On the Other Side

As I mentioned in the last post, I have been taking care of a pulled back muscle since Monday. Yep, same place that I pulled in October 2017 that led me to join the gym. I can easily fall down the negative thinking spiral of 'why again' or 'gee the gym is supposed to prevent this'. However, let me tell you a secret. I did something quite stupid that caused the back strain. You see, I bent over and lifted a container of cat litter ALL the wrong ways. I was taught better and yet I fell back to old habits. This was last Friday, I felt a little something in my back but nothing else happened. I felt invincible and lucky. Then I moved a piece of paper on Monday morning - wham-o! This is the part of aging that bugs me. In my youth, I could twist and turn and abuse my body in all sorts of contortions imaginable. The nuns at my high school would reprimand my sitting habits. I would sit on a foot with my leg crossed, ...