
How was your weekend?  I hope it was sunny like mine. 

It's still chilly out there even with the sun.  When the sun is shining I'm happy and when it's cloudy I feel like there's a sense of doom.  I usually get like this around mid March.  March is a long month...really long.  However, there are signs of the seasons changing and I'm biding my time. 

We've been busy this weekend doing chores for next weekend.  I cleaned the house today and hopefully it will be easier next weekend when the kids arrive.  I've finalized my menu for Easter Sunday (but haven't even thought of Monday thru Friday...).  Cooking for two is challenging and it's easy to eat something that is quickly made like a bagel or soup. 

We attended Saturday evening Mass for Palm Sunday, the longest Mass known to man.  After Mass, we picked up a pizza.  That evening, I finished a hat and then worked on my socks.  I wrapped up my birthday gift and Easter gift for the toddler girl I babysit.  I can't wait to give them tomorrow when I go to work.

Here is Frodo looking for Holly.

Here is Holly at the top of the stairs staring at her nemesis. 

I did decide to open up my studio room upstairs to expand her territory and give her more hiding spots.  She loves it.  I could hear her scampering and jumping and so could Frodo.  So there was more dog training...  Expanding her territory made the day slightly better. 

Today, my knitting friends came over to knit and talk.  I made a blueberry brunch cake with powder sugar sprinkled on top as they arrived.  We had a great time being together.  Knitting makes me happy.

How was your weekend?


  1. We, too, went to Saturday Palm Sunday Mass. It is looooooong but I love this week. Hubby and I are involved in RCIA so Easter Vigil is the highlight of our teaching year. Talk about a long mass......Easter Vigil can last up to 3 hours, depending on how many baptisms there are.

    I really like the color of your socks. What a pretty blue.

    I think Frodo and Holly are going to end up being the best of friends. One of these days you will find them sleeping right next to each other............on purpose!

  2. My weekend has been low key...VERY low key as allergies have started. I have enjoyed the rest and the allergy medicine is kicking in so I am good. Hubby has done excellent work in taking care of me. I want to be at my best because in a little over a week I will be taking care of him after his eye surgery.

  3. Our morning started out with SNOW showers. Thankfully, it didn't amount to much.

    There was house hunting, a nice late lunch with a margarita and ...........plenty of knitting.

    Holly is just too adorable!!! LOL I know she gives you a run for your money, but oh that squishy face. You can't help but ♥ her!

  4. I love those pictures of Frodo and Holly. LOL! Is he not allowed upstairs then? The blueberry crunch cake looks yummy.

  5. Blueberry cake and knitting friends. Doesn't get much better than that! ;) Here, the pollen is suffocating right now. Everything is covered in a blanket of yellow-green and the air is hazy. We are supposed to get some very welcome rain this week... just to clear the air a bit. Frodo and Holly are just too cute. Looking forward to Easter with family! blessings ~ tanna

  6. sounds like a lovely weekend. delicious, too :-)

  7. Knitting did not make me happy this week! Two mistakes, one required a trip to the yarn store for help. The yarn store clerk was so nice and helpful and all was fixed in a matter of seconds. Frodo and Holly are too cute. There’s never a dull moment with kitties and puppies.

  8. Those blue socks are perfect for spring. You are so patient with Holly. And now it is Monday again.

  9. Sounds like a great weekend! We've been jetlagging (that's totally a verb, isn't it?) and tried to start working on the big move. Sorted through records and books. I've got mixed feelings about that...

  10. What a lovely weekend you had, and I really love that perfect tea tag!

  11. I agree, Palm Sunday is a long Mass, I was the cantor yesterday morning and I was tired when it was over. I think Easter Vigil is longer and this year we have seven people in RCIA, two catechumens and five candidates, so I'm guessing it will be about 3 hours, but it is all good! Have a blessed Holy Week!

  12. That pic of Holly peeping out from the top of the stairs pretty much sums it all up.. so cute

  13. Love how your socks are knitting up & hoping you'll share the cake recipe. :)

  14. Oh I wish we lived near each other. I'd love to come sit with you and knit (learn from you what I could). I hope you have a very blessed week and a Happy Resurrection Sunday! :)

  15. Sounds like a great weekend. Frodo and Holly - love them. And, your blue socks are so spring-like. Perfect for finishing out the month.

  16. Travel, wedding, travel, dogs, and cough-cough! And it will be the same this weekend! And then a few months before 2 more weddings take us on the road again.

  17. I love how you made blueberry cake for your group, it matched the hue of the socks you are knitting! I worked on my cowl scarf and watched golf and basketball with my husband and Saturday night we had dinner with my best friend from high school and her husband. It was so good to see them again!

  18. Oh Palm Sunday was such a long Mass. I LOVE your pottery and the blues go with your blueberry cake! The socks are aweseome. Im with you on the weather. In fact, it helps me to hear others fess up about this moody march muck. Sometimes I think it is just me. Just knowing Baseball is starting in 2 days is making me very hopeful and happy.


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