
Hello!  Once again I'm wrapping up another weekend.  Last weekend was all about traveling and this weekend was staying home sweet predictable home.  Sigh.  I love being home.  My photos are sparse since I read a ton on Saturday finishing up Never Let You Go and I can definitely let that book go - I didn't enjoy it and kept waiting for the big 'ta-da' moment that never came in my point of view. 

Ah well, I've read way worse and when you read the really, really good books that makes life all better.  I'm trying to clear up my current reads for the big behemoth of a book, The Brothers Karamazov.  You and I both know this classic novel will not be my night time reading.  I'm carving out an hour or two a day for this beauty. 

Today, I organized my little notebook with color coded washi tape tabs for the babysitting hour pages and the gym session pages.  I love seeing the pages fill up with dates.  Now with the washi tape I can easily flip to the frequently visited pages.  I also have a written list of books I'd like to read that I add to my want-to-read list on Goodreads. 

Goodreads has stopped me from re-buying books I have on the shelves (picked up at book sales, I remember full priced books!).  I also have a list of Kindle books that remind me of what is on that device.

As to my knitting progress,  I'm almost done with one sleeve on my sister's cardigan.  Today, while knitting with some friends this afternoon, I reached the cuff.  Sweet joy! 

Dare I say that the house has been calmer this weekend?  Ahem.  Here's sweet Frodo who sees the glass half full that my husband will give him a bit of bread from his lunch (which he does get).

How was your weekend? 


  1. Ahhhh, sweet Frodo picture. Sounds like a good, back to routine weekend for you. You'll be finished that cardigan in no time!!

  2. Any weekend that includes reading and notebooks is a good weekend. Mine was pretty sweet and not busy. I also finished a hook and made some good progress on another book. And there was knitting, lovely knitting. Have a great week.

  3. Lots of knitting and we put an offer in on a house today. Crossing our fingers that they accept our bid. :-)

  4. My weekend was a cleaning frenzy broken up by a few bike rides.
    I wasn't a big fan of Never Let You Go, either. It was so dark, but didn't have a glimmer of light to make me glad I'd read it.

  5. Sweet Frodo! So calmly waiting. My old dog reminds you with a paw that he is waiting. The young dog lays under the table, sure in the knowledge Big Brother will get us to give up the goods!

  6. Great picture of Frodo! Books can be disappointing, can they? I'm currently reading a mystery series that is sort of entertaining, but not that good. But I keep going, so I guess it's what I want to read right now...

  7. I do admire your organization and may have to step up my own a bit. I just make a list for each day, but I find I'm missing the big picture and carving out time for things in the future that way. Your sister's cardigan looks great and you'll soon be flying down the second sleeve!

  8. Frodo is becoming resigned to the "new normal" of not being the only furry critter in the house. The lunch time treats are very welcome rewards!

  9. Your organisational skills are to be admired mine seem to have gone out of the window recently, I keep promising myself I will get better. Thank you so much for your prayers for Gerard, he has been humbled by everyone's concern.

  10. I gave up on Never Let Me Go about 100 pages in. There just wasn't anything happening! Too many other things to read to stick with a book that's only ho-hum. I'm currently reading & enjoying Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld. It's a modern re-telling of Pride & Prejudice. I never read the original but I've seen the movie countless times.

  11. Oh, that Frodo. How good you are keeping track of things in your great notebooks. I've been using a planner to remind myself of things. It's been useful.

  12. Frodo! You are as bad as Popeye! : ) And my husband is as bad as yours; mine gave Popeye a ziti noodle the other night at dinner! Boys! They can be exasperating, LOL! That's so funny that you disliked Never Let Me Go so much as I felt the opposite and we usually are on the same page when it comes to books. I really liked it, I found it very thought provoking, especially with the way science is advancing when it comes to cloning. I can't imagine being cloned for the sole purpose of being harvested for organs. I still think it is admirable that you are tackling The Brothers Karamazov! You've got this! : )

  13. That photo of Frodo is so sweet..
    I don't remember the last time I paid even 50% for a book.
    I use paperbackswap to swap them and I have even won a few via the goodreads giveaways which I am addicted to.
    Never Let Me Go is on my TBR but after the movie I am on the fence about it..


  14. Glad you love being home too! I sure do! Frodo, so sweet. And how fun to be on the sleeve of your gift sweater! Go go go

  15. A knitting pic and a Frodo pic. I am smiling now. I too try to keep track of books that I have read on Goodreads and elsewhere.

  16. ah...that's my kind of weekend! I hope to create that sense of homey calm (with knitting and reading progress) this weekend.

  17. Isn't Washi tape the best? I love using it in my planner/notebooks. Your sweater is looking great and the Frodo photo (that's a tongue twister!) is adorable!


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