Flower Focus

Was the past week hot for you?  Goodness, it was ultra steamy here.  The summer days are a blur with getting outside before the heat of the day, staying inside until right before dinner time.  Then we take a quick swim in the pool so we can head back into the cool air-conditioned house.  How can it be so hot so soon?  Luckily, the powers that be are claiming that we will get a reprieve.  I hope that is true.

If you've noticed, I've been spending my Fridays documenting the flowers in the back yard about to bloom.  I love how the camera focuses my attention to these details that ordinarily I would take for granted.

Have you noticed that there really aren't that many insects around anymore.  Well, let me rephrase that.  There are plenty of mosquitos and biting flies.  Oh and those lovely carpenter ants have decided to enter my home.  I have taken it personally and it's an all out war on my turf.  I have baits outside the house and inside the house.  I shall win!  (the inside baits are child resistant and taped down so someone doesn't bat it around...)

The insects that are missing are the bees and butterflies.  I get excited when I do see a lonely honeybee.  I remember as a child, they were everywhere and I was always crying and running into the house for fear of being stung.  Because of my paranoia, I wasn't stung until I was 16 years old.

The bee balm and butterfly bush tend to attract those rare beauties.  Sometimes I spy a hummingbird if I'm lucky.

Frodo decided this year to be afraid of fireworks, He's going to be nine years old this year so he can decide that.  Well half afraid.  If he is awake and he hears it, he wants to sit on my lap.  When the fireworks boom and shake the house, he isn't a fan.  But the far-away sounds he can sleep through and forget about.  I don't know if Holly likes them or not.

If Frodo is sitting on my lap, he is invincible and fearless.  That is exactly how I feel when I am at home.

My back strain continues to improve daily but it's not fast enough and I'm impatient.  So you know the cure, you know where I'm heading....I cast on a new project to mollify my angst.  I've been spending the past week trying to decide what to do with seven mini-skeins in a Dr Who colorway (yay!).

Do I want a hat? cowl? shawl?

I spent tons of time on Ravelry trying to decide.  Planning knitting is nearly as satisfying as actually knitting.  I found this hat pattern and I'll see how it goes.  I'm hopeful that I can pull off the colors nicely.

How is your summer?  Do you like hot weather?


  1. This year I've seen plenty of bees (depends on the plant), but few butterflies. Mylo is afraid of the loud, over the top loud, fireworks, as well as the high-pitched swirly kind. I'm no fan, either. We have another July holiday to contend with so we're working on the fear factor. Your Dingle hat is going to be fun!

  2. We see lots of bees (both honeybees and native bees like bumbles :) ), but fewer butterflies until the last week or so. We've worked pretty hard to make our yard pollinator friendly! We have lots of echinacea flowers which they all like, and even the goldfinches come to eat the seeds. :)

    We don't have many hummingbirds though. I'm hoping to set up a feeder for them at our new house.

  3. I actively despise hot weather, and feel the same about mosquitoes. I have seen a few carpenter bees around, and later in the summer there's a good chance we'll get to see some butterflies, since they like an old grapevine that is on our house. The kitties don't like fireworks, but all they do is just hide under the bed. When we had Dug, I don't even think he noticed!

    That will be a cute hat!!

  4. I'm also seeing fewer butterflies (even on my neighbor's butterfly bush) , but too many Japanese beetles and cicadas (far earlier than usual!) I really, really dislike the heat and humidity we've had over the past week, and am grateful for the promise of cooler and drier weather to arrive tonight. I'm also grateful for lightning bugs to watch in the evening!

  5. I do not like the hot weather, and it seems to get worse as I get older. The heat wave is about a month early here in Texas. I haven't seen bees or very many butterflies, but we have cicadas by the hundreds. They make a loud noise when the weather gets really hot, which is now. I always like the knitting patterns you pick out, so I'm looking forward to what happens to the Dr. Who yarn. I found some cotton yarn at a thrift shop and I'm making wash cloths. The simplicity is very welcome after finishing two sweaters.

  6. I don't mind the hot weather, but we have had two nights of really scary lightning storms. Last night was really loud with constant lightning for about 30 minutes. Some of those strikes seemed awfully close.

    I noticed Giroux moved from the foot of the bed to up near my pillow. Even HE didn't like the storm. LOL

  7. I love hot weather, but I need a breeze if its really hot and humid. I dont like putting on the A/C it feels like winter then!

  8. I think the butterflies and bees have come out west. We are seeing more this year and lots of dragonflies too. Now that my garden is settled, I need to start taking flower photos too.

  9. I am not a fan of the heat. The weather is supposed to be cooler this weekend and I will be doing a happy dance! I didn’t get any flowers planted this year. I have some Shasta daisies that come back every year. Our area is not only missing bees and butterflies but the lightning bugs aren’t as many either. I do have a bird bath and it’s nice to see who visits it. We have it in our front flower bed and refer to it as kitty tv.

  10. It was a slow start for the bees and then the lambs ear and the salvia bloomed... enter the bees! Yay!

  11. We do have bees, but not so many butterflies ... I keep hoping my butterfly bush will live up to its name!

  12. As I get older I really dislike the hot weather. Then when I go into air conditioning I freeze. The Fall of the year is my favorite time of year. I can't seem to get comfortable in the heat. Plus knitting is always more fun when it is cooler. Love you blog.

  13. Love your photos of the flowers. It saddens me to think that there aren't as many bees and butterflies anymore and I agree. I rarely see them around anymore and have heard that the bees are struggling to survive now and going endangered. I think that hat will look wonderful and so colorful when it is done, it looks like such a fun pattern. I like heat but not too hot probably between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius is my perfect temperature. I hate the humidity. Hope you have fun with knitting your hat!

  14. I agree with you about the bees and butterfly's they are missing here in Florida, too. Stay cool.

  15. We have escaped the really hot weather that you've had. It's been in the eighties a couple of days which is hot for us, but right now it's just 70 and the sun is out. Yesterday clouds came up on our walk and we barely made it home before it poured; then a few minutes later it was sunny again. Quite crazy! Love all your knitting projects! Have a nice weekend.

  16. Hi Karen, it's been a while since I was here. I loved reading your current news. Hope your back is better really soon.

    We have ants everywhere, pesky little things! I have seen quite a few butterflies over the last few days and bees. It is so hot here, no rain for ages!! I am fair, so the sun doesn't suit me really, but I am coping, just!! The hope of England winning the football World Cup is keeping me going and my fan!!

    Your photos are really lovely, such pretty flowers. Take care, Jane xx

  17. Being out in too much high heat and humidity triggers a dilly of a headache. I am so thankful for air conditioning. I have spotted one or two bumblebees and a few butterflies. The flower documentation is beautiful. Interesting how looking for photographs and brought details to your attention. What a wonderful way to live in the world.


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