Hello Spring!

One of the aspects I love about the seasonal changes is how I'm waiting for what seems like forever and then boom I see the changes.  The grass in greener and growing.  All of my daffodils are blooming.  The birds sing early in the morning greeting each day.  The air smells fresh and earthy.  You know I adore winter but my oh my I do love early beginnings of spring. 

I'm ready to wear light jackets and feel comfortable with one layer of clothing instead of many.  I'm ready for my window views to green up.  Lately warm comfy meals are switching to salads and grilling food outside. 

If it snows I know it will melt quickly.

This week I've managed life quite well.  I balanced my errands and tasks with my work schedule.  I'm getting good and 'bundling' errands.  I try my best to make a grocery run last and I drop into any other stores that are near by to save a future trip.

The toddler is officially a preschooler!  She turned three this week, can you believe it?  She was delightful and funny yesterday.  She plays jokes on me and I love to let her believe I'm surprised.  I'm going to bottle up this fantastic day to remember when she vexes me so.  I enjoyed the reprieve!

My husband has been unwell with a nasty asthma cough.  I'm convinced he caught it on the NYC bus because there was a cougher way in the back.  Anyways, he saw our doctor (who is awesome) and came home with an arsenal of medications to treat his asthma and the crud.  He already feels a bit better today.

I have been avoiding being near him like the plague.  Kisses are on the top of my head until he's 48 hours on an antibiotic.  So far, I don't think I have what he has...

On Monday we drove to State College to have lunch our with our son.  We had a great time together and it was nice to have a quick day trip.  Because of that day trip, I missed my Monday personal training session at the gym.  I had a week off and I felt that week off. 

I've felt all sorts of aches and minor pains from my lack of gym going.  Today I was back at the gym and now I'm a puddle of worn-out-ness and it feels great.  If you don't exercise you should give it a try - it does a body good.

How is spring where you are? 


  1. ahhh.. spring ... I love seeing how it shows up for all of us. eventually! sending all the best get well wishes to your husband (and hopefully not to you!)

  2. Those Granny Smiths look great. What a solid week you had. Hope your husband gets well soon; coughs suck big time. I smiled at reading how the toddler plays jokes on you; too cute! Boy, she's going to love preschool; what a whole new world it'll be for her. Yeah, I feel it two days or more not working out; I sometimes feel guilty. I'm starting to plank again because I've found my lower back is weaker now and feel it when I get up from the chair or bending down.

  3. No Spring here yet....but I'm hopeful. Supposed to have 60s this weekend. WHEEEEEE. I see some day lilies beginning to push past the ground. I hope we do get 60s and the cats can have the porch. Still wearing winter jackets , gloves boots etc

  4. Hello Spring! We are still waiting for the Spring weather here in Toronto. I love seeing your pictures, it makes me excited to see some of the flowers and budding here. Aw that's cute the girl you babysit is getting bigger and now a preschooler. I remember when I was a nanny and celebrated the baby's milestones too. She was 13 months when I started and then 17 months, starting to talk and walk when I was done. It is so special being a part of their growth and development and seeing them change. Hope you have a good weekend!

  5. Spring is teasing us here Karen, showing its face and then cruelly turning its back. Hope your dear hubby is feeling better and you manage to avoid it. My youngest Granddaughter turned three last week and is visiting us next week, I am so excited to see both her and Bertie who is now seven, how time has flown.

  6. Spring is gradually arriving here; crocuses blossomed and gone, a few hyacinths just peeking up, daffodils showing their sweet faces, and warmth gradually returning. Today is a day of April showers, but they will eventually produce May flowers. Sending healthy thoughts to your husband, and you in hopes that you don't get his crud.

  7. Spring is slowly making an appearance here; buds on the forsythia, the first daffodils poking up out of the ground. Still mostly teardrops and crocus in bloom, but at least there are signs that the others are awakening! I play with the idea of joining a gym (the one near me is having a special) but until I convince myself that I will go regularly I hesitate to join. Currently sticking to a pilates routine in the morning and daily walks with the terrors, er...terriers : )

  8. The daffodils and crocus have been up for about a week. They red tulips are starting to bloom. I've seen apricot blossoms, but no other trees. It is just the very beginning or a month of a glorious color show. The birds chorus in accompaniment of the season. I love their enthusiastic song each morning! Best wishes to your husband for a speedy recovery and I hope you stay healthy.

  9. Spring has finally arrived here and I'm so happy!
    I hope you stay well. There are some Nasty bugs going around. Happy Spring!

  10. Today was warm and sunny. My daffodils are just beginning to bud and I potted pansies today. Soring for sure - although a bit behind yours. I love you descriptions of the toddler turned preschooler. They are such bundles of energy. I am a faithful walker - almost 3 miles a day weather permitting. Life is better when I can walk.

  11. Spring is lovely here in Georgia. I was working my Garden a bit this morning. I planted 5 of the 8 daylilies. I have to find a spot for the other 3. The two foxglove have done wonders for the look. Hoping your husband's spell leaves him soon. Lovely post as usual.

  12. It’s almost spring here but we’re still in that in between place of brownness as the snow is gone but it hasn’t started to green up yet.

  13. I love all the flowers blooming and when we walk Bru after dinner it’s not pitch black. Walking is my exercise. I need to add some weight training to my routine. I wouldn’t mind trying yoga as well. Spring is going along nicely. The cherry blossoms are a definite spring time favorite.

  14. You have been so busy! Glad your visit with your son went well and I hope your husband feels better. I have had the crud for two weeks and now Little Buddy has it, it is awful this year. wishing you a wonderful week.


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