My Summer Loving Best

I'm yearning and aching for fall.  I gave summer-loving my best effort by not complaining too much about the humidity. I witnessed the beauty on my walks and paid attention to the sights and sounds of the season. Mother nature cooperated with me because the summer was overall mild.  Everyday that comes and goes, more leaves are dropping and I'm thinking 'yes'!  Finally.  This is the weather change that knitters want most.  I'm inspired with color combinations on my daily walks and the fair isle knitting I could do.

I've crafted my holiday knitting to do list and it's massive.  I'm not including the two sweater projects.  Ordinarily, I would have amassed many knitted projects for gifts by August.  But the constantly changing news feeds and my inability to ignore them completely has made my knitting productivity suffer.

dromedary by juniper moon and ella rae sport
A few days ago, I shopped at a yarn store and picked up some lovely yarns for hats-to-be.  All gifts for someone in my family for the holidays and maybe I'll finish them?  Next week, my husband resumes the fall semester and I'll be setting myself on a similar schedule to stay focused.  I'm itching to cast on a few new projects but only after I finish a few more that are currently on the needles.

My babysitting job resumed this week, how quickly I forgot the amount of energy that is required playing with a toddler.  Such fun!  Learning to walk is hard work for her and for my arms.  I love this little job that fills pockets of my time with joy.  I am lucky.

In a few weeks, we will be closing the pool and saying goodbye to summer.  I'm more than ready, but first I have to squeeze out the very best lasts of summer.

the sweater!


  1. I'm right there with you, cheering fall as it slowly approaches. I'm finally looking forward to a hot cup of tea in the morning and anxiously awaiting daytime temps in the cool 60s. I'm ready!

  2. I am ready for fall too, I love the cool, crisp weather!

  3. You have to post lots and lots of photos of fall around your home. I am very autumn deprived down here!

    Summer can't leave soon enough......fall knitting is the BEST knitting!

  4. Yup - I'm with you. so ready for Fall. It was chilly this a.m. on my patio when I was sitting with coffee just before sunrise. In the 50's and I was loving it! You've picked some gorgeous colors for hats.

  5. Im still hanging on to summer. IT has been so lovely to have son Zach home. Monday he leaves. BWAAAAAH. But i do love the fall . It is our second fall in Wisconsin and the views are breathtaking. This fall helping withthe horses will be extra fun.

  6. Fall is always accompanied by a sense of excitement. I love summer, but fall is my favorite season of all. My favorite holidays... Thanksgiving and Halloween. Love the little trick or treators. I'm savoring the last days of summer though. The sweater is going to be BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the little hen holding your yarn! Have a great weekend, Karen! blessings ~ tanna
    ps yes, LOTS of energy for the Littles! LOL!

  7. I love when summer turns to fall. Apple orchards, cool nights, cozy cardigans. Pretty much perfect. Your sweater is turning out beautifully! You picked out such lovely colors for hats. Have you seen Baby Cocktails' new Mamie Taylor hat pattern? It's beautiful and has lots of cables. Going on my fall to-knit list.

  8. Our new neighbors across the street are from Chicago, we warned them last night that their first Central Indiana Summer was not NORMAL! Expect more humidity and heat next year. But right now, at 76 degrees on August 26th, I am loving it!!

  9. Oh the joy of autumn approaching. I found a small maple leaf - almost completely red. The turn of the season is coming. How fun to match yarn to holiday knitting projects. I have been thinking about a few gift knits too.

  10. I'm totally with you on cheering on Fall - Summer is my least favourite month, I don't do heat very well :) but not long now!

  11. Before our summers became so hot and dry, I savored the summer months but the new summer weather makes me weary so I too am looking forward to fall. Hope your knitting mojo returns soon.

  12. Although I am not ready to say good-bye to summer (I never am!), the weather is telling me it's definitely on its way out. Forty-three degrees on my run this morning. :-(

    I just love the colors of the yarn you chose for your hats-to-be.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  13. I envy the routine you have, Karen. It feels as if my life has been so unsettled this year. I'm hoping with the advent of autumn that I will once again fall into a daily rhythm. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer! I agree, it has been a better summer (weather wise) than usual!

  14. I love summer... and fall. Winter is my least favorite as I don't handle the cold very well anymore. Next weekend will be our last weekend at the Lake. I'm kind of glad about that as I am worn out from going going going all the time. :) Fall will be a time to settle down into a normal routine again.


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