
gifts from my sister

What a fabulous weekend!  Before I get into all the fun I had, thank you so much for the support over 'rude' people.  I'm glad I'm not the only one out there feeling sensitive.  I sailed through my weekend without any incidents so I've recovered.  For now.

My sister was here!  If you're a regular reader, you already know that.  However maybe you're visiting for the first time.  I love writing my weekend post because I get a chance to share my happenings.

the sad sad frogging of a shawl because of a mistake at the beginning
She arrived by lunchtime on Friday and we both pretended this was a vacation.  After a quick salad for lunch, we were in the pool talking and relaxing.  Friday was 95 degrees so the pool was wonderful.  In the afternoon, we drove to a neighboring town to an art store to shop around in.  She bought bullet journals and I bought a new set of drawing pencils to try out.  I'm slowly dipping my toes into sketching.  I used to sketch when I was a teen especially when our family went camping in the summer.

After a lovely meal out at a local restaurant, we headed home to watch Moana while we knit.

early morning selfie because we waited until this morning to take a photo

Saturday was all day swimming for her (not literally all day) while I knit or read.  We had a lovely dinner of shrimp, baked potato and green beans.  We did a little bit of shopping in the early evening and then relaxed with some knitting.

Oh hey, I discovered a flaw in my whiteout shawl.  I could not let it be, so I ripped out the entire shawl.  I've cast on again and dropped down a needles size since that is what was niggling in my mind the whole time.

Now some of you would say 'doesn't that make you sad?'  Nope.  I am thrilled I found the mistake!
Knitting makes us all humble at times.

My sister left early this morning and I've done all my chores.  How was your weekend?


  1. How wonderful to have a sister to have such a great time with! You are blessed! (I don't have a sister to do things with.)

  2. What a lovely visit. Can me and the girls come and stay with you? They'd be in your pool so fast and won't come out. They'd love Frodo too. Ooh! I noticed your bullet journal/planner supplies. Michael's is really catering to that trend. The last time I went they cleared out a whole aisle and stuffed the walls full of goodies. Decorating a bullet journal or a planner is like mini scrapbooking!
    95°? Yikes. That was yesterday and damn it was hot. I was glad to be indoors for most of the day. It was 5 o'clock when we went out to eat. And yep, I'll be waiting for the tween to move out for college in order to have my craft room.

    1. If you are near here, sure! I need to get to michaels for a look-see. Don't wish that tween to leave too soon, time goes quickly!

  3. I just unknit a hat this morning because it just wasn't right. I love the yarn but I thought it needed a smaller needle. Not unhappy at all because the new hat will be much nicer. Happy to hear your weekend went well.

  4. What a lovely weekend. Yes, we hit 100 degrees on Friday, too hot to be out and about but fine indoor knitting weather. I don't mind a good frogging either. I just think of it as getting my money's worth out of the yarn - more entertainment per dollar but then who is counting. I bet the new cast on will be worth every minute.

    1. -gulp- 100 degrees is not fun at all. yikes!

  5. I think the good thing about the mistake in your shawl is that you really wanted a small needle size and this gave you a good reason to do that.

    Glad you had such a good time with your sister. Mine just moved 2 hours away from me after being about 1500 miles away. We are looking forward to getting together.

    1. Exactly!! It was in the back of my mind the whole time I was knitting.

  6. My start was a long journey, but today was a beach day, so the trip was worth it! Knitting has happened and now I am ready to turn in for the night. Glad you were able to enjoy your sisters weekend!

  7. Glad you had a great time together! Shame about the shawl, but I would have done the same as I would rather that it was right, hope it goes well this time.

    1. I'm glad I wouldn't be alone in this crazy frogging decision!

  8. My weekend was good. I felt a little unsettled but I think it was the heat/humidity and being cooped up in the a/c. I'm glad you have a good ripping back attitude! I had to tink back 4 long rows on my shawl. I'm so glad I did. Much better now.
    We went to a little creamery/dairy and bought cheese curds that were 3 days old. Delicious.

    1. I hope you are more settled and at peace this week!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I would have had to rip it back to if I had discovered a mistake. You can certainly see that you are related there is a definite likeness. We had an idyllic weekend with our eldest daughter and the boys.

    1. so happy your daughter and grands came to visit you!!

  10. So glad your Sisters Weekend was such a great one. Love that picture of the two of you. ripping out sure can make one humble - lol.

  11. Your weekend sounds delightful! I'm struck by how much alike you and your sister are (and not only in looks!) and I agree about the shawl - I also tell myself I get a lot more mileage out of the yarn when I have to knit it more than once ;-)

    1. We are alike in many ways :) Yep, I'm getting lots of mileage out of this yarn!

  12. I am so glad you were able to get in some pool time with you sister! Very important business. Frogging the shawl sounds painful, but you seem to have taken it in stride.

  13. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who will unravel an almost finished project if there is a mistake or if I have decided something really wasn't working with it. I've done it many times with absolutely no regrets. Your sister weekend sounds like it was just perfect! ♥

    1. I've ripped out completed sweaters, so this was nothing once my mind was made up.

  14. So wonderful you got to spend some time with your sister.
    Ripping out and restarting your shawl sounds painful to me.. but hey if that's what makes you happy

  15. Ouch! I physically hurt at the idea of ripping your shawl, but I also understand the satisfaction you'll enjoy when it's re-knit perfectly.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your sister. Mine isn't far away but our schedules are so messy, we rarely get to hang out with each other.

    1. I hope your schedules get clear so you can have some sister time.

  16. I had both my sister's and their families at my home this past weekend and it was wonderful! It's a rare occassion.
    Sounds like you had a great time too!

    1. I was thinking of you as I was with mine :)

  17. Im a bit like that...I cant let a mistake lie , if I know I have made one.

  18. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your sister! nice photo of the two of you! I watched Moana recently too, I loved it! it would be a good one to knit to.


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