
Before I talk about my weekend, I'd like to thank you for the lovely comments on my last post.  This little blogging community brings all of us closer together and I treasure your visits here.  I'm glad I'm not alone peeking into windows :)

Today, I'm trying hard not to hate on summer.  I'm wilting before your eyes!  I took a walk with Frodo at 9:30 a.m. believing the weather was truly 70 degrees.  Well, well, well.....the humidity at the time was 85% (this is why I hate summer).  Once I returned home, I complained to my sister which I'm sure was tiring to hear.

Then I cut my bangs and instantly I felt better.

My liatris is blooming!  I appreciate when plants grow without any help from humans. This perennial  loves where it blooms.  I love that it attracts lots of bees and butterflies and this hummingbird moth.

Yesterday on our daily walk, we saw the blue heron, you'll have to use your imagination of what he looked like because I didn't get a photo.  He shows up at the duck pond every year mid to late July.

Over the weekend,  I knit quite a bit on a shawl and the blanket.  Yes!  The blanket is a 10 stitch blanket and soon I shall be done.  I'm getting excited to get those needles back because three years is a bit much.

hey look a pepper!

My weekend:

-daily walks - deer sightings - chocolate chip cookies - big salads - Saturday night Mass - journal writing - talking to the kids - cherries - saving frogs from the pool - frisbee tossing with Frodo

How was your weekend?


  1. I was wondering what that large insect was. Wow!

    This weekend was visit with an Orlando friend, knit, drink coffee, repeat....

  2. You saw a Blue Heron? That makes it a great weekend right there!
    I'm still just healing, but did take a little walk and it was great to be outside!

  3. Your liatris is just beautiful, along with those gorgeously green peppers! It sounds like a lovely weekend (except for the humidity which is making me melt, too).

  4. I love this blogging community too! and enjoy reading your posts on your blog, they are always so nice and enjoyable to read. Your liatris are so pretty and that's good they are growing well on their own. That's good you are almost done your shawl and blanket! It sounds like you had a great weekend! This weekend, I visited my mom and sister and we had dinner, went shopping, it was nice to have some family time. I also got a new bed which is so comfortable and we are happy with it. Hope you have a good week!

  5. I always wondered what that flower was called and never knew. I had anbunch at my old house. Miss it.

  6. I forgot about the hummingbird moths. They are really cool. I have not seen any in our new area. We had them ONce in the Chicagoland area.
    I feel like the Weekend Warrior this comment. I was busy as a bee. Volunteering at for their fundraiser all weekend. Zach had friends come up and stay over night, so that was busy too. After noon o clock today: its weekend recovery mode. This means napping and knitting and NOT much more. Hooray

  7. Sounds like a great weekend (except for heat/humidity). I love blue herons. So graceful. My weekend was simple - a bit of laundry and grocery shopping and then just stitching/knitting/reading. It was exactly what was needed!!

  8. some days I wish I had more time to get back to my blog. And some days I don't care if I ever get back to it. But I do love checking in with all my faves!

  9. We are having a most un July like July here. Weather not quite as hot or humid as I expect. Maybe moving 3 hours north has made a huge difference, except I am very familiar with this area and can't ever remember consistent mild summers over the past 25 years! But I'll not complain!

  10. That flower is like a shaggy Sully (Monsters Inc.) in disguise. What a neat transformation. Our weather is like yours! Today it was already past 70 or 80 and it was only 11 something. I do not get to sleep in this summer because I hear the mister get up and it's cooler in the morning, better conditions for me to power walk that half an hour. I like that tiny bite in the air when I'm jamming down the sidewalk.

  11. Such pretty photos. This week we hit summer weather. Saturday was beastly with 90 degree temps and high humidity. Tomato-growing weather for my garden but lots of watering required. I get up early to walk my 3 miles in the coolest part of the day. We used the weekend to regroup and rest after a road trip to northern Minnesota.

  12. It really is very humid here in NY too. And rain. We had a storm go through this afternoon, and got 2 inches in less than half an hour. The temperature dropped quickly, but not the humidity. :-(
    When I stop to remember how long and cold our winters are here, I appreciate even the high humidity.
    Your liatris is just beautiful!

  13. Such a joy to visit today and see your wonderful photos. I spent the weekend getting relaxing and getting ready for Victoria and the boys who arrive today. I am so excited.

  14. Gorgeous photos, Karen! I love glimpsing into other people's homes and gardens. It is hot and humid here, too. Yesterday, my husband's car broke down in Waltham. No problem, we have AAA--right! I went down to wait with him and it took 3 1/2 hours for the tow truck to arrive!!! It was 9o°. I got an iced tea and walked down to the Charles River. : ) Gotta make the best of things!

    Love your weekend list--sounds like a great summer to me.♥


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