
We were with my side of the family this weekend.  What a full weekend!  We spent Thanksgiving day at my dad's house and ate too much food and exchanged our gifts since we do not travel during the Christmas break.  We were fortunate to have all of us attending this year.  As our families grow, our schedules are filled with visiting many relatives.

my dad's dog Emma
 My husband and I stayed at my sister's house for a couple of days and the 'kids' (grown adults now) stayed with my nephew at his house.  My sister and I had a lovely time out shopping on Black Friday at the places that have thinner crowds.  Apparently not everyone crafts.  I had the BEST salad ever when we ate out.  This wave of 'big' salads chopped or un-chopped is my kind of thing. 

I'm on the left my sister is on the right
 Friday evening was the annual gingerbread house making party with my aunt and cousins.  I like to sit and talk to my relatives and enjoy the company.  All of the children are now teens or adults, I've loved watching them grow up and hear all about their interests.

my sister's dogs Avery on the left Rowan on the right

I have been furiously decorating the house and cleaning at the same time.  I also have been busy knitting a sweater for the toddler girl.  More on that on Wednesday.

I foolishly updated the computer this morning which took ridiculously longer than expected so that is why this post is late.  But then, I'm the one who sets the schedule, right?

How was your weekend?


  1. Family members are the most precious ones but in my case, it took years to appreciate. I am glad you enjoy yours!

  2. so nice! I am glad you had such a nice time with your family! :)

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend, Karen! I envy you your large family. : ) Ours was nice as well, our first Thanksgiving without my brother so it was a little bittersweet but we were grateful for our time together and even started a new tradition, going on a champagne walk in a neighboring town on Friday evening. Haven't started decorating yet but hope to begin sometime this week! It's the most wonderful time of the year! xx

  4. Looks/sounds like it was just perfect - and with the added bonus of pups! (What does Frodo think?)

    1. Frodo is at his 'spa kennel' being spoiled by the girls :)

  5. I love seeing the tree with wrapped gifts! (You and your family are so organized!) I haven't even begun to think about decorating yet, but I use the same decorate and clean at the same time method. Happy knitting on that red sweater!

  6. It sounds like your weekend was lovely! It was here too, although even with such a nice long weekend Monday's arrival today was a jolt!

  7. How wonderful to have Christmas at Thanksgiving! (hope settling back into "real" time hasn't been too hard :-)

  8. What a lovely weekend. How nice to gather a family together. I agree, watching the nieces and nephews grow up has been fun.

  9. How wonderful to have two Christmases. Your extended family including the dogs: priceless

  10. We had small children at our house on thanksgiving for the first time in many years, it was noisy but so fun.

  11. Sounds like your weekend was perfect. The tree with gifts under it is so pretty. Love that picture of you and your sister.

  12. What a lovely weekend! The family visits sounds like the best sense of the holidays to me. I love all the doggo pictures, but yum! That Emma, I just want a big squishy hug from her. I love a chopped salad. I sneak out every month or so during a weekday off to get this one wedge with grilled shrimp. It comes in 3 sizes so I can tailor it to some much needed portion control. Ok, who am I kidding I love a salad someone else makes! hehe.

  13. You are way ahead of me with the decorating. There is not a Christmas item out yet. I have to go search for my advent calendar. It is usually the first item to come out. I love the pics. Enjoy your knitting.

  14. ᒄ₍⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎ᒃ♪♬ "look out weekend 'cuz, here I come.." I can't help it. I think of this tune every time I see your Weekends post.
    LOVE the doggies! Did you bring Frodo? The picture of you and your sis is adorbs. Man, exchanging Christmas presents already; you get a star in the organization department.
    My weekend was just TV binging and sock knitting.

    1. Frodo does not travel with us, I fear he would attack those cute dogs :)

  15. glad you had a nice thanksgiving..lovely tree, but love the furbabies..


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