Knitting News

I am swirling with doubts about the above sweater.  My gauge is off (and yes I did gauge before starting).  I am just not sure about how this will fit.  I think I'll be okay but ....what if?  I just keep going as I think about this knit.  So while I was excited to knit and make progress, I'm now doubting my decision.

I'll be remeasuring again today.  Sigh.  This is why I prefer top down construction of a sweater.  Bottom up has all the knitting done by the time you get to the armholes.  (and yes, I should have thought of this sooner but you know experts do make rookie decisions it's the spice of life)

Worst case scenario --- I rip it out.  I'm not there as of yet.

My other knit which is new and not contingent upon gauge is a Christmas gift for my mother in law who has vision impairments.  This bright pink can be seen anywhere and I thought she would love it.  She does like pink but I'm not sure how bright a pink she will favor.  I'm excited about this knit!!

How about you? What are you crafting up these days?


  1. I hope all turns out well for your summer knit, Karen!

  2. That pink is lovely.

    Hope all works out with your sweater. It would be a shame to have to rip back. On the other hand, at least you can ..... not like sewing where once it's cut.........................

  3. That will be a beautiful shawl! Hot Pink!! Looks great so far. Best of luck with the sweater.

  4. Oh, those pesky gauges when so far into a knit and a gauge was done before start of knit....LIFE! I have a knit now that is looking too small for my little man-what to do? Finish it and have him wear it for a week straight or RIP? Ugh!!!!!!! Good luck with your dilemma.

  5. I do hope your sweater gauge works; it is so lovely that I hope you don't have to rip and reknit. The bright pink is beautiful, and is the start of a beautiful shawl (and no problems with fit)!

  6. I agree about top down sweaters! Hope the knitting gods look down upon you with

  7. I love the colours of both of your projects! I am not very confident making garments. I always think it's such a lot of work and then I might not like it on me/it might not fit. So far I have made a poncho which I don't wear and a cardigan that I decided I didn't like before I made it up, so four years later it is still languishing in pieces. Mostly I stick to teacosies/shawls/mitts etc.

  8. Ugh - it's one thing for things to seem wonky when you didn't swatch, but when you actually did, that's just wrong and should not be allowed to happen. I hope you don't have to rip any more than necessary.

  9. Stitching is keeping my attention... and at night when the light is not so fabulous, I am happy to be knitting on my Tegna!

  10. Sewing mostly, but wasting time more like! LOL Best wishes on the knitting! Fingers crossed.

  11. Oh I hope the sweater comes out ok in the end. It is such pretty yarn and stitch pattern - the lace trim. I have always wanted to knit Traveling Woman. I bet your mother-in-law will love it.

  12. I hope your sweater turns out well and there is no frogging in your future. That yarn is very pretty. I love the bright pink for you MIL.

  13. I never gauge anymore, because when I do I'm somehow always even further off then when I guestimate... Hope the sweater ends up ok. It looks like it has a lot of ease in the pattern to start with, so maybe that will help.
    That will be a beautiful shawl!

  14. what a happy project for your MIL ... and I hope you get back on track with the sweater!

  15. Was your gauge swatch blocked? Because I think blocked vs a sweater in progress would have different gauges. I love that heathered purple; it's very pretty. That is one, happy pink. I can't wait to see more of the shawl pattern you're using.

    1. It was not blocked and you are probably right :)

  16. Hope you can get that summer sweater to behave; it's such a pretty color. Love that cheery pink, too!


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