Gathering Together

While with my family over the past weekend I spent some time in my sister's garden and snapped many photos.  I'm sharing just a few.  Whenever my sister hosts a holiday, I end up being the lucky one.  She is one fantastic cook and hostess.  Overall the weekend was fun being with family.

At the Easter vigil Mass I was thinking of my mom and how she would have loved seeing the kids all grown up and all of us gathering together.  Ah well, time marches on.

I had a dreaded dental appointment yesterday and sadly (so so so sadly) what initially was a chipped molar ended up being a cracked molar.  Yup, I had it extracted by my favorite dentist in the whole world right there.  I gave this dental appointment a lot of brain space of worry for many days and now that it's resolved and finished,  my brain is void of anything important except to think of what is soft to eat.

My husband was with me the entire time, God bless him.  I couldn't do the same for him with my eyes opened.  So this weekend I'm going shopping and buying us presents!  I don't know what yet but it'll be fun spending some money.

Yesterday and today I've been sitting and knitting that crazy sweater.  I finished the button bands and the neck band.  I'm now on the first sleeve and tonight I will chug along with stockinette bliss while watching Call the Midwife. 

In a few weeks my sister and brother in law will be visiting and I have to gather my ninja hosting skills.  I'm looking forward to their visit and some more sister time. 

our son

my dad and step mom and of course my sister


  1. My goodness, your son is one good-looking guy!

    So glad your dental appointment is behind you. I had the same thing happen Thanksgiving weekend 2017, and it was not at all fun.

  2. Sounds like you had a great holiday except for the subsequent dental appointment. Love the flowers.

  3. Wonderful pictures! I love tulips. I do miss seeing them this spring, but I'm tempted to try to grow them here when we have a house.
    Glad to hear the dental thing is behind you. I couldn't even read it without feeling pain and stress. Hope you feel better now. Remembering and looking forward to family gatherings are the best things in life, I think.

  4. Sorry about the cracked molar, but at least it's done, and you've got knitting and a visit from your sister to look forward to. I hope you can enjoy some poached eggs and mashed potatoes!

  5. I'm so glad your dental issue is taken care of - I can't imagine the kind of worry/anxiety that must cause. Your sister's garden looks wonderful - and I must say, your son is adorable!

  6. I've enjoyed visiting with you for a bit of a chat about your weekend. I'm glad that you were able to be at your sister's with family for the holiday. And let me just say that you have one handsome son! :) I'm sorry about your dental appointment, but now you won't have to fret about it anymore! Trust me, I've had dental appointments just like that and they are definitely something to fret over. xx

  7. I confess to having a few palpitations reading about your dental visit. I am glad it is over. Have a good weekend and have fun shopping!

  8. Glad your dental experience is over and hope you aren't in too much pain. I just went through the same thing recently and lived on apple sauce, pudding, scrambled eggs, mac & cheese & while I can't eat mashed potatoes anymore, I would have if I could have. And a tip - cottage cheese may be soft, but it's lumpy and little lumps and a gaping tooth whole don't play well together. :) Happy healing.

  9. Handome son!! I fear my tooth is on the same path as yours. Im not ready for the whole implant process again. Im ignoring the occasional sharp jabs I get while chewing on that side at least twice a week....

  10. What wonderful family photos and the outdoor photos are nice too. Sorry about that tooth. I dread dental work also. Great hubby though. What would we do without them? Enjoy your knitting.

  11. Lovely photos of your family. I enjoy living in Virginia but I wish my family lived closer to us. I hope you are feeling better. I like to have a little splurge after completing something particularly unpleasant. Hope your treat is a fun one.

  12. Beautiful flowers. Having broken a tooth and numerous dental visits over the years, I have a crown. Later it needed a root filling, after it died. It's amazing what can be done but unfortunately you don't appreciate it at the time. Enjoy the weekend, it's raining in the UK at the moment. Cx

  13. SO sorry about your tooth but so happy you had a wonderful time with your family.

  14. Handsome son there. Oh boy, sorry about the owie molar. I love my dentist but I don't like mouth surgeries. I have a consultation with the oral surgeon next week; I had moved the appointment as it was originally scheduled for Good Friday; I was like, I ain't starting my spring break with that bad news.


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