This and That

Ordinarily I'd start writing about the weather, but I'm tired of this weather.  We had record local flooding in near by towns, I lost my electricity for 3 hours on Monday night (thank goodness it was only 3 hours!)  and now it's raining, again after 48 hours of sunshine.  From now until mid-September, I find myself in an anti-summer state of mind. 

I started a new book, Sing Unburied Sing, and the first chapter captured my attention and I'm immersed.  The content is hard to read at times but so worth the read.  I know many of you have read this book.  I finished Pachinko, which was a fabulous multigenerational novel. I highly recommend adding the book to your reading list.  I learned a lot about Japan and Korea and realize my knowledge of world history is lacking.

I wrote a to-do list for my husband and placed it near his papers.  He's been doing the tasks and crossing them off.  I might have write more lists like that.  All of the tasks have been outside maintenance chores that have been neglected during the summer because of his work.  I'm thrilled to see a power-washed front walk amongst other things. 

I keep wanting to update you on my monthly (instead of yearly) maintenance of managing my photos.  At the beginning of each month, I back up my computer to a hard drive.  I back up all my photos on a flash drive.  I also upload photos in albums on my Flickr account.  I found a system that works for me and I remember to do this easily when the first of each month appears.

I disliked when the new year started and I was faced with a multitude of photos to organize and save in various locations from the previous year.  The more digital life I lead, the more I want these photos to be in more than one place and soften the chore by doing it monthy. 

How do you save and back up your photos?


Now that I am once again experiencing a healthy back, my knitting has been coming along swimmingly.  I am diligent at taking breaks and not overdoing it with the marathon sitting and knitting.  How sad that something I love to do can be so debilitating if done too much.  But isn't that true about anything super fun?

I've got many family members arriving today for a weekend visit.  My lists are quite long at what I need to do.  Grocery shopping and last minute cleaning. Their arrival times are staggered throughout the day.  Maybe the rain will stop so people can swim in the pool.

This summer top is seriously within two rows of the armhole directions.  (yay!)

Where ever you are I hope the sun is shining and you're having a beautiful day!


  1. Have a fantastic (and hopefully dry!!) weekend, Karen!

  2. We really need some rain rain to refresh the earth and clean the air but I know when it starts, it might not stop. I have been thinking a lot about photo saving but have no good practices. Something I would like to conquer. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Nope, no sun, just unrelenting rain and storms and pooping dogs in my house! I have my sister's two and the youngest is regressing on house training. I am going out to get dog diapers today! I can't take 10 more days of this.

    1. So far it has been a sunny day, but I expect we will get more rain before the day is done. There was some flooding over by the townhouse we were renting, but NOTHING like what I saw from further up state.

      We are lucky to be on a hill and the creek is at the bottom of the hill.

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!

  4. I'd be afraid to write a to-do list for my husband ... because I KNOW he'd write one for me, too!! YAY for that pretty pedicure and all the knitting progress. and for Friday! enjoy your weekend and all those visitors!!

  5. I dont classify my photos quite like you do. I do have a little system. I have a few folders on my desktop. One is for barn favorites. One is for FAMILY this year photos. This includes cat photos and any visits with our family and friends and relatives. Your toes look awesome.

  6. I'm going to follow your lead on the photos. I am a slacker when it comes to keeping them organized. I've read both books and I agree they are required reading. I love good books that reveal a whole other world and teach me not all lives are like mine (privileged).

  7. Today we had a steamy hot summer day. Thunderstorms in the forecast for early next week but we all know how those forecasts change on a dime. Pachinko is on my holds list at the library. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it. It is fun to read about other places and times. Have a good weekend with all your company.

  8. My only photo backup is the cloud. I buy extra space from Apple. I do upload a lot of photos to Snapfish as well, but I'm not sure that counts as backup. I find the task of organizing digital photos to be overwhelming, and I don't do a good job of it. I could use some lessons!

  9. I hope you have a great weekend! It's wonderful when things around the house get done! Husband's and their work stress can be super hard! Hope you have a great time with family and many moments of peace!

  10. You have good looking toes. I usually save photos on the laptop. I should upload them to Dropbox which me and husband use. Usually my phone photos upload to there and my iPhone is backed up whenever I connect so the cloud has my stuff.

  11. Hope you're having a great weekend with your visitors !
    I don't have that many photo's on my laptop, and I never save or backup, actually. Sometime I thought about it, but I guess I've never been much of a photo-person ( there aren't many pics of me as a kid either, it probably runs in the family ). Although I always like my photos at the time, I don't think I'll ever spend hours watching them over and over again; so I decided against backups.

  12. Power washing the paths are on our to do list, which is getting longer and longer. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with family.

  13. that list making for hubby idea. Thanks for sharing. :-) Have a lovely weekend with your family!

  14. My old paper photos are mostly loose in a massive box, kind of like photograph soup. My digital ones are the equivalent. Some are organised, most are not. Ones from my old computer (3 plus years ago) are on a hard drive, the last three years' worth are in the cloud. It's an overwhelming mess :( I enjoyed hearing about you organising yours, though! :)

  15. I was reading your line that said "wherever you are I hope the sun is shining" as I watch a major rain storm blow through with the accompanying thunder. Your summer top is beautiful. I love the color of the yarn. So glad your to-do list is getting done. Hmmmm.....Hubby still has to paint our bathroom ceilings. Maybe I will place a small list in front of him. I really can't complain as he completes all the housework when I work during the school year.

  16. I wish I had a good system for backing up digital photos! I used to be so organized with paper pictures, but writing information on the back and putting them in photo albums kind of fell apart as the kids grew up and I stared to take only digital pictures. Here's hoping you're having a good weekend with guests, and I'm sending extra good wishes for good weather. It's awful here, with lots of flooding. :-(

  17. That's too bad there has been flooding in your area. I am ready for fall weather too. It has been so hot and humid here. I agree that it is a good idea to back up your photos. I have put some photos on a backup drive so they are in two places. I would like to do that for all off them. Love your photos! Love the porch on your home. Your summer top is looking lovely. Hope you have a great weekend!

  18. I'm so glad your back is feeling better and that you're able to knit again. Your top is going to be beautiful! Thanks for the backup reminder. I'm Horrible at backing things up. Love the idea of having a once a month routine.


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