Cape Cod Trip

On Tuesday, we drove up to Cambridge to drop off our son for his three month internship with Harvard University and what a whirlwind trip that turned out to be.  While in the Harvard Book Store, I received an automatic alert to inform me that my electricity at home was out due to severe storm damage.  Thus began the worry/anxiety state of mind.  

We moved him into his sublet, met his one roommate out of two roommates then went to shop and eat at Harvard Square.  The rain arrived shortly after we did and gosh!  The water just ran down the streets - we were soaking wet with umbrellas.

Sadly, I dedicated a space in my brain to worry about my cat who was without electricity (I had a friend checking on her and feeding her every day) and my refrigerator and freezer foods.  I know, I know, I'm not in control.  Worriers can't let go.

I was so PATIENT while he shopped in this store

Around 6:30 p.m. we left Cambridge and our son to drive down to Cape Cod for a two night stay in Hyannis.  Our 1 1/2 hour drive ended up to be 2 1/2 hour drive due to traffic.  We arrived around 9 p.m. safe and sound.

Our hotel was lovely but we had noisy guests above us and had a terrible night's sleep.  In the morning, we requested to be moved to the top floor (so I could be the noise maker instead of the noise receiver).  Not only did they give us a lovely room, but also a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant for our troubles.  I was not expecting that and we were thrilled.

Wednesday morning, we were off in the town, shopping and sight seeing.  We had lunch at the harbor then walked down to the JFK memorial and the Korean Memorial.  We returned to our hotel, hopped into the car and then we were off to some yarn shops (no photos of what I bought yet) and more sight seeing.

Our selfie photos are hilarious, I've yet to perfect them.  However, they are perfectly imperfect.

Yesterday, we drove home and arrived to a house with no electricity.  We threw away all the foods and that made me incredibly sad to see such waste.  Our electricity came on around 5:30 p.m. yesterday about 45 minutes after we arrived - PHEW!

I vow to:  never hoard food in the freezer/refrigerator. 

I'd like to vow not to be miserable while I worry but I know I cannot change at all.  I am like this and I will be a worrier till the day I die. 

However, I value all those strings of days when I'm not worried.   I document my contentment and my peacefulness. 

Like this morning :)

A trip away is fun, but there is nothing like being home sweet home (with electricity).

PS:  I am behind on blog reading due to our trip but I am hopefully visiting you all today and tomorrow!


  1. I'm sorry about no electricity and the food loss, but glad about Harvard, some nice time away in a beautiful location (complete with yarn stores!), and some selfies that look pretty good to me. Wishing you a good weekend with electricity and all the comforts of home!

  2. Sorry about the fridge and food, but it looks like you had a good time on the Cape otherwise. That was our go-to vacation spot growing up and still the place my folks would like to retire to if they could find someplace affordable.

  3. oh, ugh, so sorry about the power loss ... but I love the photos from your trip. Perfectly imperfect selfies are the BEST!

  4. Ouch! Sorry about the power outage and resulting food loss. But Harvard! Yay! What a fun town, too. and the Cape! And yarn shops! I like your selfies (much more than mine). I'm sure Holly was fine, but happy to see you also. Enjoy the weekend WITH electricity!

  5. What lovely photos, even the imperfect selfies! Looks like a lovely trip.

  6. Some of us are just more prone to worries. It is no fun. Im sorry you and I share this anxiety bit. I think of myself as a person of faith, and a positive person, but my genetics get in the way sometimes. The more anxious I get the more anxious I get!!!!!! Your selfies are darling

  7. I'm a huge worrier also! But I'm worse than you! I'm so bad, that I don't even go away from home - except for short trips around where I live - like no more than an hour away!

    Linda in VA

  8. So sorry about the storm, I just read about my sisters experience in the Hudson Valley. Seems I have been out of touch with the weather up by you. Glad you had a nice trip and congrats to your son on a wonderful summer experience.

  9. Oh ugh on the power outage... that is no fun if you are home or away! I would be worried too! I am glad you had such a nice time though and I love the selfies!

  10. Our selfies are awful. We just can't figure it out. I think we were in Connecticut during that storm and thankful not to lose power. I am glad you had a nice trip but it is no fun to come home to a freezer of unfrozen food. Rotten luck for sure.

  11. I'm terribly sorry about all of the food you had to throw out...but I'm so happy that you and your hubby had those couple of days to enjoy sights and each other. xx

  12. Cape Cod was one of my favorite places to visit. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

    Glad the power is back on and STAYS on.

  13. Ignorance is bliss Karen, maybe get your hubby to receive the alert to avoid the stress. Looks like a great place to visit.

  14. We always want /need to be in control, but it rarely happens. You handled it well (or as well as could be expected). If the worst that happens is the tossing of a little food, then all is well. Sounds like your trip was lovely, your time with your husband was joyful, and you're selfies could not have been more "real" and wonderful.

  15. Looks like you had a wonderful trip to Cape Cod. That is exciting your son has an internship at Harvard! Hope he has a good time at the internship. Love the photos you took and it is making me feel the itch to go travelling too. Glad to hear all was well at home while you were away as well. Hope you have a good weekend!

  16. Power loss is such a pain. I'm glad Frodo and Holly were okay. It's wonderful you received customer service at the inn; how rude of the occupants above you.
    Thanks for all the sweet cheer on the blog recently. I'm behind in things I feel and need to catch up.

  17. Losing electricity while I was away from home would worry me, too. How could it not. And then to know you have to clean out the frig and freezer when you get home. Good for you for completing your trip and not cutting it short!

  18. So sorry your electricity worries dampened what looked like a very fun trip! Glad your power is back on now and you're back home, safe and sound. I'm behind in blogging also as we've been gone also. I love your selfies!

  19. From one worrier to another- I get it. Despite all the craziness, it looks like a wonderful trip. Your pics are beautiful and makes me want to go to Cape Cod lie yesterday.
    I absolutely adore (to the tenth power), your selfies.

  20. Wow, what an adventure you had! My heart is with you, we lost power from Tuesday until Sunday. It was so unsettling. We also had to toss all of our food in the fridge but I am looking at the bright side which is that it made cleaning it incredibly easy! : ) I am SO happy the power is back on!

  21. I'm a worried, too. I *so* understand. Thank you for writing so openly about it. What a lovely trip, though!

  22. WOW, Cape Cod, my family visited Cape Cod every summer and I loved it! My husband has no desire to go east but I sure due, so many beautiful places. I am a worrier as well, almost to the point of having anxiety attacks. Of course few people know how I suffer with this because I never or rarely let it show. I'm always told how 'calm' I always seam...haha. Glad your electricity is back.


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