Gathering Mindfulness

This week has been a tender week for me.  Twice this week, the rudeness of strangers aimed at me has left me taking their words and behaviors personally.  I wish I wasn't so sensitive!  Today is a new day, I'm gathering my mindfulness and caring kindness.  Let's hope I move through this day with grace.  Also, I am accepting myself as I am - sensitivities and all.

My sister is arriving this afternoon for a girls only weekend.  We have been looking forward to this for a few months.  You know very well, we will be knitting and talking.  We have a few brief outings planned for both days.  I'm excited!

The new pool liner is in place, the whole process took about 12 hours and everyone worked hard in the heat.  I made lemonade for them hoping that would help.  The exciting part was when the water was delivered, I felt like a kid in a trance by the gushing water.


My son said he was looking forward to fall which gave me license to wish for future seasons.  I'm still noticing the goodness of these summer days.  I spotted three herons at the pond on my way home from a haircut.  That was a sight to behold!  I pulled the car over and managed a photo of one of them who was ready to be famous on this post. The birds are still singing in the mornings, but the sunrise is a little later each day.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope your sisters weekend is gentle and renewing!

    1. You are right, being together is renewing :)

  2. Oh a Sisters Weekend!! Good for you - enjoy. Love your pool photo and the heron - so pretty.

  3. I love your black-eyed susans, fixed pool, heron, and sisters' weekend! It's hard to dismiss rudeness aimed at you no matter where it's coming from, but when it happens, I always remember a scene in Harry Potter:
    “I don't mean to be rude—" he began, in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable.
    "Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often," Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely.” That always makes me laugh.

    1. I love that quote from Harry Potter! Thanks for that. :-)

    2. the BEST quote ever :) you are wonderful, Bonny!

  4. your swimming pool is so lovely! I love it! have a great weekend and special family time!

  5. I hope you have a wonderful time with your sister this weekend!

  6. I'm so sorry you had people be rude to you. Unprovoked, unexpected rudeness or unkindness is the very worst kind. People who are HSPs (highly sensitive personalities), which I am, have a difficult time letting go of these kinds of encounters. And people who are not HSPs have a hard time understanding why we take it so much to heart. Enjoy your time with your sister. And that's a great photo of the heron!

    1. I know I'm highly sensitive and chant 'this is not a big deal'. I know I will recover in 24-48 hours :)

  7. Random rudeness is, sadly, becoming MUCH more common. I'm so sorry that happened. Hopefully, sister weekend will be SO wonderful it will remove that memory forever. HUGS!

  8. Both my sisters are in from out of town/state visiting me this weekend! Can't wait to be with them! Sorry that someone could be rude to such a sweet person! I am more like you and I know I could never treat someone that way! Beautiful pictures! I enjoyed them very much.

  9. I am sorry to hear that some people made you feel bad, I am sensitive as well so I understand how this can shake you. I hope you are feeling better! your pool is so nice, that's great you got the new liner and can enjoy it :) I am enjoying the summer days too and look forward to fall but I want to soak up the Summer while it is here too. Hope you enjoy your sister's visit! that is fun that she knits too, my sister crochets and it is nice to have this passion in common with her. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    1. Ah, we have something else in common, sisters who craft! I love when we get together and work on our knitting.

  10. How could ppl be rude to you? It's their karma; watch out idiots. Your upcoming visit sounds fun. What a great pool you have. My girls would love to swim in that.

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking! The nerve.

  11. Sending good thoughts ... and best wishes for a fabulous SISTER weekend! ENJOY!!

  12. So sorry about rude people. They exist. They hurt themselves even more than they hurt you.
    Your upcoming visit sounds fun. My best friend is flying in from California tomorrow, so I also will be enjoying a visitor.

    1. I hope you had a great time with your friend.

  13. I ♥ your photos! Sartre wrote: "Hell is other people". Sometimes that's true, isn't it? I am very sensitive, too, but really, there is no excuse for rudeness. Wishing you lots of hugs and love, my friend, and a great weekend with your sister.

    1. I agree with that quote :) I wish I could pass out manner books!

  14. I think sensitivity is a strength. It makes us kind and compassionate to others. Your knitting is summer perfect. Enjoy that refreshing pool and your sister. Nothing like a few days with a sister to brighten the world.

    1. My sister and I had a great time and thank you for your kind words :)

  15. Nature just inspires a person. I am planning yo commune with nature, aka the beach, this week!!!

    1. Every single day I see something to write about or take a photo of.

  16. Your photos are beautiful as always! Hope you enjoy your time with your sister & I'm so sorry you've encountered rudeness. Enjoy the 'new' pool.

  17. I had someone, not a stranger unfortunately, who periodically hurt me/my feelings. Every time she did something mean or rude, I'd do my best to ignore her and then go do something nice for someone else just to even things out. I think it made me feel like I had the final word. Or something. People... Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I do that! When the Monday incident occurred at a grocery store, when I was at checkout I let the guy behind me go ahead of me. His face was beaming with happiness and that made me somewhat happier.

  18. The rudeness of others whether really meant or just thoughtless comments can really hurt and leave us wondering why me. Hoping your weekend with your sister is wonderful, the flowers are beautiful.

    1. I agree! Thanks for the well wishes, we had a fabulous time together.

  19. That pool is lovely. ALL THE post photos today are sharp and lovely. I'd love to see the pool at night. A lit pool is a lovely thing!

    1. Thanks Kathy! The photos were taken with the nikon and not my iphone :)

  20. I try really hard not to take the rudeness of strangers to heart but it isn't easy to ignore. I hope that the weekend with your sister renews your spirit. Have a great day!

  21. I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your sister, Karen, and that the time with her will make others' insensitivities hurt a lot less.


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