
Now that is one clean coffee table!  I just reclaimed it after a busy weekend and 'stuff' all over it.  Today my knitting friends came over in the afternoon, so I did a fast tidy.  Call me crazy but I like to clean (not the bathrooms!).

I'll confess that I hate cleaning the bathroom tub surround so much so that I procrastinate and that makes the job worse when I do.  So I've been diligently cleaning weekly, apparently this seems to decrease the amount of time in there cleaning.  Who knew?! Oh and scrubbing bubbles in a can is arthritis friendly - I don't have to squeeze any triggers repeatedly.

For all you summer lovers, please skip this paragraph.  Okay.  I've been seeing signs of autumn on my walk, so subtle but there.  The black walnut trees are starting to drop leaves, they are always first.  I noticed a few fallen acorns on my walk today.  The light has been shifting ever so slightly and my mornings are in the dark once more.

I must step up my knitting and finish my current projects so I can start something else, I get motivated for new knits when I see nature's hints of seasons to come.

Frodo has an array of toys but his favorite is the brown one in the bottom middle.

Yesterday was quiet and relaxing - I listened to a few podcasts and worked on the chart of my shawl.  I'm half way through the chart, then it's back to garter stitch striping.

My weekend:  -donuts!- zucchini bread - knitting - finishing a book - laundry - salads - early morning sister chats - knitting with friends -

How was your weekend?


  1. My Mom and I went and spent time at a peddler fair on Saturday, on Friday we had a volunteer sew day to make pillows for foster kids and meals on wheels. All and all a busy but fun weekend for me!

  2. My weekend was Friday night birthday party for a friend; visiting my dad in rehab, and lots of knitting!

  3. My weekend was full of yarn shopping. It was a GOOD weekend.

    Love the candles and bittersweet on your (clean) coffee table. So pretty .....and looks a little autumnal.

  4. Our weekend was pretty quiet. Saturday evening we went to an outdoor performance by Garrison Keillor and crew. He stopped in Lincoln on his Summer Love tour. What an entertainer. At 75, he kept the show going for 3 hours. At intermission he came out in the audience and led a group sing . I hope to be as spry at 75. I am picking lots of garden tomatoes. Your coffee table looks lovely.

  5. That's good there are signs of autumn I love that season! it is so good for knitting too, I always feel my motivation pick up in the fall/winter months. I had a good weekend, mostly used it to study for an upcoming exam this week, did some seaming of my sweater, and went for lunch with my boyfriends family. It went by quick! hope you enjoyed your weekend, sounds like it was great!

  6. I had a good weekend. Hiking, time with my daughters, knitting class, reading, church. Cooler temps - I am ready to leave this hot summer behind. I have been avoiding some of the corners in my house all summer. I really need to get back on a cleaning routine.

  7. A clean coffee table, knitting, and especially some subtle signs of fall sound like a wonderful weekend!

  8. I was in Minnesota visiting my sister the Veterinarian. GOod to talk about our mom in ways onlya sister understands. our coffee table is outta control as Zach relaxed all weekend here and took care of the cats. Its my birthday so im asking him to clean the bathrooms! Ha

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I saw signs of Fall when I took my walk yesterday along the riverside. Colored leaves littering the trail, acorns, and a hint of Autumn in the air. Love it!

  10. I had a lazy day on Saturday and spent a good amount of time on my patio reading and knitting. Sunday, I was up early to cantor for Mass, spent more time on my patio, and had family over for dinner. I saw some hickory nuts on the ground on my walk this morning and it made me think of autumn!

  11. what a lovely weekend....and that IS one clean table!! I know it must hold ambivalent feelings, though.....because the reason it can stay clean is no longer home. :( I've been watching the hummingbird migration here out my window and those little critters are busy busy busy!!! Did a church thing....away....on Saturday, which allowed a good 3 hours of uninterrupted knitting time, which is always good!!! especially since I'm working on a church charity lap blanket, which is b-o-r-i-n-g!!!!! Hope you have a great week!

  12. I'm glad to hear you're seeing signs of fall- the temperatures are starting to go down out here (not by too much yet, but it's coming). We had a really thick mist this morning, and the farmers say that means we'll get permanent snow in 90 days- fingers crossed!

  13. Quiet here. We had plans to go to the state fair, but Daughter #1 step off a step wrong and has a Trade 2 sprain. So no extra walking for her. I just sewed and knit and relaxed, just like any other day!! LOL

  14. I got all excited about the cooler weather and impending fall at the beginning of the month. It's been so hot and humid the last week or so though that I'd almost forgotten summer was winding down. Looking forward to it! Just downloaded the Starshower Cowl pattern :-).

  15. I love the light in your photos - especially the first and last ones. We had a glimpse of fall last week, but it was back to full humidity and nearly 90 today. I'm definitely thinking about FALL knitting!

  16. Yikes! Your clean table looks so wrong without a book, a notebook & a pen on it. :) Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend. I have THE worst case of fall fever and am so excited because the leaves on a tree outside my bedroom window are turning.... except I think they are turning because they are building a house next door & I think they probably damaged the tree's roots when they cleared the lot. But I'll knit faster, just in case.

  17. You can call me, Crazy, too, because I also like to clean. : ) I'm not a compulsive cleaner by anyone's standards, but I stick to a routine (it does help!) and I like to see everything polished and tidy. Lots of signs of fall coming here, too. It's bittersweet for me; I love autumn, but this summer has seemed too short. Isn't it funny how much dogs are like people? They do have their favorite things, don' they? Favorite toy, favorite treat, favorite spot (favorite person!). Elvis has tons of toys but will only play with his green frog (we've replaced it countless times in the last five years). I like the pots on your window sill--so pretty. Glad your weekend was filled with delights! ♥

  18. Our weekend was great. We finally had some rain, the first since June 17, and it helped make the smoky skies clear again. We also had fun in Anacortes visiting with some of DH's frat brothers and their wives. The summer is definitely speeding by!

  19. From all the detail shots I can see how cozy your home is... My weekend was absolutely perfect - I swam, knitted, read, worked and spent a night camping with the Milky Way clearly visible above my head!

  20. It was a good weekend. Each weekend now is spent being outside as much as possible and enjoying the last few weeks of summer (we haver very looooong cold winters here in NY).
    Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  21. Scrubbing Bubbles foaming bath spray makes fairly quick work of the tub surround. A magic eraser can help too. I love the simplicity of the photo of your coffee table. You want to sit and be calm with that candle. Your pottery is pretty too. My weekend was a visit from my son and me attempting to sew blackout curtains for his apartment without accurate measurements. I really like the vast array of Frodo's toys. Wow.


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