Knitting Mistakes

I finished the tiny tea leaves cardigan only to find a mistake in one sleeve which I've already ripped out and started over.  Golly!  On one hand, I'm thrilled I found the mistake but gosh, I do wish I would have seen it before an entire sleeve was knit up.  At least, it's a tiny sleeve.  Do you rip out?  Or do you assume no one will find the mistake? 

If I find a knitting mistake, I cannot let it exist..

I was thrilled to find Beartown  in paperback at the bookstore.  I'm not sure when I will start reading it, but it will be soonish.  I'm hosting Easter for the first time in about six - seven years.  I've slowly started to decide what to make for dinner.  So far I'm leaning towards a turkey breast and potatoes au gratin, and either green beans or asparagus.  After that I'm at a loss!  What are your go to dishes that you cook?

Miss Holly has been 'graciously' trimming my shamrock plants that used to be on the kitchen window sill.  So I've become creative at keeping her away from them.  She cannot jump up where the Christmas cacti are (she tried once and failed and hasn't tried again - she's defeated).  I've already thrown away a tree she was decapitating a few weeks ago.  Sometimes I feel so smart when I outwit her.

She tends not to eat the other plants.  Silly girl.

Everyday this week, we've had snow, snow and more snow.  Luckily, the last snowstorm that hit the east coast missed us.  Yesterday, most of the snow melted and this morning everything is blanketed in white once again.  I am knitting away and ignoring the lingering winter weather.  Any day now the weather should turn nice, right?

Once this cardigan is off the needles, I'm focusing on hat knitting -  speedy, fast, instantaneously gratifying knitting. 

By the way, if you haven't commented on the giveaway on this blog post, you have until next Tuesday!


  1. Oh, sorry about the ripping. Whether I rip or not depends on the mistake...where it big or noticeable it is, etc.

    Gosh, I have not hosted a holiday meal in years - Colin & Mailing always want to do it. I'm grateful for that, but sometimes I miss making a big celebratory meal too. This year I think they are making ham, green beans with almonds, some kind of potato and Colin said he wants to make a coconut custard pie. YUM!!!

    Glad you mentioned Beartown - I had forgotten all about that book and it has had such wonderful reviews. I need to find it at my library.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend. More snow is forecast for us next week.......

  2. I am sorry about the ripping... I am in the same camp as you. If I see it, it must be fixed! I hope you enjoy Beartown as much as I did!

  3. I have to fix knitting mistakes (if I find them!), especially if it's for a gift. I missed a dropped stitch on a feather and fan stitch scarf, and it unraveled the first time the recipient wore it. I was embarrassed but fixed it. Your Easter dinner sounds delicious; I always include cole slaw and carrot cake in my Easter menu but that's just because I like them!

  4. I always rip back when I find a mistake. I'm a perfectionist ;-) Sometimes I tell myself to let it go, but usually that means more ripping later on, because it keeps bugging me.

    We don't really do big Easter meals, but my go to dishes for bigger gatherings are soup (as a starter, I love making simple soups of stock and veggies and sometimes some meat) and a green salad (as a side dish). For dessert we usually have icecream. Can't go wrong with that, especially if you offer several different sauces -fruit/chocolat- to top them of ;-)

  5. I usually rip out mistakes, but it really depends on how visible it is. I tried something this week that turned out badly. I was knitting the button band on a sweater, and I always feel weird picking up three stitches for every four rows, so I went down a needle size and picked up all the stitches. It looks nice except is a little "ruffly" because there are still too many stitches. So I will be ripping out today. I think you will be happy with your decision to rip out. At least it's behind you now.

  6. I rip out. Definitely. If I let the mistake stay, it is all I would ever see.

    I bought Beartown a few weeks ago too.

    Hope you have a WONDERFUL Friday!

  7. That naughty Holly. Cats like the taste of plants? Potatoes au grautin sounds so yummy as we love spuds here. I'll have to try that dish sometime. I usually bake them in the oven and then we split them open and drown them in butta, sour cream, and shredded Mex cheese. I wouldn't be able to stand the mistake also. I would have done what you did.

