
How was your weekend?  Mine was productive and relaxing.  Yesterday we stayed home and I knit my little heart out while watching episodes of Dr. Who.  I don't know what it is about the show, but I love it.  The quippy talking back and forth, the silliness and yes even the sinister evil opponents.  Escapism is glorious.

I finished a book!  I read Fatal Grace by Louise Penny.  I adore her simplistic writing and the quietness of her stories.  Maybe the way she describes a Quebec winter?  Love it - and the mysteries are not graphic if you are sensitive like I am.  Also, I do love the tiny plot twists, sometimes I see them and sometimes I do not.

I finished a hat!  However, that is for later on in the week for me to tell you all about it.

Our son was visiting this weekend and we had a great time together.  He'll be back again next weekend to see his sister.  Our daughter is arriving on this Tuesday night and our son in law arrives next Tuesday.  My house will be full for a couple of weeks - my cooking for a crowd skills will be tested.

Today, I attended 7:30 a.m. Mass and the rest of the Sunday was mine.  I did my chores (I really must move the cleaning to a weekday....as well as laundry...).  No cooking since we had leftovers to grange on.

I've balled up another skein and perhaps I'll be casting on another hat later this evening.

I am ignoring the hot weather, it doesn't exist in my little world.  Even Frodo agrees with me! He's hiding too.  I keep chanting to myself that in a few more weeks that hot weather will disappear.  The leaves keep dropping and that is what counts.

I bought this aster at the grocery store on Friday to cheer my husband up (stressful work week).  I don't know if it did the job, but it has made my life happy.  I see the blossoms on my kitchen counter and smile.

Let's hear about your weekends!


  1. Saturday was busy with chores, but today has been nice and restful. Always nice to have the kids back home for a visit. Have a great week!

  2. Your weekend does sound very nice and even restful; that may be the calm before the full house! I love seeing all the tableaus and decorations around your house, and that aster would make me happy, too. My weekend has been spent driving back and forth to Newark airport, getting ready to leave for my last trip in 15 minutes!

  3. relaxing Sunday's are the best....

  4. I did some stitching and cooking this weekend. The highlight was going to the local fair with hubby. I hope you had a very relaxing weekend.

  5. I had a wonderful weekend of bicycling, meeting up with friends, doing some painting, and, of course, knitting.

  6. Your weekend sounds lovely. Saturday was a rainy day - very welcome. I put some vegetarian chili in the crock pot and made another batch of tomato sauce for the freezer. Early church, a stop at the farmer's market, knitting, and a walk today. A cool front went through on Saturday around noon - maybe it is headed your direction. I fell head first for the Louise Penny books this month. Since cataract surgery, I have borrowed the first three (audio) from the library. I love the characters and the croissants and coffee.

  7. P. S. Look at your sweater. It will be done in no time. The color is so pretty and peaceful.

  8. Sounds like an idyllic weekend. Always a joy to have family visits so I can imagine your excitement having both your son and daughter home. I had a quiet restful weekend.

  9. I got to knit, sew, bake, and had a full house for dinner last night. Perfect!

  10. It was hot, muggy, sticky here...all weekend long. Cold dinner last night (shrimp and pasta salad)...a little knitting, a little reading. I love the Louise Penny books - I really would love to live in Three Pines!

  11. so many good things in your weekend, Karen!
    like you and Frodo, I am totally ignoring the warm days...what a tease after the coolness we had. soon enough, my winter friend, soon enough... :)

  12. Hope you're reading the Louise Pennsy books in order.....You HAVE to!!

  13. Love your fall decorations & that aster is beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished hat.

  14. OH Family time!!! Easy meals: crock pot pork chops, blt's for everyone, chili from the store deli area and order a pizza in. :)
    My weekend seemed like I was on the phone a lot. No hummingbirds for a few days now....

  15. What a lovely weekend. It was a good one here too, a little bit of busy and a little bit of quiet....the perfect balance. Have a great week!

  16. I love the Inspector Gamache series! My mom just finished the latest and I will be swinging by her house tomorrow to pick it up. : ) How lovely that your daughter and son-in-law will be visiting. Are they going house hunting? Your weekends always sound so heavenly, Karen!

  17. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. We did also and it finally rained! Yay!


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