Knitting News

I'm down to two projects on my needles, how is this possible?  My schedule hasn't allowed me the time to think about something new.  Once Friday arrives, I see a crack of light shining some hope of beginning a new project.

I love being busy because my worries diminish - I don't have time to conjure up some crazy thing to 'what if' over.  But - being busy cuts into my knitting creativity!

Also, I am obsessed with trying to finish my book, The Brothers Karamazov, I could knit and read at the same time, but this book demands my full attention.  So does my knitting!

The Dusk at Elk River Shawl is ready for the next knitting section - love this project and the shimmery yarn!

As promised, my Cloverleaf shawl has a new project page.  I am so much happier with this design, I know I made the right decision frogging the Holey shawl.  I feel so much better.


  1. Dusk at Elk River might be one of my favorite shawls that you have knit; I love the pattern and the beautiful yarn. I think my grandmother used to call the cloverleaf pattern "cat's paw lace". It's appropriate, but don't tell Frodo!

  2. Cloverleaf is so pretty!

  3. Everything is looking so good! I am just down to 1 project in knitting at the moment. Sewing? umpteen million!!

  4. Keeping busy, keeps me from worrying too :) Love your shawls!

  5. Both shawls are gorgeous - I especially love the yarn for Dusk at Elk River. And, I like Bonny's comment about cloverleaf being called cat's paw lace. I'm going to try to finish the two projects I have going (one shawl and a pair of socks) before casting on something new. Try is the operative word.....

  6. Hi Karen, so lovely to visit your blog and to see the beauty things you do. I love knitting too, I don't know many styles but I can make nice scarfs and shawls. I've read your book talk interview on Grace's blog, I'm surprised how our tastes for book are so similar. Hugs to you!

  7. Loving your shawl knitting, think the Dusk at Elk River might just be what I have been looking for, have another present to make, busy is good and crafting busy is relaxing and productive at once, enjoy.

  8. Oooh! Dusk at Elk River is Gorgeous!

  9. Sometimes we make the best progress when we have a single focus. life lesson, right?! (it's been interesting to read/hear lately that multi-tasking is NOT a good thing!) both of your knitting projects are beautiful. and I'm so glad you're enjoying BK!

  10. That border looks so pretty in that tonal blue. Glad you are happy with the second shawl's second life. Kudos to you on sticking with that book.

  11. I've now put that shawl in my favorites. Thank you. Being busy usually helps with my worry gene too. KNITTING always does. Today being a sensitive day, I'm going to knit the rest of it away. And I'm going to be thinking how good it is for me.

  12. They are both such pretty shawls. I have just started to crochet one, ready for a gift.

  13. Karen, your Dusk at Elk River shawl is just beautiful!
    I just love the yarn you chose and that border is so wonderful.

  14. Of course the Dusk shawl is beautiful -- it's by Helen Stewart. She is a terrific designer. Don't you love the percentage thing she does?
    I admire your reading of The Brothers. I've never been crazy about Russian novels, though I did like Crime and Punishment.

  15. Both projects are lovely, you do such beautiful work! I am five rows away from finishing from finishing my cowl scarf. So excited!

  16. Karen! It makes me so happy to see your lovely silky shawl so close to completion! Super wow!

  17. Getting caught up here. Both your shawls are pretty. I love that you took out the holey one that wasn't making you happy. No sense knitting on something you don't like.


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