
How was your weekend? 

I was in the 'moment' and didn't take much photos, however those moments strung together were glorious.  I've been playing Christmas music most mornings while puttering about in the kitchen and singing along.  In the car, I'm listening to a radio station that plays Christmas music.  If I'm not listening to Christmas music, I'm listening to silence.  It's one or the other for me.

Yesterday we stayed home, I got a lot done.  Tons!  I had a long list that I just kept reading, checking and doing.  I get manically happy when I'm productive.  The older I get the more I need to write things down or I forget.  I miss those days when I was reliable. 

In the afternoon we watched a Christmas movie and I knitted away during it.

Today I attended 7:30 Mass (with music).  Next Sunday the church will be decorated, I'm excited!
I did not do one bit of cooking over the weekend.  We ate leftovers or made simple meals like soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  I should be cooking but , meh, I'd rather be knitting.

I had my Christmas exchange with my friends.  Oh the presents and the wrappings and the cake!

Holly in the morning

I wrote out a few Christmas cards as well.  Tonight I might start working on the menu plan for the week as well as for when the kids are here for the holidays.  I really should do that.  However, there is knitting calling me.


  1. A wonderful weekend and you do seem to have your priorities straight!

  2. I love listening to Christmas music too. Also, I am glad to hear I am not the only one that males a list of to do's each day. Marking them off is so satisfying. Next week is gaudete Sunday.......love the rose color of the priests garments. Our church doesn't decorate until Christmas Eve Masses. We do have our outside lights up but nothing inside other than the Advent wreath.

    I am with you on cooking this weekend. Tonight will be pizza. Last night was dinner out after Mass. Back to cooking tomorrow though. More knitting/crocheting/sewing time for me.

  3. What pretty cards and a festive gift exchange! Friends are the best. I am happy you are happy and in the moment - a very good place to be.

  4. I also yield to the call of the knitting (or quilting). There's nothing wrong with that!

  5. Sometimes this is the perfect weekend...ever! And yes, the knitting is calling to me this morning as well!

  6. Once again it sounds like a lovely weekend Karen. Love that shot of Holly in the morning. I was happy to knit Saturday night after a pretty hectic day! But Sunday I buckled down and got some (a lot of) chores done.

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend! Our church does not decorate until after the 4th Sunday of Advent, last year, when Christmas was on a Monday, it was a mad rush, but this year we have one extra day. Next week is Gaudete Sunday and I look forward to the lighting of the Rose candle and the rose colored vestments. I am really trying to get things done and to slow down and enjoy each moment of the season...it sounds like you are doing just that!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I am enjoying the Christmas music as well as the silence too. Sounds like you managed to get a lot of ticks on your list. The cake looks amazing.

  9. I went to church yesterday (first time in weeks - but now Holly and I are both well) and really enjoyed all of it . We decorate before Advent begins so we have the whole month of December to enjoy it. and the Cherub Choir (preschool kids) sang. and the handbells played. and we sang verses from Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and Go Tell It on the Mountain, and In the Bleak Midwinter. I can almost believe Christmas Eve is just two weeks away! Glad to see your knitting - have a great week, Karen!

  10. Your cards are just lovely. I love all kinds of Holiday music!!!!! I so love finding creche scenes at this time of year outside. I think there is a living creche on a farm somewhere near here......but it is so cold!

  11. Sounds like you had a very peaceful weekend. I'm listening to Christmas carols as I catch up on others' blog posts.

  12. Oh sounds like a great weekend..
    We watched the new Kurt Russell Christmas movie last weekend and the boys loved it.. plus Kurt Russell as Santa Clause didn't hurt!


  13. Sounds like a great weekend to me. Much of our weekend was spent making music. It was our Worship though Music Sunday, and we rehearsed all of Saturday morning for the two Sunday services. I'm still knitting Christmas gifts but am approaching the finish line.......

  14. It always feels good to be productive; sometimes I don't mind the busyness and other times I just want to decompress and relax.


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