Normal Days

Life is slowly returning to normal around here.  Well, a new normal around here.  After a flurry of high self imposed stress from worrying and my father in law passing away, I'm back to plain old normal days.  My gratitude journal is a crazy mix of thankfulness.  I'm all over the place with being grateful for good health, having electricity, the working AC and my routine in the mornings of utter silence while I sip my coffee as I plan the day.

My longer commute to work twice a week has been a delight.  I listen to a podcast while driving and the time flies by.  I am still adjusting to working 5-7 hours a day twice a week.  The first three hours are good, but as we approach the lunch time hour - EEP - the terrible two-ness rears it's ugly head.  The poor Toddler Girl is feeling all the feels.

I'm trying to be a step ahead, averting a tantrum, being savvy and sly.  I take pride that I can do this until there's a tantrum over something I am not anticipating.  Anyways, I am pretty sure her two year old molars are coming in as well, so that doesn't help me.  Ah, to be a two year old!

I appreciate the pre-lunch hours where she sweetly says 'okay, miss Karen'.

So because of the high stress in the past three weeks and the funeral trip, I fell into some lazy eating habits.  Sometimes eating junk feels like fun, but my body requires serious healthy food.  When I eat food that supports my exercising lifestyle I feel fantastic!

When I eat garbage, well, I feel like garbage.  I miss the days when I was 20 years old and could eat anything under the sun and not have consequences.  So sad I didn't appreciate those days more.

I'm enjoying not worrying about anything, I savor when I'm annoyed at something silly.

 As you can see in the photos, it's looking a bit fall-like around here.

Last week, I saw a fox while driving up the road to our house.  My husband came home shortly thereafter and said 'guess what I saw?'

I replied 'a fox!'

He said 'nope!  The BEAR'

good grief.....

My knitting had a wee set back.  After I photoed and published my new shawl that I cast on, I found out that I didn't have the correct number of stitches and had to rip out 10-12 rows.  Rookie mistake!
I'm back on track or so I think.  Tonight I will be starting the row that I was on two days ago.  Wish me luck.

I hope you are having normal days as well.  I want to bottle up mine and keep them safe for when life throws me a curve ball.


  1. I guess we ALL get curve balls now and again. Hopefully, they aren't too many and aren't too fast. Happy knitting!

  2. Curve balls that are semi-expected are fine, but those entire unexpected curve balls about do me in! You are not alone in that! And, 2 year olds having temper tantrums are all fun and games until they are happening with YOU! Then... not so much! I will include you and your little charge in my meditations!

  3. Ah, those delightful days when you don't have to worry about anything of consequence do need to savored! I complained about squirrels today, but a bear is a bigger problem! I do hope it cools down soon and your bear realizes he should be hibernating and not out looking to cause trouble in the neighborhood.

  4. I totally whiffed the start of an afghan square today while waiting for Diva's surgery, minor cyst removal. 10 rows in I decided to just forge ahead with my imperfect diamond lace, instead of leaf lace. LOL!

  5. We are also back to almost normal days here too. Soon as they are in tact again - I think I will bottle mine up too.

    Goodness a bear !! And here I thought we had all sorts of creatures in our back yard :)
    so happy you are feeling a little better again.

  6. Karen, a foc I could cope with and in fact quite enjoy, but a BEAR! My goodness...

  7. I love normal days so much...and when my gratitudes are all over the place.
    I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your father-in-law.
    And here's to the arrival of fall... xo

  8. I thank God for normal days; they are truly the best kind. It really is beginning to look like fall where you life; I loved all your pictures in this post. When I checked the weather forecast this morning I was glad to see autumn-like temps for the next ten days. Yay! I laughed out loud when I read the exchange with your husband about the fox and bear. BEAR! Have you seen it before?
    Much love to you ♥

  9. I heard a fox the other night. It had been some time since I heard them. the "barking" can be disturbing (I think they sound like hoarse dogs), but I miss it when I don't hear them. Ditto on missing hearing the owls. But, yikes! The BEAR is back????

    I like your phrase: "I savor when I am annoyed at something silly." That is just great!

  10. Rest easy with the knowledge that your bear will soon be taking his long winter's nap.... but stay vigilant because before that, he likes a big bedtime snack. Hope your knitting stays on track!

  11. ugh oh . Bear ........BE beary careful

  12. Sometimes the knitting goes astray. Most times I sigh and wonder what I was thinking and then rip it out to fix it - grateful that is the only interruption to an ordinary day. A bear - oh my. Take good care and have a good normal weekend.

  13. There's probably a joke in there somewhere...A fox and a bear walk into the woods... Glad for some normal days :-).

  14. Kudos to you on taking care of a two year old. Oh boy are they cute but hot dang, the terrible two's.


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