only $8 (well worth around $100).  That was quite the find!  There's a photo of it on my instagram account if you want to see it.

We've got some more celebrating on Monday with our son for his birthday.  We'll have a lunch out and probably more visits to bicycle shops.  I am banking up all this good behavior in bike shops for future yarn shopping.  I'll confess, my husband is more patient than I am.  I guess that makes him a better person....

One more thing- I bought some yarn to do this shawl - I cannot wait for yarn mail to arrive so I can cast on.  I'm itching to start this one -and yes I did go through all of my stash and nothing quite matched.

Stay tuned for my next blog post about the "perfect" sweater.


  1. yay about the pool being fixed!!!! sounds like a lovely weekend so far! So glad!!! God bless!!!

  2. Sounds like you had a good time this Memorial day. That is great you got your pool fixed! the shawl looks really nice! I really like the stripes in the beige and the lace in the white. That is such a great deal for all that lovely yarn, great find!

  3. Your photo of the everygreen branch is spectacular!!!

  4. My weekend has been lovely! Thanks for sharing your greens! https://chasingstories.wordpress.com/2017/05/28/weekending-a-long-one/

  5. Thrilled to hear your pool has been fixed. I love a bargain so it was a thrill to hear about your yarn haul.

  6. so glad you got the pool fixed - jut in time! and I LOVE that Whiteout shawl ... can't wait to see the yarn you chose.

  7. I've been eyeing Whiteout, too. Melanie Berg patterns are always fabulous. I can't wait to see what colors you chose!

  8. A fixed pool, a new project decided upon, your son's birthday, and that wonderful yard sale score, that was indeed a great weekend! I hope your yarn arrives quickly so you can cast on!

  9. Wow! You really scored at that yard sale! I love that shawl pattern. Can't wait to see what colors you've chosen.

  10. Oh a cast on countdown! Love that. Love that your pool is fixed. We are having beautiful weather. Allison is here and it is very fun.

  11. What a lovely weekend, Karen and your wool bargain...wow! I have been a terrible blog visitor of late and have missed your space, I am so glad to be here today xx

  12. Aw, sounds divine. Very satisfactory living. Looking forward to your upcoming sweater post.

  13. Your weekend sounds lovely, Karen. Celebrating your son's birthday sounded like fun. Our weekend was busy with purchasing a new vehicle, church and taking flowers to the graves of our family members. Have a wonderful week!

  14. sounds like a lovely weekend.. we braved the school field sidelines in the cold to support G in his tag rugby festival over the weekend. the rest of it we hunkered down underblankets and watched movies. Happy birthday to your son xx

  15. Sounds like a beautiful weekend. There's something special about driving slowly and mindful, discovering roads you haven't been on before. I'm hoping for a little of that this weekend xx

  16. Such a find of yarn!! You go, girl! Love weekends like this! Perfect weather for roaming. I'm always amazed that the perfect yarn for a new pattern is NEVER in my stash! LOL! blessings ~ tanna


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