Tis the Season

After finishing all the gift knitting, I've been enjoying knitting for myself.  Now that imposing deadlines are vanished, I'm easing into peaceful purposeful mindful stitches.  I loved knitting for others but next year I might scale back a wee bit. 

Guess what?  I finished babysitting this week and now I have three weeks off..  This Christmas break I want to maximize my free time.  I also want to savor and remember my free time.

If you know me well, you know that I've made a list of what I'd like to focus on.  What I don't want is to arrive to January 2nd when I return to babysitting and wonder where did the time go!  I'm documenting my activities in my planner.  Somehow this feels like a staycation.

I plan on going to the gym five days a week leading up to Christmas and getting some much needed walking done on the treadmill, lots of knitting and reading and planning future knits as well.

I'm lucky that most of my shopping for extended family is done by Thanksgiving and my immediate family tends to be online shopping and that is mostly done.  I have a few things left to shop for in the local stores and have a running list of errands.  I guess I'm ready for the season.

I am thoroughly enjoying reading Washington and wonder if it's because I read Hamilton previously or because George Washington was a stand-up kind of guy.  I'm nearly half way through the biography.  I'm glad I didn't live back then, I'd be dead from all the communicative diseases that they were exposed to not to mention vitamin deficiency problems.  It's amazing that anyone lived to old age during that time.

My shawl is showing some pink which is the last color of the gradient.  I'm now at the stage where I wonder if I have enough yarn... I'm sure I'll be able to problem solve if I run out of the gradient.

I adore knitting my cowl.  An added bonus is that I can read and knit at the same time.  I give this project at least two hours of my time and I'm knitting slowly.  I am not in a rush with this project.


  1. With three weeks off , knitting for yourself (cashmere!), and planning your time so it doesn't just slip by, you must be in heaven. Enjoy it all!

  2. Enjoy your time off with all the things you will do!

  3. A 3 week stay-cation sounds so lovely. Enjoy your slow knitting and reading - it's like a luxury!!

  4. It is just gorgeous . I cant believe you can read and knit. You are some kind of amazing

  5. I love your space and how you decorate it with each season.

  6. Your home looks so cozy. Don't you just love Christmas mugs? They are one of the simple joys of the season. Both the cowl and the shawl are just lovely. That cowl pattern is great for all kinds of yarn amounts. Let us know how the yarn chicken/solution comes out. Knitting wouldn't be knitting without a game of yarn chicken now and again.

  7. How wonderful to have three weeks to just do as you please. Enjoy your knitting and all of your planning. Your decorating looks beautiful.

  8. A stay cation and having time for yourself sounds wonderful enjoy this very special time of year.

  9. Your home looks so warm and inviting ... a staycation sounds delightful!

  10. How lovely to have 3 weeks to recharge and refocus. Enjoy

  11. Hello. I am a new subscriber to your blog. It is wonderful. We are like-souls I discovered. A knitter, a lover of winter, a empty nester (although my next has been empty for some time), a reader and more. How lovely to have found you.

    1. Oh Elaine! How nice of you to say hello, so glad that you did! Welcome to my blog :)

  12. That's great you have a few weeks of no babysitting and have plans to use this time to work on things for yourself. Great you are finished knitting gifts and can focus on your own knits. Hope you enjoy your week!


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