Going Gently

this morning's sunrise!

I'm finding the older I get the less able I am to handle stress especially when I'm stress free for days on end.  The frustrating part is my perceived stress is something that I'm not in control of at all.  Recognizing my lack of control albeit later than sooner, helps me manage my reaction to stress.  The other funny aspect of stress is how personalized it is.  My stresses might not be your stresses.

I'm feeling great now, but I'm reflecting on what I could do to lessen my reactions and manage my thought processes.

Holly handles stress by hiding

I had very little time to knit or pursue my creative outlets the past two weeks and I believe my lack of creative time makes for a faster negative reaction to stress.  In other words, the more I create the better I am at managing stress.

When I'm stressed for some bizarre reason I forget to pick up my knitting and get into my zen state of mind.  I know!  How completely silly of me.  Every time I start knitting, I relax and worries fritter away.

Holly says hi
 Most of all, I try to 'be' and go gently with myself.  This is a challenge for a perfectionist.  When I give myself permission to be stressed and do whatever it takes to lessen the stress, magic happens.  I'm lucky to have a great life, overall good health and the means to create meaning to my existence.  Daily stresses are not worth dwelling on.

I've mentioned many times how I love the gym.  My absolute favorite side effect is how exercising clears the cobwebs of my brain.  Who knew?  Okay, maybe some expert scientists but for me I love feeling like a bowl of jello and exhausted.  No room for stress if your sleepy.

I'm happy to report that my stress is less (as always, nothing is permanent).  I'm feeling great and I'm ready to move forward.

How do you manage stress?

son's blanket slowly making progress
 I'm gearing up for many do nothing days ahead and if your reading between the lines you know that I'm staying home and I'll be knitting, reading and creating.

new sweater on the needles! (jaycee pattern)


  1. I have found that when I am feeling stressed a few moments of meditation truly helps break my reaction. I hope your stresses stay away - far away!

  2. I don't handle it well in the middle of it, but I am trying to learn to listen and wait before reacting. Being tired doesn't help, so I need to be better about set bed times. I am just too much of a night owl!

  3. Meditation and knitting (sometimes both at the same time!) manage stress for me. I'm glad you've got plenty of stress-free days ahead!

  4. I don’t pick up knitting when I am over stressed but I know it would help. I have started using the Calm app to meditate daily and I am learning to use my breath to center and regroup. It’s a process

  5. I like how you let yourself acknowledge your stress and own it. I get stressed out even over little things. I know it'll get better in the end. I try to work out and hydrate and I guess knit since it makes me happy.

  6. Sure there are monthly, weekly and even every day stresses but my method is to figure a plan to a resolve the issues even if it's only in my head. Even if I don't use my plan I must see a resolution. This seems to give me Peace. It lessens the worrying.

  7. The sunrise photos are lovely. Cute kitty pics too.

  8. Stress manifests in many ways to different people. Sadly, I over eat when I am stressed which is why I am overweight at the moment. These constant trips to the hospital over the last year is taking its toil but I need to get a grip and look after myself. Crafting helps a little.

  9. Thoughtful post, Karen ... my favorite way to handle stress is with a walk in the park. Fresh air and a little exercise. Jaycee is looking good!

  10. I can''t handle stress very well either and it does get worse the older I get, I really thought it would be easier after so many years of experience, but no. I usually start crying and get to feeling really desperate. My biggest stress trigger is when anything is wrong with one of my cats or my husband. When something is off with me I am always able to handle it. I usually listen to calming music on You Tube, meditating does not work when I am freaking out and when I can, I crochet, I find it calms me more than knitting, especially the rhythm of double crochet stitches.

  11. Pretty sunrise photo (we were looking at it together!!) and cute shots of Holly! Yoga and knitting help me when stressed.

  12. My knitting definitely destresses me and going too long without knitting is a huge stressor. I'll never forget the time my husband and I were having a huge fight, one of the rare times we were actually yelling, and he suddenly got up in my face & yelled, "Oh, just go knit!" And I did, and 20 minutes later we were the happy couple once again.
    Btw, what a gorgeous sunrise!

  13. Such a great question. As I age, I realize there is no sense worrying about the future. I can only handle life one day at a time. This doesn't mean I don't fail and get all stressed out with my kids mostly. But I try to pray a lot. I knit a lot. I lean on friends. And I love working at the barn. I have to focus so much on the horses that I cannot worry at the same time. ITs a gift

  14. There’s no easy answer for me because hormones seem to control how I react to things. At certain times of the month I’m very calm and feel like I can handle any stress. At other times M&M’s and obsessive worrying are the perfect stress relief. Maybe one day the roller coaster moods will be less of a factor.

  15. Your photo is definitely a solution for stress! Knitting works for me unless it's a tricky pattern. Kathy's suggestion to "live in the moment" is a good reminder for me at least. Great post, and it looks like you're working on some more beautiful projects. Enjoy a stress free weekend and a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  16. Good question. One thing that helps me with stress is to focus on one thing at a time - no matter how mundane the activity. My mind tends to race with things to do or ruminate and chew over and over on a stressor. I also have some breathing techniques - longer exhale than inhale for a couple of breathes that is calming. Knitting something simple and journaling also help.


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