Knitting News

I am knee deep in knitting long term projects this summer.  Yesterday, I worked on the body shaping of my top down sweater.  No thinking involved on my part just knitting miles of stockinette with decreasing every eight rows.  I love this part of the sweater knitting.

My whiteout shawl is looking lovely.  I'm completely over the doubting phase and wondering should I drop a needle size, or should I switch the yarns.  Now that there is heft to the fabric all is well and I'm extremely pleased with the pattern so far.  I'm about 17 rows away from the lace section.

To be honest, I haven't done much on this lace weight shawl.  Instead, I've been working on the never ending sock blanket trying to get to the end.  Maybe I'll accomplish this goal in two weeks?  Maybe.

So while I have these long term projects, I'm dreaming of other projects - mitts and socks to be specific.  For now, they'll remain in my imagination.


  1. In addition to all your wonderful knitting projects, I love your "knitted" tray and little Frodo in the last picture!

  2. Such pretty knitting - I especially love your Whiteout. And, agreeing with Bonny - great tray and cute little Frodo.

  3. I LOve your whiteout shawl!! and your little schnauzer

  4. So I am not the only one dreaming of other knits! The shawl is going to be lovely, your colors are so soothing.

  5. Beautiful projects, as always, Karen. I love to see what you have on your needles. And, that project back with the bicycle is splendid!

  6. I love these projects. I have yet to try a top down sweater. I need to put that idea in the queue. I love the whiteout shawl!

  7. yay for early commenters - I hadn't even noticed the plate and little Frodo - I was too busy admiring that yarn!

  8. These are all wonderful, Karen.
    I especially love the Whiteout Shawl. Cannot wait to see the lace.
    Have a great evening.

  9. Isn't it funny how we are always dreaming of "the next big thing"? Your on-the-go projects are so pretty. I love the yellow shawl colors.

  10. You are so clever. Winter here and my mother-in-law has just knitted scarves that have a hole to pull through for my little girls. They keep their little necks so warm, and the girls love them! X

  11. Your knitting is fabulous, but OMG! That little Frodo is adorable!

  12. Your knitting projects are always so beautiful, Karen. Your words of late about liking to have more than one project going at a time inspired me to pick up some yarn Tuesday to get a second project going. :)

  13. Loving all your knitting projects, I am knitting my first top down cardigan and wondering why I have never made one like this before. It is lovely to have more than one project on the go and like you love to dream about new projects to come.

  14. lovely shawls they are coming along! that's good you are out of the doubting phase. I always have a bunch of projects on the go/ projects I want to knit! we are always busy


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