
I had another stay-at-home-do-nothing weekend and it was wonderful.  I spent all day Saturday finishing my book, A Beautiful Mystery, by Louise Penny.  She is such a fabulous mystery writer in that she hooks me into wanting to read the next book in the series.  It's up and ready on my Kindle.

I skillfully snagged up her books on Kindle when they were on sale throughout a one year span.  I frequently check back on certain authors to see if I need any more at a great price.  Are there any other mystery series you like that you would recommend? 

We did attend Saturday evening Mass and did the pizza run like last weekend.  We've been watching The Americans on Amazon Prime.  I like to have my knitting in my lap so I can look down when it gets suspenseful or violent.

Did you notice anything different in my photos?  I have put away all the yarn on display - poor Holly doesn't have yarn to steal - but don't despair!  I am planning on knitting her some toys to place in the bowls so that she can steal something of her own.  I need to check Ravelry for that. 

Or I'll buy her some toys she can steal.  I just love seeing her slink across the room like she's invisible with a big old ball of yarn hanging from her mouth.  It's quite amusing.

I placed all of my projects in project bags and of course rearranged some yarns to different areas.  You know what?  I had the best time revisiting my stash and thinking of projects to be. 

How was your weekend?


  1. I also did a little stash organizing!!!

    Today was too beautiful to stay inside though. We took a nice long walk along the canal at Washington Crossing. BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Wishing you a very happy week ahead!

  2. I live Louise Penny and alas have read them all. I started reading The Chronicals of Brother Cadfael by Peter Ellis. I’m not religious and they are set 100s of years ago but I’m enjoying them.

  3. Oh goodie.....another author to add to my list. I have been engrossed in Maggie Sefton's Kelly Flynn Murder Mysteries. It is a 15 book series. They aren't so twisted that I have to read them during daylight hours. Nope, they are my bedtime books.

    I got a chuckle about Holly slinking over to the yarn bowl. I even had a visual.

  4. I am either playing with the puppy, watching the puppy sleep (or running errands), and walking the puppy. It's so much fun! He stole my knitting today (for about 30 seconds). My eyes are always on him because he can disappear in mere seconds! We're having fun! I'm looking forward to Louise Penny's new book in November.

  5. I started Ann Cleeves' Vera Stanhope series and will continue reading them. Vera is a forthright, imperfect character who thinks for herself, and I enjoy her as much as I like the mysteries. I love your project bags and hiding yarn from Holly!

  6. Have you read the Flavia de Luce series? It isn't YA but consider a mystery series. She is funny and precocious for her age.

  7. Revisiting stash or as I like to call it, shopping the stash, is one of my favorite things to do.
    Heh- I would love to see Holly being all stealthy will a yarn ball in her mouth!
    For great mysteries, I would recommend Jo Nesbo. His books are soooo good. The snowman was may favorite, but now I am starting from the beginning of the series- The Bat.

  8. I love a weekend with no plans! And, I loved The Americans but, I also had some "look away" moments!

  9. Sometimes is is so nice to have a nice, quiet weekend! I have been enjoying Ann Cleeves ' Shetland
    Island series. I enjoy the mysteries, the character development, and reading about life on the Shetland Islands.

  10. Hiding yarn from Holly - too funny! I bet she will love some knitted toys. I meant to look in my stash over the weekend but was distracted by other shiny objects.

    I love the Louise Penny books. I want to live in Three Pines. I just started reading "Brutality" by Ingrid Thoft. It is in a series and the main character is Fina Ludlow, a PI in the Boston area. so far I'm enjoying it a lot and will look for others in the series.

  11. I love those project bags in the last photo. Revisiting "stash" is a great way to get inspired about knitting with yarn you already own :-) and love the recommendations for mystery series. Vera Stanhope is next up on my list, thanks to recommendations from Bonny and Kym.

  12. a series I love is the one by Alexander McCall Smith - the No. 1 Detective Ladies ones... not your typical mystery.... and enjoyable characters.

    Linda in VA

  13. Glad you have such a good attitude about Holly's yarn thievery. When our dog was a puppy, she was fascinated with my wool yarns and would take them to snuggle with. I knit her a wool blanket to lay on.. and then she ate my almost finished fair isle sweater. From then on, she got nothing knitted -at least with wool.

  14. Your comment about Holly slinking across the room is pretty funny. Perhaps funnier to me because she isn't in my house getting into yarn. I think you have outfoxed her though - zipping it all into bags. I have been listening to the Charles Lennox mysteries by Charles Finch. Very British with some bits of obscure British and English language history dropped in. They aren't as good as those by Louise Penny but a step above a cozy mystery without a lot of violence. Many suggestions in the comments so thank you for asking.

  15. I am so behind in posting and see that you finished your True Colors shawl; it's gorgeous. Our book club just read number 5 in the Charles Lenox series mentioned above. As she noted, the author includes interesting historical tidbits throughout the book.When you make your cat toys, include some catnip in with the stuffing, and Holly will forget all about the rest of your yarn.

  16. I am a huge Louise Penny fan, can't wait until August and her next release. Have a great week.


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