
a blurry but beautiful photo of daisies, it was a windy day

How was your weekend?  Mine was fantastic, I stayed home and more importantly I had nothing on the calendar.  I decided my house is the perfect vacation getaway because it has the greatest coffee maker in the world, a comfortable bed and all of my knitting is here. 

Before the heatwave arrived today, I managed to squeeze in a daily walk and discovered the daisies are blooming!  Sadly, I cannot pick a few for my home because someone (cough, cough, cough) would just eat them.  I'm sure one day in my future I'll be able to pick them and have them in a vase, worst case scenario is that vase would be in a non-cat room.

forgot to mention we were in Penn State on Wednesday :)

I read a book in less than 24 hours, now the book was a short one,  but still, quite impressive for me.  The book is Failing Up, by Leslie Odom, Jr.  I highly recommend reading it - he reflects on his path to success (he played the original Aaron Burr in Hamilton) and gives advice on being true to yourself.   I loved his positivity and his gratitude to his mentors and opportunities. 

Daisy love

Saturday I spent most of the day by the pool reading a book or daydreaming.  After that I was back inside to knit and then knit some more.  I cannot imagine a more perfect day.  We attended Saturday evening Mass (with music) and then picked up a pizza for dinner.  Yum.

This morning, Holly was trying her very best to get inside my husband's briefcase.  I checked the bag and found what she was after -- a charging cord for an iPhone.  She LOVES them.  We do not like her loving them. 

Miss Innocent
 Funny story, I've been saying all year, that Frodo is a Senior because he is going to be 8 years old in October.  Imagine my surprise when I did the real mental math and figured out he will be 9 years old!!  He is so active and full of spunk, when he is not sleeping.  I have to admit having Holly has given him something to do and we see more of him more now than ever. 

Another funny story, many years ago I celebrated being 46 years old two years in a row.  I was so excited when my sister told me I was not 47 but indeed 46, phew!  Now I do the math when someone asks me my age...time flies by and I can't keep it straight anymore.

Oh!  Yesterday Frodo resisted his urge to chase Holly.  I was so so proud of him, you could see is pea sized brain trying to decide should I or should I chase that cat.  I know he has impulse control problems, who doesn't? 

almost finished

something new I'll talk about later in the week
Well, I hope you are having a fabulous weekend full of sunshine and fun.  Can't wait to hear all about it!


  1. commenting to receive notifications :)

  2. Your daisies are lovely, and Holly has certainly perfected her innocent look! I'm looking forward to seeing more of True Colors and Something New.

  3. I'm happy you had the weekend you wanted. Ah, daisies, good ol' daisy chains I used to make of them in the park. I was thoroughly entertained by Holly and Frodo. I can't believe he's that old and she is so full of determination.

    1. Oh and thank you for the FD wishes for my husband. I think he was pleased his day was relaxed, had no drama from his woman, and had good, home-cooked meals all day. Glad you're reading books that are appealing to you.

  4. Giroux was bad about chewing on charging cables or earbuds when he was younger too. He has moved on .......................to earplugs. I have to keep my LOCKED away in a snap-lid box with a RUBBER BAND around it. He learned how to pop the latches. :::sigh::: I'm always one trick behind that cat.

  5. Those daisies ! And Frodo and Holly are just too cute... I can relate to the chewing on things, although I don't have such small cables in my home, luckily. Over here, my shoelaces are the victim, but that's fine, they are cheap and replacable. Maybe you can offer Holly a long shoelace when you take away the cables ?
    My weekend was okay. Ran some errands on Saturday en Sundag I went for a morning run. The afternoon was spent knitting on a sock that turned out to be too wide, so it's frogged. But I ran all my errands this morning, so I'll be making a second attempt in a wee while :)

  6. I'm so glad that Holly and Frodo aren't making your life so crazy anymore (fun and entertaining is still good!) Staycation weekends are a great way to re-charge!

  7. Sweet, not-so-innocent Holly - LOL. My son's cats both chew wires - they have to put protective coverings on all the wires in the house. Weird. The daisy picture is beautiful! Anxious to see the finished True Colors and hear about your newest project (love the turtle stitch marker).

  8. Leslie's book is on my read list, your review has moved it up a bit! Thank you!

  9. Sounds like you had a fantastic, relaxing weekend. Can't wait to see the finished shawl & I'm looking forward to seeing the new thing. I'm also loving the turtle stitch marker!

  10. So glad that you liked Leslie's book, I really enjoyed it as well! Our weekend was wonderful, spent Saturday in Brooklyn to pick up our youngest, who was staying overnight with her sister after a long flight from Erbil AND got to see Mary and Dan's new apartment! So much fun. Father's day was spent doing whatever my husband wanted, which mostly consisted of R&R, LOL! : )

  11. lol.. my eldest is always there to correct us when we forget how old we are.. after I turned 30 everything is a blur.. but my youngest thinks I'm 18 and my husband is 21.. ha! we wish..
    that does sound pretty perfect. especially knowing how much you love your home.


  12. way too much activity for me friday and saturday...but with fun people. SUnday FIreman rode with his group...then we hung out all day. HE chatted with both kids. Opened a gift. Relaxed. Between SOccer , golf and baseball it was sun up to sun down. I had lots of photo editing to do for the barn. Its blazing hot and humid and iM not complaining

  13. You have your hands full with Holly and Frodo. I have my hands full with one crazy puppy, but we are having fun! He is such a great dog and we're in love. I've had fun watching him figure out the world one minute at a time.


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