
Frodo and I took a walk this afternoon and I heard the cicadas for the first time this summer.  Summer days are in full swing now.  By the end of this month, the tree frogs will be singing too.  So far, I've been enjoying this season.  Check back with me at the end of August and I'll be grumbling away.  For now, I'm enjoying the flowers, watching the nature changes on my walks.

After Mass last night, we picked up a pizza for dinner at a local business that is our new "favorite" place.  This restaurant has been here for over 20 years and we only just discovered their delicious menu.  Where have I been?

Today I was successful in not consuming news (well a little bit, but not much).  I focused on my menu plan for the week, read some magazines and chatted with both kids at some point during the day.  After I hit the publish button, I'll be knitting.

I'm rested and recharged for another week.  I'm counting down the days for when my sister comes to visit me.  That will be FUN.

How was your weekend?


  1. I've always called the cicadas the "summer bugs" and you can tell how hot it is by how loud they seem here in Florida.

    Frodo is such an adorable guy. I would love to give that pup a cuddle and rub those EARS!!!

    I gave up on our local newstation the other day. Too many sappy, poor-me stories and too little real news. :-(

  2. You are generous with your company and home. How happy Frodo looks. I loved Parenthood; made me cry all the time. I did like the last season; felt it was realistic. I'll be working on my book post; the husband went for a bike ride as his foot is a little swollen from too much running. Tea kettle is on the stove even though it's mid-80's here. The dames are in their rooms doing whatever. E's BBQing again today but already cooked sausages.

    1. Thank you for your many visits. Crochet is such a nice change at times. Sometimes I feel it's a bit faster than knitting the small item. I was happy to use my cotton yarn. I swear I want to stock up on it, to get more colors and even some of those variegated ones.

  3. We have had a lot of rain here in Texas, and everything is unusually green and beautiful. This time of year, the grass has already turned brown. I am enjoying it so much. The crape myrtles are blooming now. We have cicadas, too. After a while I don't notice the ringing so much.

  4. I just commented today that it was amazing I was sitting out on my patio in clothes, as opposed to bathing suit by a pool. Even though the thermo said it was in the 80's it didn't feel that bad. Hope this continues through the summer!

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Fletch heard Cicadas for the first time yesterday. But even though we could hear them, the weather has been un-like July in Phila. (Fingers crossed it stays that way.) It was in the 60's this a.m. and NO humidity!!

  6. I haven't heard cicadas here yet, but that's fine with me. I always associate them with the heat and humidity of August, and think that buzzing just makes me crankier! My black-eyed susans are all curled up like yours, getting ready to throw their petals wide open, and I love your pink bee balm!

  7. It looks really pretty there where you go for walks, it must be a nice place to walk Frodo. That is great you are enjoying the season. I have been walking more myself, I want to really soak up Summer this year, last year it flew by! Hope you have fun when your sister visits! this weekend, I did some shopping, went for dinner last night, got pizza tonight (takeout, Dominoes), and just relaxed. I did some knitting yesterday quite a bit.

  8. A lovely weekend! Adorable photos of Frodo!

  9. What a lovely, relaxing post! It's especially good when photos of Frodo are included. :-)

  10. I love falling asleep to the sounds of katydids & crickets, but I haven't heard any yet this summer. It is unbearably hot & humid in Illinois, so I will be spending most of this week indoors.
    I love that last picture of your sweet pup, Frodo. I used to have a schnauzer named Babs and she would sit like that with the same look on her face!

  11. It seems like July gave everyone a bit of a breather this weekend - you certainly made the most of getting outside and enjoying it! Hey there, Frodo! :-)

  12. Sounds like a great weekend, ours was slow and restful. Great photos of Frodo.

  13. I love relaxing weekends such as the one that you just had, Karen! Our weekend was easy peasy as well. We went out to dinner with friends on Saturday night and on Sunday my mom came to spend the afternoon and evening with us. Like you, I am enjoying this beautiful weather. I am so thankful that we have had few heat waves!

  14. Ahh, cicadas - such a summer icon. Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend.

  15. Oh I love the last picture of Frodo! He looks so stately. Your weekend sounds wonderful...especially pizza from your new favorite restaurant. Yay for visits from sisters! I know you are going to enjoy that time with her! Have a great week, Karen.

  16. Sounds like a lovely weekend. While a bug took some of the enjoyment out of mine, I still fit in a picnic and a trip to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and lots of outdoor time.

  17. I love discovering "old-new" places for eating out! Wish you a wonderful week!

  18. That sounds perfect!
    Not a fan of the cicadas. We start to hear them in August.. and they are so loud in our area that is is actually a bit scary which makes being outside in the evenings difficult. :(

  19. This weekend I went fabric shopping for clothes in SF, Britex is amazing! I also went to the hospital to visit my nephew two days after he was born! Welcome to the world Ezekiel Samwise, you are loved. -Sierra

  20. I love your pictures this weekend. I too love watching the flowers bloom.

  21. The weekend was busy for me,
    as busy as busy can be,
    I worked with a horse,
    of course of course
    I found time to knit
    I finished another mitt
    I hugged my son each lovely day
    and we heard the band AMERICA play

  22. How much do I enjoy seeing Frodo's sweet face. I hope to have a sweet face gracing my life soon. Thank you for your calming and gentle presence. I am looking forward to quieter days with a stretch of time that is mine.


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