
Another weekend, phew!  I spent yesterday morning cheating at my tags with some stickers and new washi tape that has Christmas themes.  I also unearthed the hole puncher from my one of many junk drawers (I've got three!).  I was in Michael's when I spied those wee stickers and boy was I in a super festive mood.  I figured it out why...

They were playing Christmas music and I smelled some of that cinnamon pinecone scent that just screams the holiday season.  Ah.  I love it!

 I had a great weekend,  my husband and I walked each day in the freezing cold and chatted.  I sat and knit for long pockets of time chipping away at that shawl that is on my needles and I hope is off my needles by next weekend.

Our internet is being really 's l o w' right now so I'm furiously typing thinking I can post this when the signal is back.  Just so you know, I would rather have spotty internet than no electricity so I'm not currently losing my mind.

Today, I met with friends and knitted and chatted.  I am truly thankful for them and our shared interest.  

This week coming up is busy for me with all the babysitting and exercising and trying to get ready for Thanksgiving.  I've written a master list, with additional lists so I remember everything and stay calm.

How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I love these crisp days, especially when they are topped by a blue sky! I also spent quite a bit of time with friends, only I was sketching more than knitting this weekend.

  2. We had a nice quiet weekend with sunshine today and more moderate temps. Saturday I walked and made a little order around home. Today we went to church, picked up coffee, and spent some time in the afternoon sunshine in the yard. He raked and I cleaned up (a little) in the flower beds, leaving some leaf cover for winter birds.

  3. Love your photos! We are in Vancouver BC celebrating DH's birthday. Rainy but fun.

  4. I love your tags and enjoy hearing how many people are in your life! My family is spread far and wide, and sadly, we rarely get together for holidays. I have my "friend families", which is lovely. Making things with stickers and washi tape is fun! Our mornings are frosty, but our days have been near 60!

  5. I had a knit date with a blogging friend (and NOW a friend IRL) - Vera from The Threaded Lane.
    Our son visited us in the new townhouse and we had a nice visit.
    I had delicious Indian food for supper.

    It all adds up to a fantastic weekend.

    Glad YOU had a great weekend too!

  6. What a great weekend! I lover your leaf pictures. I love hearing about your slow and relaxing weekends. Enjoy the coming week!

  7. Ahhhh.... the perfect fall weekend. ;) Karen, I love your tags! One of the things that can just make you SMILE when you see them. We've had family visiting all weekend (and for the next two weeks). My knitting time has been nil. But, it will be there when they are gone. Have a wonderful week! blessings ~ tanna

  8. Ooo! I love the stickers! That is fun and a great idea for stocking stuffers for my granddaughter! Thank you!

  9. I really like your leaf photos and how you captured the frostiness with them. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend...I hope your week will be just as good!

  10. What is it about those scented pinecones that immediately makes you want to pull out all the crafts supplies? Love the frosty leaf photos!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend to me! I think the gift tags are looking so happy and festive, I love it!

  12. Love your gift tags. Sounds like a great weekend - as Dee mentioned, we met up and knit some together. Bravo to you for walking in the cold. I was freezing at the Farmer's market and happy to get inside at the coffee shop - LOL

  13. You're gift tags look cute.
    Those walks with your husband sound so nice..

  14. Your tags are just wonderful. Good for you for getting out in the cold and enjoying your hubbys company!!!

  15. Michaels does know how to suck us in, don't they :-) love the transition photos (just read Michelle GD's Sometimes Mondays post)

  16. I like your gift tags. We have a tradition of making cards and tags while watching Christmas films on Sunday afternoons, so I'm looking forward to starting that soon. It sounds like you had a restful weekend, hope your week is not too busy. xx

  17. Karen, I keep forgetting that Thanksgiving is next week! It hit me today that I really need to start planning for it. I would like to make place cards and do something a little special since it is going to be a difficult holiday for us this year. I love you gift tags, they are wonderful!

  18. Sounds like a good weekend Karen. I love your gift tags. Hope your week is going well, and isn't too busy ;)

  19. Every time I see this weekly post I hear in my head...ヾ(-_- )ゞ Look out weekend cuz...here I come...because weekends were...made for fun.

  20. It sounds like it was a wonderful autumn weekend, Karen, and I just love the tags you are making.


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