Support and Guidance

Thank you thank you thank you!  Thank you for your support and guidance while we adjust to our new family addition.  Holly is doing better and Frodo is being Frodo.  I cannot get a photo of him - he's too busy moving around all over the place.  I value our on line friendships and the unwavering support we give each other.  Isn't it wonderful?

I take comfort knowing that people are giving us positive thoughts and well wishes.  Somehow I know everything will be okay.

Our son is home and he's been playing the piano every couple of hours.  Holly lives in the room with the piano so today I moved her to the front room (formal living room? turned into a temporary cat room?) that has doors to close or use a baby gate.  After she adjusts to that new location in her cage, we will begin to let her out of the cage (doors closed - no Frodo) and be under adult supervision. 

The room is decorated for Christmas and it's only a few weeks more of that business.  All too soon, I will strip that room and kitten proof it after January 2nd.  Then she will have freedom in that room.  You can continue to give me lots of advise!  I need it :)

me as a little girl
 I continue to worry about:  her passing the leukemia test they haven't done yet - when will she be big enough for total freedom - everything about Frodo..... I swear I'm exhausting myself.  She sees the vet on the 22nd for her first set of shots hopefully and the testing.

In spite of the worries, I do feel relaxed holding her and petting her.  I love when she purrs!  Frodo gets extra love and attention too and we have tiny progress every day.  The gym visits help tire me out and I sleep soundly.

There has been the tiniest bit of knitting this week but I have a good sense that I'll be doing more and more as each day comes. I need to cast something on for me! I have been knitting for others for so long now.  It's time to focus on me.

I will never tire of a new snowfall and walking early in the morning with my camera.  Silent - peaceful -  awe inspiring.


  1. Try to concentrate on how good you feel sitting with Holly as you pet her and she purrs. Frodo will adjust as will the rest of you. Relax, breathe, and trust that things will work out. (I know this is all difficult to do. I don't often take my own advice, but I know what to say!) Wishing you all a happy weekend, full of adjustment and plenty of purring!

  2. Oh the purring, I miss that. Our old (really old) cat passed away two years ago and I still miss him and having a cat. But since we have plans to travel a lot in the years to come we feel it won't be fair to get a cat and then leave it home alone (or in a boarding kennel).
    I agree with Bonny, the pets will relax if you do. But it's hard, I know. Wishing you a wonderful weekend with lots of knitting for you ;-)

  3. Bonny's advice is sage and most correct. Happy weekend!

  4. Everything takes time and we are always impatient, wanting to know, and manage, the future. This is the time to enjoy each minute, not think of what could be. May your weekend be relaxing. Enjoy the lovely music your son is playing and the sound of that purring. (How lovely.)

  5. Oh boy. Here's all my advice! FIrst of all Merry Holly Everything. She's going to turn out amazing. How can she not?
    I get all wonked out with new pets and I am the one who brings them home. I guess there is some pressure with that as i feel it must work out because I did this. However , Fireman ALWAYS comes around quickly and loves them.
    She's a baby! Remember she needs her naps to grow. And she's been sick. So enforce those nap times. Get your stuff done and give her a hot water bottle to snuggle and a little ticking clock for a heartbeat sound.
    As long as her appetite is good and she's playful, she's fine. Her eye already looks better.
    I'd put a gate between frodo and her until they are both completely bored with one another.
    Give her a box or two from presents, to jump in and out of . She'll tire herself out. Kittens do. They get the ZOOMIES and then pass out mid zoom

  6. What a sweet addition to your family! We always had a cat, outside, until a couple years ago (our german shepard Jada came along) and she disappeared. Then last year we found she was living with our renters in our rental down the road. I was so happy to know she was ok that I wasn't upset they had a cat in the house... :)
    I'm sure everyone will adjust.

  7. I've brought in many strays over the years. and taken care of others outside - taking them to the vet if needed, etc. Some stayed with us for a long time - some for only a short while. Even though I cried each time - I comforted myself by knowing that even if their time with me was short, they knew that someone loved and took care of them for a little bit - and helped them along the way. ... I'm keeping good thoughts that Holly will be one that stays for a long time!

    Linda in VA

    1. Wow, I'm glad to read your perspective and the happiness you've had with your rescues.

  8. So glad your Holly is settling in and hope soon she's just providing comfort and joy (without worry). (also glad that snow is in your yard and not mine :-)

  9. Holly seems like she's thriving well with you and in your home; I'm sure she'll pass her tests. How lovely your son plays the piano. We need to get ours tuned.

  10. She is as sweet as can be! Hopefully all will go well and she will fit in the family with seamless effort.

  11. Oh that sweet little face . . .she is irresistible!!!

  12. Hello! Many cats can test positive for FeLV (the leukemia virus) and still live very healthy, full lives. Be not too afraid. :) I worked with a cat once who was positive--and lived till he was 16! All best wishes to you!

  13. That little, sweet face of Holly says it all. She looks so adorable all snug in her new home. I too hope that all goes well with her vet visit. In the meantime, enjoy bonding with her and hearing her purrs. Cats are such amazing little creatures. Pat xx

  14. Ah, she looks too cute ! I still think it is wonderful of you to take her in and take care of her !
    My advice would be to provide her with some toys and a scratchpole, for when she feels better, and indeed not to worry too much, as long as she eats and drinks. Not too sure what you mean with total freedom and whether you intend to keep her indoors as well as out ? For if you mean to keep her, not as an outdoor cat, I'd keep her inside untill she is neutered, which can be done when she is 6 months old. ( with one of my former cats I made the mistake of thinking that they don't end up pregnant before you notice her even having been ruttish... )

    1. total freedom of the house with Frodo. She will never be let outside on purpose :)

  15. I was very happy to read Anonymous' comment about the feline leukemia, though I am hoping little Miss Holly passes with flying colors. She is already looking so much healthier!
    Your ornament with your photo is such a treasure! And, having your son playing each day... another treasure. Walks in the snow... so peaceful indeed. Sending your whole little household warm thoughts of peace and health. blessings ~ tanna

  16. The love you're giving Holly has already made a huge difference in her appearance. She's adorable! I hadn't thought of it before, but my sister has a cat & a dog that don't get along. Except that they do. The cat has just learned to stay out of the dog's way and they coexist peacefully, usually in separate rooms.

  17. One step at a time, Karen! It sounds like you are doing all the right things. : ) Trust your heart and intuition, it won't mislead you. Have a wonderful Christmas! My oldest is home and has also been playing the piano every few hours. Music to my ears! xo

  18. Cute photo of Holly and I am glad things are working out well with her and Frodo. I love when cats purr when you pet them too. They are so sweet.

  19. Holly is beautiful! her eye looks so much better. You will all adjust to each other...just like when a new baby comes home and an older child feels put out. In the end it's all good! A purring cat is a marvelous way to lower your blood pressure (I know this for a fact!!).


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