
You know what is nice?  Having electricity :)  I am going to sing from the rooftops "I love electricity!".  My love for modern conveniences eliminates me from doing any kind of participation in a tv 1800's reality show.  I would not be able to do it with grace.  Now for comic relief, I'm sure the camera would love to follow me around as I grump about with my internal angst.  Ah well...

How was your weekend?

I'm nearly caught up with my to do list.  When I do get caught up I'll be starting a new one.  Isn't that the way it goes?  I spent yesterday listening to a variety of podcasts while doing the chores.  I also spent some time knit doodling.  Knit doodling is starting a pattern when you're not sure of the yarn or the color and just seeing how it goes.  I ripped out everything today.  Stay tuned for the big reveal when I decide on a yarn and color scheme.

The above bookmark with Poland stamps is a replacement of the bookmark that my daughter bought me four years ago and I LOST it.  I have flip through all the books, went back to the library and flipped through the books that were last used and then flipped through my books again.  It is gone.  I know one day I will find this bookmark but I was heartbroken when I lost it last year.  So I bought a replacement.

I lost one of my mother's bracelets a few years ago.  I thought I lost it on a walk so I retraced my steps many times looking for a silver bracelet never to be found.  Again, heartbroken!! However, I accidentally found the bracelet in an old purse....I have no idea how it got there but gosh I was thrilled!  So I know the bookmark will show up.

Today, I flipped through cookbooks looking for something new to cook for dinner.  Nothing inspired me as of yet, maybe tonight I will resume.  Or maybe I'll be knitting!

How was your weekend?


  1. Some knitting, some reading, some househunting ....you know how it goes.

    Hope you find your bookmark soon.

    P.S. I'd love to know some of the podcasts you watch. I surely could use some new ones.

    1. I listen to podcasts and currently enjoy: 2 knit lit chicks, yarniacs, knitmore girls, literary disco, what should I read next.

  2. Knitting, reading, and electricity make for a good weekend! I did much of the same, with plenty of yard work in between rain and showers. I love that feather and fan afghan!

  3. I watched the royal wedding and had such a lovely time. You love! I did get a few rows of knitting in at the same time, I had to wash a little boy and two dogs after a bathroom disaster this morning, don't even ask what happened. See back to reality!

  4. I love that Old Shale blanket! And your shawl is coming along wonderfully. The yarn looks soft and I like the soft color-striping.
    Thank you for the skirt love. I honestly don't know if I'll be wearing it. I may have to get some new t-shirts and tanks to wear w/it this summer.

  5. I hear there are a few people in Puerto Rico who also would like some electricity. It's so easy to forget how lucky we are!
    I hope the bookmark shows up soon.
    Your shawl is just gorgeous!

  6. My weekend was full but good and included not needing to cook Sunday evening :)

  7. We're still having weekend (the Monday after Pentecost Sunday is a holiday too in our country), so that's fun. We're just lazying around mostly. We are having some warm, sunny days, had two of our three girls over for a barbecue yesterday, so that's all good.

  8. Are all those books on your to-do-list ?
    My weekend was easygoing, went to the gym saturday morning, did some housekeeping, some knitting, some reading, and took some walks, as sunny springweather has arrived here.
    When I can't find cooking inspiration, I often watch some foodblogs on youtube, or start with buying a veggie that I haven't had for a long time. Even when it turnes out I'll make the same old recipe with it, it still feels fresh that way...

    1. they are all the cooking books I was going to flip through and then decided to do it later.

  9. Time without electricity goes SO slowly. It's loss causes excessive amounts of angst for me, too. I'm sorry lost your bookmark, but I like the one you replaced it with and also like all the books and supplies you have scattered about. My weekend news is we bought a puppy!! He will be ours in 3-4 weeks!

  10. Full of family and friend visits back home. But now I am back in my comfy chair with my "new" computer and hoping my datas recovery item comes soon so I can see if the old hard drive will give up the ghost or give me my data!

  11. I'll second that on having electricity.. I would not do well in the olden days.
    That is just the thing with lost things.. usually the moment we purchase a replacement the lost item magically appears again.
    This winter we could night find the boys tubes.. we looked and looked.. went out and bought new ones.. a few days later discovered them deflated, neatly folded hidden underneath a suitcase.. my FIL did that lol. He was helping organize?
    And currently 4 of those colorful plastic ikea plates the kids like to use have gone MIA.. four whole plates!!


  12. My weekend was wet! Very, very wet. We got 9.5 inches of rain over 3 days and roads washed out, bridges collapsed... but no damage here at our house, unless you consider the jungle that used to be our yard. Good grief! I've never seen wild plants grow so fast!
    LOVE the color of your new bullet journal, btw.

  13. After 8 straight days of rain this past week, the sun finally came out yesterday (and is out today). But the clouds are coming back tomorrow. We lost power Saturday morning (they were "fixing" something) - from 2:50 A.M. until 9:50 A.M. so yep - I missed the Royal Wedding! But later got to see some highlights, so I'm good. But we are lucky that we have power on a fairly regular basis!

    Linda in VA

  14. Yes, electricity is a very good thing! As someone else commented, time just seems to really drag when you are without. Love the way your shawl is coming along. Knit Doodling - -great term!! And, love your bookmark (hoping the original shows up soon).

  15. I love watching the living in the past documentaries but like you electricity is good, I like my modern comforts. We've had a weekend of gardening, knitting and trying new foods.

  16. Knitting galore--also, I love love LOVE Heidi Swanson's cookbooks!

  17. Quiet weekend spent catching up after traveling. I took time to journal and reflect on our time away. The weather was cool and rainy so after I got life rolling at home, I made a cup of tea and worked on some second socks. We did go to the Farmer's Market and were surprised at so many fresh veggies - asparagus, radishes, scallions, salad greens. We had a great salad last night.

  18. I watched the wedding and enjoyed a quiet but relaxing weekend.

  19. Our weekend was good...the auction on Friday night, Saturday was a stay at home day for me, Sunday was church. The afghan on the back of your sofa is just gorgeous, Karen!

  20. I hate loosing things, it happens often to me. I have learned they usually show up, I just put them some place 'safe'. Hope you find your book marker!

  21. Weekend was cool. I wanted warmth! We had a fun visit with friends on Saturday. Friends from our old hometown. Lots of interesting talk. I made the pavlova as you know. Ate too much. have been counting my points ever since!

  22. Glad you're back on the grid! Looks like you've got some nice projects going. Our weekend included lots of weeding, some singing and visiting the local gk after being gone 10 days.


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