    1. Thank you for the HP <3. I do love them so and hope to get more use out of my socks when I buy a pair of street sneakers.

  8. i'm typing with one hand while nursing puppy. i always hope my mistakes will not be seen. my daughter always makes me rip back. be interested in what you think of beartown. subject matter was a bit too grim o had to put down for another day

  9. It depends on where and what the mistake is if it gets fixed or not. Sometimes I have to fix it and sometimes I let it go as wabi sabi. I just finished Beartown. I liked the characters. I’m still thinking about them. Your Easter dinner sounds delicious.

  10. I am a firm believer in fudging. However, if a mistake bugs me, I take it out. I'd probably take out a baby sweater sleeve.

  11. I'm like you when I find a mistake in my crocheting...out it comes and correct it!

    I love the little dog on the table guarding the Shamrock plants. :-) A work of your sons?

    One day it will be spring...I promise.

  12. I would correct any mistakes if it were a gift for someone else, but if was not too noticeable and for myself I would probably let it be and hope no one notices :) My kitty has been nibbling on my maidenhair fern in the kitchen. It is my favourite plant and I'm annoyed that I can't keep it on the kitchen table anymore. I shall have to look for a plant to put there that she doesn't like to eat. We are expecting some more snow flurries today - I shall be staying inside as much as possible! Enjoy your weekend.x

  13. Sometimes I try to convince myself not to rip... Next thing I know... the ripping has commenced. I just ripped a piece that I made in 2012 I think! Ha! Gave it away, got it back... long story. Notice a mistake. And, there we go. Have a great weekend, Karen. I'm off to go back a post (spring break had me VERY occupied). LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  14. I'm a serial rip it back out-er. It only hurts for a second.

  15. Oh my gosh! I love that little dog origami. How adorable! Sorry you had to rip the sleeve, but as you say, at least it was a tiny sleeve.

  16. I love your sweater. I am the same, mistakes drive me crazy but sometimes I choose to ignore them and just to continue on and sometimes I can't continue on because I feel like it will bother me too much or I won't wear the finished project all all. Good that you are keeping Holly away from the plants! That is tough to do. I have so many plants in my apartment on the windowsills, it would be a cat's dream but I have plant babies for now while I can't get a cat. I know it will be tough when I do and I will have to be creative as well. Happy Knitting!

  17. I'm sorry about the mistake.. I don't always mend mine, it depends on what the mistake is, whether it is visible or not, and for whom the FO is ( with selfish knitting, I tend to care less ).
    My windowsill only had cactusses as well, plus "cat grass" ( ? I mean this plant ). It seems that a Chlorophytum Comosum would also be safe to eat, if you buy a biological one, without chemical insecticides . They like to eat grass anyway, and my experience is that as I don't offer a grass like plant, they'll start nibbling all my houseplants...

    1. I will definitely keep this in mind, for now I've hidden the shamrock plants in the bathroom, out of sight :)

  18. Yes, if I find mistakes, I will rip back to fix them. Otherwise, my eyes will be forever drawn to them. Have you tried planting a small pot of greens for Holly? Cats do love to chew on greens. If you can find grass seed without any fertilizer or pesticide, just plant a coffee cup size for her. I think they also sell seeds specifically for cats.

  19. I sometimes rip out, it depends on the mistake, the worst is where I am undecided and then decided to knit more and then finally give up and have to rip back even more! Cats do love plants, we've had some house plants completely striped by some of our cats, its better than the one that claws the carpet!

  20. I'm like you when I find a mistake it bugs me till I fix it. I've heard some folks call it a "design element" and leave it, but I just can't. Our cat very stealthily prunes our indoor plants. I am sure from the evidence that she gets in the garden window but have never caught her there. March is definitely in lion-mode.

  21. I am pretty much a rip out and fix mistake kind of knitter. If I try to fudge, I run into a bind and rip out anyway. I think of it as getting more value from my yarn. The little cardigan is going to be so cute.


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