Around Here

Today just might very well be the first spring like day.  I'm planning on wearing my light spring jacket and enjoying the fresh air.  Spring!  All too soon the trees will start agreeing that spring is here and will be leafing out.  I'll be patient waiting, for now blue skies and a sun peeking out behind a cloud is good enough for me.

On Monday, Miss Holly had her spaying operation and true to her shy self, she just stared at them in recovery refusing to eat or drink.  They discharged her informing me that she will be drowsy.  The instructions were:  no jumping (she jumped.), no running (she ran.)  and no licking (guess what - she licked).  Oh. my. goodness.

I drove back to the vet for the third time to pick up a soft cone collar only to discover that it was way too big because she is a wee little cat.  I tried various other ways to stop her.  We ended up say stop it and kept a close eye on her.  For 24 hours after discharge she was hyper - then miraculously she crashed and ignored the suture site (internal stitches and then glue). 

Holly's doing well now but my anxiety went through the roof and I'm still recovering from my frantic manic worries I conjured up.  She's better and I'm better.  Phew.  My sister listened to me rant and complain and fret - she is awesome. 

Can you believe it's been almost six months of me going to the gym and working out with a personal trainer?  I know!  Joining the gym was one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health.  I'm thrilled with how strong I am becoming and how my confidence has improved.  I rarely complain (who me?) and I try all the new stuff with a much better attitude. 

My salad-a-day goal is going well.  I want my meals to reflect the amount of work I'm putting in the gym. 

We've been eyeing up the calendar and trying to figure out some trips.  How can it be that we are busier now more than ever?  I like being busy but those do-nothing days are gone and now I have a do-nothing afternoons instead.  I've discovered that you have to schedule in the down time. 


  1. Isn't that the truth? One of my oldest friends and I talk about when we were young, we used to LOOK for things to do. Now, it seems there isn't enough time to get it all done. How has that happened?

    I'm sorry you and Holly had such a stressful week! That chore is behind you both now. Thank goodness. It's good to have a sister like you do. I still haven't wrangled my diet to the healthy side. Bravo for you. You've been so faithful to your workout and that bowl of broccoli and mushrooms looks DELICIOUS! Keep on being the inspiration! Have a great weekend, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  2. Lovely photos! I can hardly believe it's going to be 80 degrees this weekend; that should really get the leafing out started. Enjoy the fresh air!

  3. That salad looks yummy! Have a great weekend!

  4. Glad Holly is doing well after her surgery.

    As for down time . . . so important and yes . . . we are busier than ever too and we don't even have children to watch.

  5. Seems as though we are all just busier and busier. I'm trying to create some down time. Good ot hear that Holly is doing ok after her surgery. We always worry about our pets, don't we? Just like we worry about our doesn't end. Your salad looks very, very yummy!

  6. I'm glad she's doing okay; Holly is so fun to read about. Yay for six months hittin' the gym and workin' out w/a trainer; that is a great accomplishment. I probably won't use the elliptical today since I'm making the Costco run; that counts as exercise right? But I'll use it this weekend; it feels good even though I'm sore every day and sometimes poop out and sit and read on the laptop. I love your tree; it looks awesome. I love trees; that's one thing I liked about the book, The Black Witch. Most of the witches get their power from the Earth and the main protagonist gets it from the trees.
    Glad to hear a fellow validation of Light and Up. I need to work more on it; I've been trying to get my cardigan started. I really like using big needles with skinny yarn and how it knits up fast.

  7. I'm glad Holly is doing fine. I find vet instructions to be overly cautious, as with many instructions in life. ;)

  8. I certainly find I have to schedule downtime if I want to have some on my weekends.
    Holly is a strong kitty despite her tiny size.

  9. Assuming that's a post-op Holly, I think she made it fine through the surgery. Hope you're recovering, too!

    1. Yes this was taken on a Thursday and her surgery was on a Monday :)

  10. I have to follow your lead and start going to the gym. I am considering a personal trainer, but here in NY the cost may just be too much. So glad that Miss Holly is recovering. Poor little thing. I really like your first picture with the two yarn bowls as well as a basket. It definitely says "knitter".

  11. My head and heart want salad but the cold and rain are telling me soup - it’s a conundrum

    1. Juliann, I am nodding my head yes to this! I want to do salads but the cold makes me crave carbs and soups!

  12. Glad that you and Holly are okay again. When Pumpkin got spayed, she was running around as well, shortly after the operation. Got me worried, too, and at the same time wish I would recover that fast from injuries or surgeries... Did you draw that tree ? It looks stunning !
    We had some sunny and warm days already, and contrary to patient, they seem to have made me a bit greedy..hehehe.. so let spring go on and spread some more warmth, green and sunshine !

  13. Karen, your salad looks yummy! My husband is away this week and I have made a pact with myself to eat a salad a day. Tomorrow I plan on cutting up veggies in advance so that I can't use "I'm tired" as an excuse to not toss together something. Wish me luck!

    1. My house is so clean when my husband goes out of town :)

  14. Glad Holly is doing well after a trying for you time. Gerard starts at the gym on Wed as part of his rehabilitation programme, I am hoping that this doesn't cause a flare up of the RA as he is not able to take the anti inflammatory medication.

  15. We are alike with our worries. I am trying hard to work on this. I'm STILL unwinding from vacation stress. That's ridiculous I know. Cats are pretty good about leaving their incision alone . I totally get that she jumped and licked and wasn't tired. Typical for Pie too!

  16. Whew! Surgery is stressful. Congratulations on your gym workouts. I find walking and/or yoga (something physical) does wonders for my mental health. We had another snow storm this weekend so I got in some knitting. I am envious of your sketching ability. The tree is lovely.

  17. Whew! Surgery is stressful. Congratulations on your gym workouts. I find walking and/or yoga (something physical) does wonders for my mental health. We had another snow storm this weekend so I got in some knitting. I am envious of your sketching ability. The tree is lovely.

  18. Yum! That broccoli salad looks delicious! Hope Holly recovers quickly.

  19. So happy to hear you are enjoying your exercise routine! I am trying to squeeze in too much into my days, hopefully will have a nice break soon when I visit my family!


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