The Spirit of the Season

My sister gave me those lovely project bags (that she made!) and the quince yarn and that wee button for my Christmas or birthday gift. Sadly I cannot recall since we exchange our birthday gifts during the Christmas exchange. I have been heavily hinting that I wanted some project bags. This was the hint: 'hey sis, I really want you to sew me a project bag' . When we were at the fiber festival, I pointed out several that I wanted her to make me. See? That's how you get it done. Anyways, I put some pretty red wool in the red project bag, gearing up for casting on some socks for my daughter. My husband gets his stitches out of his hand tomorrow morning - hallelujah! These two weeks have been challenging. I'm ready for him to resume all previous duties that were agreed upon when we married. I'm sure he is more than ready to take a shower without wrapping up his hand to keep dry. socks to be! I've been ...