Meditative Stockinette Stitch

Holly bats the elephant off the table daily, she tries to bat the metal sheep but it takes more effort I had another one day work week instead of two days. Usually I treat my unexpected days off as 'fun' days and do whatever I want. This time around I treated the day as a 'work' day and did my continuing ed online. I read a bunch of research papers then took tests online to receive credit. I passed all five tests and the entire day was frittered away. I'm thrilled to report I'm done with continuing ed until August (a self imposed deadline). If you are wondering or are a new reader, I'm maintaining my speech pathology certification just in case a dire circumstance requires me to really really work. new book read I'm mulling over the next sweater to cast on. I'm getting close to a decision, but while I'm thinking about it I'm enjoying my two projects that are short term. I'm leaning towards a fingering weight cardiga...