
Sure it's been another hot week, sure summer is going strong.  But for me, I'm all eyes for the seasonal changes.  September is a hopeful month.

I like my drive to the new location for my babysitting gig. They moved to a bigger house last month and I was feeling all the sadness over the changes.   I drive through corn fields and farmlands and the views are stunning.  Everywhere I look while I am there is endless hills and quiet.  I took the toddler girl for a walk and all I could hear were my feet crunching on the gravel road and cicadas in the distance.

This week has been topsy turvy with stresses ebbing and receding.  However, life is settling down again.  Before I know it, we will be going to fall festivals and pumpkin festivals and fairs.  I'm ready!

I'm anticipating:  soups, cinnamon everything, apples, cold breezes, wearing a touch of wool, hot beverages, more falling leaves, cozy evenings, sweatshirts, socks....oh I could go on.


  1. I love these moments and can almost feel your anticipation although we're growing and spring is in the air.

  2. It is clear that you love Autumn. With all the heat and humidity that we have been having, I too am looking forward to cooler temps.

  3. I'm with you! I keep thinking to myself that if I can wait just a tiny bit longer, things will be the way I actually like them to be when I am outside!

  4. Thanks for reminding me that fall and its lovely weather is on its way. I'm more than ready!

  5. Yesterday the temperature was around 95° until 5 pm. Then a front came in with strong winds and rain. As the wind blew, the first leaves of the season came fluttering down like confetti. It was beautiful. The temperature dropped 20 degrees, and now it's a wonderful 71! The sky is still storm cloud gray and birds are at the feeder. It *feels* like fall. I'm so ready for it after this year's hot, hot summer! I think I will brew a cup of spiced chai for my afternoon tea break. Enjoy your weekend, Karen.

  6. You and me both!!! I am SO looking forward to all the goodness that fall brings.

  7. I love the autumn . I love it as long as it is not rainy. I saw pumpkins for sale at the grocer today. I bought caramel apples and at one. (no nuts) I bought a 3 pack to bring to Zach. Cool nights are heavenly here in the woods. I hope to pick some wild apples and pears soon for the horses. I love the house all opened up. Hope your sadness goes away!

  8. You and me both! I am SO over summer! Yesterday, we hit 94 degrees with a 'feels like' temp of 107. In September! Besides, fall is my favorite season, even when we haven't had an insanely hot and humid summer.

  9. Autumn is my favorite season. I am looking forward to cooler days, less humidity, a new grandchild!!, fresh apples, and pumpkin muffins. Hooray!

  10. I am so glad that you are enjoying the new location for toddler girl. I'm also looking forward to autumn's arrival...well, actually, my body is telling me that the seasons have already begun to change. I've thought of you often as seasons change and wonder how it affects your RA. praying for you, friend. xx

  11. Changes are already afoot on this little Island, the temperatures have dropped and the stove has already been lit. We are enjoying the cosiness of our little cottage. Take care.

  12. I bought apples yesterday ... a little early, but oh my do they smell like fall!

  13. I too am excited for fall, my favorite season. its been here too, but soon, version, cooler weather is coming and all those great pot roasts, soups and chili will be on menus.

  14. There are hints of autumn everywhere I turn. It won't be long before we'll be in the thick of fallen leaves, festivals, and the aroma of apples and cinnamon on the air!

  15. i love the cool breezes, and rain..Hoping for rain this upcoming season..we sure need it..

  16. I am so with you, Karen! We had yet another week of heat and humidity this week and when I awoke this morning to temperatures in the 60s I practically jumped for joy! I love your pics!

  17. and down under I'm hanging out for spring and hopefully less rain! It's been a cold winter.

  18. Sounds so nice spending time with the girl you babysit and being outside noticing the changes in season. I am so excited for fall. I love the crisp air and the switch to wearing warm and cozy clothes. I love the festivals too and visiting the farm. Hope you enjoyed the weekend!

  19. It sounds so beautiful. It is hot and Hades here and so humid, what I wouldn't give for a cool day.

  20. I do hope you are enjoying the cooler weather this weekend! It's a balm for the summer weary soul... xo

  21. What are those red berry-like things? How wonderful you are to babysit the toddler as the parents must feel so good to have their baby safe with someone they trust.


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